PC 77-281?ES~Li1TI0td N0. PC77-251 l~, r~~ SOLUT I 0~7 OF THE Ai~r^•NE I'1 L I TY PLf•.!J~1 I N^ CO'1!1 I$S I(JN T!iAT P:71TIOt, FOF COtIDITI01~A1 USF PER!'ll N^. 1775 BE ~°•A'!TED WHE't~n5, [he Anaheim City Planninq Co~-~ission did receive a verified Petition for Londitional Use Pernit fron C'~LIFOR~~If~ LUT!'ERAt: DIBLE SCN^OL, 1345 5. Burl ington Avenue, Los An!~r_les, Cal iforni~ ^~~'~~, o~:ners,and IRb'I~7 !',SSQCIATES, It!C,, 3631 Atlontic Avenue, Long Fear.h, Califor~ia °2305, a~~ent, of certain real pronerty situated in the City o` Anaheim, County of Orangc, Statr_ of California, desc,ribed as: The South one-half ~f [hc `~ortheast cuarter of th~ Northcast quarter of the South~•:est nu~rter of Section 1~+, in Townshio ~~ South, Ran,e 11 tlest, in Lhe Ranchn Los Coy~tes, City of Anaheim,:+s shown ~n a nap thercof, reeordr_d in hoo!~ ~1, oi~e 7, et seq., Hise~ll~neouc Ma~s, ree~rds of said Oran~~ Couniv. kHE~;Fr~S, thc Citv P1~nninn Ca,nission did hol~1 a nuhlic hearinq aY ih~ City Hali ~n the City oF Anahein on December 1~, 1~77, ~t 1:;~ n.m „ no[iee of said publie h^_orinn having heen duly niven ;~s r~quired hy 1~~, and in accordanee with the provisions of the Ana!~cir~ !lunieipal Code, Chipte~r 13,(??, to hear and eonsider evicr.nc^ for and igainst s~id nrooosed cnnditional use and to investinate and makr_ finJin95 and rr.,con~,~endatinns in connecCion there+•~ith; and LIH[REl1~, s~id COrimI5517f7, iftcr duc insnection, invesLiaation and study nade ~y itsclf and in its behalf, an~ after due cnnsiderition of 711 evicicnr_c :nd renorts offcre:i at s~id hcarinc, docs find and deterr~ine thc f~llowinq fiets: 1. That the p mncseA use is oroaerly onc fnr ~•:hich i conditional use pcrmit is authorized I,y Anahci~~ P9un~cipal Corlc Scction 1''..'1.^~^.2.'•~ [o o-rit: [o pernit ~ priv~te r_dueational institei[ion o-~ith w~ivcrs of: (a) SFLTI01~ 1?.~~+.~4.'.,02^ - 11in1nun sidr_ yard Setbne~.. ~ j (:CL renu i r~d ~ ~ ~nd tn fer.t nronoscd) (b) SCCT10!I 1%',.?1.~~2.(~10 - Har.imum structural hcinht. 5_ t^ and ?.n e~[ perrittc~l; 13 cet existinn anr+ ~ilt ~1~. 1~~ ind ',i fret prOpased.) 2, Tlut thc nrnposed use Is hcr^by nrantc~ suhiect t~ nctitioncr's stinulations that thc dc,rmitorles aiill closc ~t tt:nn p.m. an~i [h~ OuC~100~ swimming poot hours ~iill he limiCed t~ daylight hours ~nly; and th~[ ~ modified cul-de-sae will br constructed at the terninus o` Coursnn Drive. 3. Th~t ~~ratvcr (a), ahove-mentioned, is herchy granted, in nart for the set'~e~• ,~lorg the north pro~erty linc only on thc L•asis that it abuts a flood ecn[rol rr;:;,,-;;~1 and thc ncar~st dcvclop~~hle parcr_ls arc lncat~d apnroxiria[~ly 75 feet to the ~~~rth, hut tha[ idjacent to the rxistir+~ sin9le-fa~ily dar,llinq loc3tr_d to the ns~rtb•sast, thr, petitionrr has stipuloted to revlsinn the ~~r~inn plan [o provide a minirur~ i>-foot l~ndsC~ped sethac~•. along the coRxaon portion of [h~ north property linr., s~id cn~cnon portion being inproximately 100 feet lonn; ,in~1 subir.ct to the petitionr~r'z. st~pul.~tion tl,at the design of the buildinn walls an:l roofs faeing the sinnEe-family :1wr.ilin~~ to the south and arest 4~111 hr. c~mpatiblc with said residential uses, ~n~; that there r+"s l1 bc n~ opentn~}5 i~ said ~•ial ls, rr77-28t 1~, 7hat waiver (b), a!~ove-mentioned, ic herchy qranted on the bas?s that the 13-foot hiqfi student lounr,c building :urrPntly er.ists ond has not 6een deleterious to [he adjacent residence to the south, tha' the pronosc~ 2~-foot higfi dorr~itories ~~re actually only on~-sLory af habitable floor soace; [hat the proposed 1~-faot high classrooms and lihrary orc a minimal L fect higher than permiited; and that the proposed 35-foot hioh chapel include~ a[ower structure having no habitable space above the first floor. 5. That the proposed usc, as oranted, witl not adversely affect ~he adjoining land uscs and the 9ro~•+th and developmen[ of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 6. That the size ind sh~pc of thc sitc pronoscd for ~he use, as granted, is adequatc to allo~•~ the full develo~nent o` thc proposed use in a nanner rtot detrirnental to the p~rticular area nor to the peace, h^_alth, safety, and qeneral wclfarc of thc Citizens of thc City of Anaheim. ], That the Londititi..