PC 77-31RESOLUTION N0. PC7i-31 ~ RESOW 710N OF 7HE ANANEiM CITY P~ANNI!~G COMHISSIOtI THAT PETITION FOR vARIA~LE N0. 2902 BE G0.ANTEp, WHEREAS, the Anahclm Ci,y Wlan~i~q Comnlssfor dld receive r, verificd Petition for Varlance from DI GIORGIO COkPORATiON, G05 E. Lcx~~~rclai St~eec, Anahelm, Call`urnla 9?d01 (Owner); RHODAV SIGN COMPANY, 3113 5. Nalladay, Santa Ana, Cafifornia 92706 (Agent) of ccrtaln real propcrty Situa.cd ln the City ef Anahcin, County of Orange, State of Call~ornla Jescrlbed as: TNAT PORTION OF THE NO?7H'wEST QU~~TEn ~~F 'riF SOUTN~.:~7 ~~UAZTER OF ~~CT!~'?'t j TONNSH IP k SfSUTN, RANGE 1't t,':ST, i N T4~ KANCh~i ;AN .,,,'A~ C:~ON DF S~~N7;, PNA, t f TY OF ANAHEi~1~ COUHTY OF Od.i-,NG:, STA7E. 0% L'ALIFORt;iA~ AS Pt't ",i.P R~C^RDFD I!1 i;00h'. jl PAGE 10 OF MiSCELIANEDUS MAPS, IN THE OF~ICE QF ~Hc COU4TY RrCi~RDER 0~ 5%+ID f,OUHTY, DESCRIBED AS FQLLOb;S: BE'~ ~ I,N I NG AT A Pp; ~T C!: THE NOP,TH L I!IE Or TN~ SOU'. N? ~~i, i? FEE7 OF THE '+ORTti hu1LF OF SAID NORTHWEST ~UARTcR, UES7 '~ir,,~;} FEE? FROM iNE ~~STERLY LINE oF TNE 7n.o~ F00T WIDE STRiP OF ;,AND C~i~~VcYE~ TC 71!E LGS ANGEL:S ~ND SALT La~E RAILROAD COMPi,N1' BY DEED RECORDED DECEHBER 2?, 19i7, I!: BOOY. 3i7 F~„E 21~ OF DEEDS; ~kEN~~ SOUTH Zqq,e9 FEET 'f0 : LI'dE PARALLEI 1~'17H Ht~~ ';OR7HERLY ;. ~Q FEET FR.OM, 'NE CENTEP L I NE OF THE EX I ST i t~G TR~.GKS OF THE ATCii I 50"1, i OKFEMA nND SA4T;, f E R;, I 1.~.'AY SPUR; THENCE EA57ERLY .a~yD SvUTHEASTERLY AI.ONG SAID PA~i:~~LEL LI~iE AN~ CURUES C04CENTRIC uITH APID NORTHEASTEP.LY ~.50 FEF7, HEASU!'.f.D RFDIALLY, FRO", T!iE CENTEF ~INE OF SAID Sf'Uk, TNE FOLLOWING COURSES: SOUTH 89`' »' 12^ EA~T ti.5~ =EET TO TNE BEGINNIHS OF A TAI~GE~Ji CU?VE CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HMVIN, :+ ~iADIUS QF 108j.92 FEET; TNENCE EASTERLY 63.93 ~EET ALONG SAIG CUR~°E THP,OU~H A CEN7z~L l,NGLE OF 4° 42' ~3" TO THE BEG I Nf~ I NG OF A TANGENI' CUR'JE LONCAVE SOUTHIIESTERL`' HAV I NG A RAD I IIS OF 521 . 1 Q FEET; THENCE SOUT4EASTERLY 4j.95 FEET ALOMG SAID 'CUAVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4~ ~9~ 58" TO THE BEGINNING OP i+ TANf,ENT CURVr CONLAVE SOUTNkESTER~Y HAVING A RADIUS OF 443.69 fEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 93.z5 fEET aLONG SAID LURVE THROUr,H A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 12~ 05' 34" TO THE BEGINNING OF A iAt~GENT CUR`~~ LONCAI~E SOUTHWESTERLY NAVING A fiAQIUS OF 58l.3z F~ET, ANU THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY 120.0~3 FEE7 NLONG SAID CURVE THROUGH ~1 CENTRAL ANGL~ OF il~ 50' OA"; TH~HCE SOUTN iF.ih FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF COMM£P,CIAL STP,EET, b0.00 FEE7 w'IDE, AS INDICkTFD ON THE HAP FILED IN BOOK 14 PAGE 46 OF RECOaD Of SUR4EY5, IN TNE OFFICE 0~ S~ID COUNTY 4~CORDER; THENCE EAST 75.~0 fEET ALOt~G SAID 120RTH LINE TO SAID l1ESTERLY LINE OF 7HE 70.00 F00T WIDE ST~IP, SAID WESTERLY LINE BEING A CUtiVE COr~CAV: EASTERLY Ar~D NAVING A RADIUS OF 5154.65 FEET, A RkUTAL LINE TO SAI6 CURVE /~7 SA10 P~INT E3EAR5 SOUTH 86° 26' 18" NEST; TFiENCE NORTHERLY 34:.42 FEET AL04G SAID NFSTi;RLY LINE THROUGiti A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 3° 24' 12" TO A TANC,ENT L'IN; THEREON; TNENLE NOkTii 0~ 09' 30" WEST 66.29 FEET TC THE N9RTHEAST CORNE0. OF TNE LAND DESCRI6EG IN T4E DEE9 TJ DI GIORGIO CORPORATION RECORDED JULY fi, 1966 iN COOK 7984 PAGE 875 OF OFFILIAI RECORDS; THENCE 1JESTERLY ALONG THE NORTNERLY LINE QF SAID DESCRIBED LINE TO THE EASTERLY TERM~NUS 0~ THE COUP.SE DESCRIBFD IN SAIU DEED !15 "SOUTH 87~ 22' 34" EAST, y3.53 FEET", THENCE ~~ORTH 87° 22' 3~+" WEST 53.53 '~FE7 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID DESLRIBED LAND; THENLE 50UTN 0~ 23' Q)" WEST 32.67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. IJHEREAS, the CiCy Planning Corxnissien oid holJ a p~ublic hearln9 a[ ;hc City Hall ln [he City of Anahelm on January 31, 1977, at 1:30 p.;n., notice of sald publ(c hearing havfng ~een duly g(ven as requlred by IaN t~nd in 3cc~rdance w(th th~ provlslons ef thc Anahelm Nunfctpal Code, Chapter 18.