PC 77-287p~SGL;:T10N 11''!. ?C]]-?.~7 A P,~SOIUT ION OF TH~ A!IAt!"c I'! C 17Y PLA`!'1111~ C~~~~~nFS!:,p,''f T n T!1AT P[TITIO'J F~" LOtl~1T1~'7P.L USf. PE""IT }d~, 1%"~ l:t F WF!E:EAS, Lhe Anaheim City Planninn Co~v^ission did receive a ~er~ifie~i Peti[ion `or Conditional Use Fermit from RO°E°T J. A'Ir LOp.ETTA H.V ~'ilnFcBF~'PY1 6t33 E Canino Manzano, Anaheim, CaSanCanAna n?Californea, ,a~~~t5, ~` Iccrtiainr re~l Ili~.LSf~, 220; 5. Center Street, ~~~ o~ An~hein, Countv of Ora~nc, Sta[e of California, property situa[ed in t.~e City descr i hc:! as: Lot °, Block 3 of the Olive Stre~t 7r~ct, in the Lity ~` Fn,hein, as per ~ah recorded in Book S, Paqe 3, `tisc~llaneous "ian~, in the ofPice af the County Recorder of said county. WHEZ[!15, the CitY P1•inning Co^missicn d~~ hO~`~~~ R{~~'~~n ticr,of saidh?ublic Hall in the City of Anaheim on Decembcr 1°, 1~77, at 1:3 ?•"'•+ he~riny havin9 h^_en duly yivr_n as renuired hy 1^+~r '3n~1 in accer!iance with ttie provisinns o` the llnahei~ Munlcipal Coc1e, Ch,~pter i.~ , tn hear and consider svidence f~r and a~ainst s~id nro~os"`i condi[i~n.-.l us~ anl to investiqate and ma~e f i nd i n~7s and reeommendat i ors i n conr.ect i o~ t~~ere~•; i t~; ~~~~ Wt~EqEnS, S~id Co«~r:~ission, aft~r due insoection, im~esLiaation an~1 s.[udy made by itsclf ~nd in its F,ehalf, and aftcr ~iuc consider~tion of all evi~~enr.e ~nd reperts qfferec'. a~ said hearin~, docs find and deterninc C'~e `ollovrina racts: 1, That the nro~oseri use is ~rnnerly one for `•'n~n~t~'n~~to't~~oia1 u~~ permi[ is ~uthorized hy Anahein t~unicipal Cole Sectin~ ~'•'~• ~ perr• i t an autn i~ody and p~ i nt ,ho^ ~•~i th a o:a iver of : SFCT10': 1~~.~ 1.~~3.~1Z - Mini~.iun s:ructural sethact~. ,Z; ~~rt required; 1~^-ct er.istin!1) 2, 7hai the aforeTentioned rraiver is here~y nr~nied on the M si5 [hat the strueture is er,i,tinn r~~:cl has nnt advnrsely ir~nar.ted thr Sufroun~in~ uscs. j, Th~t thc oro~ose<! use is '~erchy grantnd suEiiect te petitioner's stipulation th~[ all ~arF:inn for er~n1^Yees ~^~ r~~t~`~"~Sr`.1londay throughcFriday;sand th~~t the hours of oorration wi11 he S:OfI a.m. to that all ~~vrl ~~+ill be donc ~nsi:fe the buildinn. 4. That the proposc:i usc ~•+i11 no[ advcrsely a`fect thr ad,{oining land uses and thC (if04/[Il ind cevelopnrnt of L`~e area in ~Jhich i*. is propnse:l to b' located. 5, That the size and sha~e nf the site oron~sed for the usr. is ~dequate to allc~a: [hc- full developmr.nt ~f [hr pronosed ufe in ,~{,3~eneral~wel`~rcio~ntF.c ir^izens partic~.~lar ir^-a nor to the peacc, ~ealth, sa~ecy, of the G i ty o~ Anahe i; ~. (, Th~t tne ~rar.tin(I of the Conditicnal Use Pernit under the conditi~ns i^~pused, if any, rrill not be d~tri-~entai to the neacr_, healt'~, safeCy and 9eneral rrelfare of th^ Citi.ens of the Lity of An~hnim. j, Thoi ~nr. person indica[ed [Fr_ir nres~nce :~t s~id oubllc hcaring in opposition; an~J t!~~t no correspondence ti-as received in o^p~sitior, to the subjeet prtition• PC77-?a7 E!!VIROti^tEtlTl,L IhIPACT FlNDitiG: 7hc Director of the °lannina ~epartnent has ~~e't~r~ined Chat the proposed act.+vity falis o-~it'iin the definition of 52ction 3.~1, Class i, of thr_ City of Anahein Guidelines to thc °equirements for an Environmr_ntal inpact Repert and is, therefore, categorically exenr't fra~+ the reouirement to file an 'E1?. NOW, TF'EREf'OP,E, BE IT R~SOI.\'ED that the. An.ahein City Plannin~ Cor.xnission do^_s nerehy grant subject Pe[itinr for Conditicnal Use Permit, uDOn thc follo~~ing conditions which are hereF.y found to be ~ n~cessary ~rerequisite to the pro~osed use of Lhe subject property in order to nrr.scrve c~~e s~fcev and grner~l ~•~clfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anahcim: l. Th~t a nerr..it f~r t!~e spray paint fa~th sh~ll hc ohtaine~i frorn the City ~f Anahcim Firr. Dep~rtnent. 2. Tha; tras'i storane area5 sh~ll he nrrn~irlr.d in accor<,ance ~~+ith oporoved plans on file ti•~ith [he Off?ee of thp Direetnr of Puhlic ~~'orl~s, 3. Th~at suhjrct prnpe.rty sh.~ll be develop~e<! substantialiv in accorc3an~e wiCh plins ar.d s~eeific~Cionr on file ~:ith t!~e ~:ity nf .4rtnhei^ ~ar~.ed [xhihit '!o, }, Tf'F F(.1~~^P !!t^, RE5:1LilT 10', i s s i gnrJ and a~prnvrJ hy ne th i s 1 ~th :iay of ~ecembrr, l~77. v' ~~ CH~'"~P!!, A.'!,^'{F. I'1 C I7~PL~!;'! I'~~ CC~"'f ISS I~N A7TEST: ~ ~ y~~ ~ECRETARY, ~i~7AHE I;d C ITY PLl1tR11 •';r C!'y11551~~~ S7~,TE OF Cl1L I F~RP~ I h ) COUI7TY OF' OR/+,t: ;f_ ) ss. C I?Y i~F AI!!!HE I`" } I, Edith L. Harris, Secrr.tary of the Anihein City Pl~nnino 'Ccxanission, do hcreby ccrtify that tF~e forenoin~ res~lu[ion ~•ras passed and ado~,:ted at a mcetina of the An~hcln City Plannin~ Conmisslon ticld on D~ecenher 1~, l~'77, at ~e3e p.m., by the followinq vote vf the membcrs rherebf: AYES: CO'1'115510NE"S: BAR?!ES~ b.4~11?)~ HF.RE'ST, J~fiNS~~`I, KIN~, LII!!J, TCL~1R r~nes: CO'1~115510'!F.?S: tIOHE ABSEI~T: C'?•1'1155~OtlE~S: !lONE 1977. I~J WITtlE55 ~dHEREOF, 1 hzvc hereun[o set my hand this l~th day of ~ecemhPr, ~~~ ~ ~~ SECRFTAR ~ AH~'iE1~1 CIT~PLA~ltlltl~ CO~IMISSIUPi -2- PC77-287