~l Use Pernit, as oran[^d, <~nd under thc conditions im~osed, will not he detrimental to [he pe~cc, health, sa`~ty and neneral rmlfare of thc Citizens of the City of Anahcim. $, That tv~o persons indic~ted their nrescnc~ at sai:i public hearinn in opposi[i~n and that no correspondence ~~as received in npoosition to the suhjeet petiti~n. [~lVIR'lIR1~t;TAL IMPACT F11~fiING: That the Anaheim City Planni~~ Caxissior. has reviewed subject project consistino of a private educational inatitution with aiaivers of minimum siJe yard setba~G: and maximun s[ructural heiqht nn ap~roxir+atcly ~+.8 acres, havinn a froncane of anoror.imately 337 feet. cn thr ~vest sic+e of West°rn Avc:nue, having a r+aximu~~ deoth of ~apr~ximatr_ly ~1~ fee*, b~in~ loc~ted 34n feet south of the cen[crlinc of Oran9r_ Avenue; and oocs hr_rchy apornve the ~7eqative D~elarntion from thc requirement to prepare in environnental imoact reoort on the b~sis [hat there would be no sinnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impaU due to the apnroval of tnis ~~eqativr_ Declaration since the Anahei~ Gener•~I Plin designatcs the subject Prooerty for low-density residentlal land uses cormnensurate with the oroposal; that no sensitive cnvironmental impaets are involveJ in the proposal; that the Neqative Declaration SubS[~~ti~ting the foreooinq fiindings is on filc in thr_ City of Anaheim Planninn Deoartmen[. ~~OW, 1~!EREFO°,E, [?E IT R[SOI.VED that thr Anah^im Ci[y Pl.~nninn Commissio~ does hcrcLy grant, in ~~rt, subject Petition for Conditional Use Pcrmit, up~n the follovring c~n~litinns whict~ are herchy fpund ta be a necessary prerequisite to the propr,sr.;.' usc of ttw sutject propcrty in ordcr to preserve Che safety and cleneral welfare of thc Citizens of the City of M ahein: 1, Tha[ str~et lightin~ f~cilitics along West~rn Avenue shall he installed as rc~uired by th~ Director of Puhlic ~)tilitir_s, and in accordancr. wiih standard specifications on file in the ~ffice of the Director af Put~iic Utilities; and/or th~t a bond, e~rtifieatr of de~+osit, lr_ttr.r of crcdit, or caih, in a~ amount anci form satisfactnry to the City of llnahcim shall Nc posted with the City to quarantee thc instillation of the at~ove-mentioned reauirer~ents. 2, Thit the o~mer(s) of sul~ject prc» erty sh~ll p~y to [he Clty of Anaheim the sum of 6~ cents per front foot alon~ 4lestern Avenue for trc~ rlanting purposes. 3. That trash storage areas shall hr_ providr.d in accord~nce with approo'ed plans on ~ilc ~,~ith thc Officc ~,f thc Dlrector of Puhlic uorNs. -2- PC77^281 4. That `ire hvdrants shall be i~stalled and charged as required and determined to be reces5ary `- the Chief of the Fire Departnent prior to commencement of structural framing. 5. That subject property shall be served by under9round utilities. 6. That drainage of subject property shall ue disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Clty Engineer. 7, That subject prooerty shall be developed substantially in accordance w~th plans ~nd specifications on file with the City of Anahein narked ~xhibit PJos. 1 throu~h 5; provided, ho~~~ever: (a) That a modified cu-de-sac shall 6e provided at the terminus oT Courson Drive subject to the apnroval of the City Enaineer; (b) That a 15-fooi landscaped setback shall be provided along the east approximateiy 100 fee[ of the north property line separating the adjacent residence from the proposed parking lot; and (c) That there shall be opening5 in the buildinq oralls facing the singte- family residences to the sou[h and ~•iest and that said building walls 4lI~I be designed in a manner comnatible with the nearby residential uses. 8. That ~ondition tlos. 1 and 2, ahove-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to ttie commencement of the activity authorized u-~der this resolution, or prior to the time thai the building permit is issued, or within a period of one year from, da±e hereof, whichever occurs first, or such furt`~er time as the Planninc! Commission may grant, 9. That Condi:ion Nos. 3, 5, ~ and 7, ~bove-rent?oned, shall be --mplied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. 10. That tlie dormitorie~ v+il) close at 11:00 p.m, and the outdoor swimming pool hours will be limited [o daylight hours only. TNE F(~REGOIt~G RESOLUTIOh is signed and approved by me this 19th day of December, 1977. ~~~~ ~ ~~ CHP.I ~MA I, t1tiAHE I~ITY'PLA~7t91NG COMM I SS ION FTTEST: `l "~,c.c~'. .~ t~-e~c.~..~. SECRETARY, ArJAHE I M C ITY PLANt! I r~r, LONM I SS I Oi~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C01)iJTY OF ORAtJGE ) ss. CITY OF APIf~HElr1 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Corrxnission, do hereby certify that the fore~oing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on December 1~, 1Q77, a[ 1:3~ P•m., by the followirtg vote of the members thereof: -3- PC77-281 AYES: COMMISSIOIdERS: BARNES, DAVfD, NERBST; J~HNSOtJ, KING, LINtJ, TOLAP. NOES:' COM~~11 SS I OtlERS: NOI~E ABS[NT: COt1MIS510rlERS: tJONE 1977. itl l•IITNESS WHERFGF, I have hereun[o set my hand this 19th day of December, `~~ .L. l~. SECRETARY, APJANEIM CITY PLAtl~11PlC, COMMISSION -tt- PC77-281