~?3, to heer and conslder RESOLUTION N0. FC77-31 evldence for and against sald proposed variance and to Investigate anu make findinys and reco~miendatlons In connection thercNith; and 11NEREAS, sald Commt~.!on, aftar duc Inspectlon, tnvestlgation and study made by Itself and In Its brhalf, and after due consiAeraticn of all evi:fencc And reports offered a[ said heariny, does finA and determine the follcnring facts: 1. That the pe[i[loncr proposes th~ followinq waivcrs `rer rne A.nan~im MunlClpal Lodc, to construcc ;, frec-standln, sign in thc ti!. (I~lD!IS1~:IAL, !_I!11fED) ZONE: a. SECT19N5 18.0,.`?QB and 13.Q~.Doj.~'22 -'laxlr~wn Sin~ area, ~ (157 ar. t. permltted; (51, S~ propc~scd) b. SECTIONS 18.G5.09P end 18.05.~73.`~3 - Permftted.~,~.I~rn l~ocatlnn. T120 ~t ~rt nn~ abut~n~; pareeT =tqulrcd; ~ fret ;;'oposed ) - c. SECTIONS 1E~.05.098 and 1~.07.0?3.'?241- Haxlm~m 51,;n he.i~h~,. Si ee~rmitted; 60~cet~-t~roy~osed) 2. 7hat ua1~.Ers 1-a and 1-b, above-mentloned, are h~reby grante~l on the basis that the petltlo~er proposes ta rep:ace the rxlSiln~ sign at Its present locatlon and with tne same sign arca, due to [tie l~ci~ of signir.g vlsibillty. 3. That Walver 1-c, above-men[loned, is herr.by granted on thc basis thac the petltloner demons!ratcd that a hardshlp Nould be cre~ted if sald ~+alver was not grnnt.ed because of the lack of visibility oP the ~ite because of [he adJacent above- grade freeway and tree grow[h alon~ thc 'r~cway. 4. That there are exceptlonai ~,r cxtraordlnary clrcun,sta~ces or conditlons appllcable [o thc property involved or tu the In[ended use of t'ic prnperty that do not apply ger+erally to the property or class of asr. in the same vlclnf[y and zone. j. That the req~ssted varlance Is necessary fc~r the preservatlon and enjoyment r~f a subs[An[lal pro;~erty right possessed hy ether property tn [h~ same viclnlty and zone, ac; denicd to thc property in questlon. 6. That 'he rer,liested var{artce wlll not be matcrlally dc[rimcn[al to the public welfa~e or InJurious to the property or ln~provements in such vlcfnfty and zonc in whlch thc p~.psr2y Is lACeted. 7. That no one Indicuted [helr presence at s~ild public lieoring in opp~sltton; ana that no correspondence +a~s recelved in oppositicn to thr. subJect petltlon. ENV?RONMiNTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That thc Dlrector of the Planning Depertment~a~ etarm na t nt the propo~ed actlvlty fells wi[hin the definftion of Sectlon 3.01, C1ASS 11, of tho Clty oP /lnahelm Gufdelines [a the ftequlraments for an Environmen[al Impact R~port end Is, [herefore, categoricelly exempt from the requlremant to flle en EIR. NOIJ, THERLFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha[ [he Anahelm City Pla~ning Lommisslon does hcr~by grant subJect Petltlon for Verlancc, upon [he following condltions which are hereby found to be a necossary prerequlsiie to the propesed use of the subJect -2- RESOLUTION N0. PL77-J1 property in order to preserve the safety and general wel'~are of che Citlzens of the C i ty of Ar.ahe im: 1. That appropriate Hater assessment fces as determined hy the Director of Publlc Utilitles shall be nald to the City of Ana2~eim prlor to thc issuance of a building permit. 2, That suhject proparty shall be devetoped substantlall~r In accordance with plans and specificatlons on fiie aith the City of Anahelm aarked "cxhibit No. 1, prior [o flnal bulld(ng and zoning Ins;.ections. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOt~ is signed and approv uy me thls 31s; day of January, 1977. S ~ ,~ ~ CHAIR AN ANA!iE//jj~( CITY PLANNING COHMiS510N Y ATTEST: . D ~d. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM~iIS510N STATE OF CALIfORNfA ) COUNTY OF ORAMGE )ss. LITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patrlcia B. Scanlan, Secretiry of thc Anaheim Cl;y Pl~nning Cormilssion, do hereby certlfy Cha: the foregoing resolutlon was 9assed and adopted at a mecting of the Anahcim City Planning Canmission, hcld on Jan~ary 31, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the foiloMring vote of 2he membcrs thercof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVlO, HERBST, Y.ING, MOaLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON NOES: COHMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ti977. IN uiTNE55 NHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 31st day of January ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ CR F1 , N H H ( MMIS N -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-31