PC 77-39RESOLUTIOt{ y0. PC%7-3' A RESOlUTION OF THE ANA}1EIH CfTY PLANNiN•'• COr!%',~55l~ti THAT PET 171 O~J FOR VAP. I ANCE N0. 2905 B~~ t~Et~ i E C WHEREAS, thc Anahcim City Plan~ine Co^r,ission did rec~:+ve 3 vcri`ied Petiiion for Variance from CAL'.'I'! AND WILHC~Mf1iA ~1cEK1iGF, ;%jl Souch Walkcr, Cypress, Californla 9~63~ t~'ners) and d~LL ~:il~LPS, 1Q;5 tlorth Hain Street, Suite S. Urange, California 926h7 (Ag~nt) of certain rcal ;,rcpcr*.y ~i.ua*^a ln the LitY OY An~ne~n~, County of Orange, StatP of Catiferria, d~scrit~ed as foilc,,s: THE SOUTH 421,00 FEET OF TII~ EASi HkLF GF Ti1E SOL~Ti{EAST QUAR~~°. OF THG ~OUTFi~JE57 QUARiFR QF SECTION 14, TO'.~It:°,".!p 4 SOU7H, RAFiGe. ?1 tiI~ST, !N TNE CITY Or ANAHEIM, COUN?~ 0~ OFlAHGE, STATE GF CALIFOP.NIA. cXCEPT 7HF NEST 25!a fcET OF 7NE SOUTH 300 FE~T. AL50 FXCE?T THAT PORTIOM OF 7NE 50UTH 325.b7 rEET LYING ~AS7EFLY UF iViE ~1'~ST .^.6~ F[ET. WHEREAS, the City Planning CcRr~lssEon aid 'nold a puolic 7earing at tnc City liall in the City of Anaheim on February 14, 1977, at 1:3Q F•m•, notice of said public hearing having been duly giver as required by law and in accordance wich tne provlslons of Chc Anahefm Municlnal Godc, Chactcr lII.o3, to hcar and considcr evidence for and againse said proposed variance and to investigate and make findinos anA recommendatlons in connection therewith; and uHEREAS, ssld Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study mGde by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followinc± fact~: 1. That ihe petitioner proposes the fol~owing waivers from the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, to construct a 29-unit apartmen[ complex: (a} SELTIOt{ 1$,3~~.062.012 - Haxir~un buildin height. (~1 st,~orY pernitted w thin 150 ~e[ of R5-A-43,000 Zone; 2stortes proposed) (b) SECTION 18.;4.OG2.032 - Min(mum rloor arca. (7Q0 square fee[ requ re ; _ square ~ proposed) 2, That thc above-mentioned waivers are hereby denied on the basis that the Planning Lommission is recommending disapproval of the requested zoning which would permit the pro{:~sed dcvelopment; and, fur[hermore, surrounc:ing land uses to the north and west are slnyle-family residzntial and approvat of Walver 1-a, above- mentionad, would set an undeslreble precedent for futurc dcvelopment proposals in ~., eren. 1, That tlio racommnnd~tlon of [ha planninq Comml~~ion for denlal of tha EIR Neflativo Udclar~tlon 1s noc to bc conelciarad tho baols for tha denlol of thl~ vmrlanca appllc~tlon. RESOLUTtON N0. PC77-39 ~+. That there are no exceptional or er.traordinary circu~~ster,cr.s or eorrditions appiita6le Lo the property involved or Co [he intenced usc o,` .hc aro,~erty that do not ap~l~r generally to tt~e property or cioss ot use in t;~ sa~e vlcir'~•f and zone, 5, Thnt tFc reruested variance is not necessary `or Lhe :ras:r~;~:i~n ~nc enJoynent r.f v substantial property rlght POSSCSS~J ~y other property in *_`e same vlcinity and xone, anu denied to the propcrty in ques[ion, 6. That ihe requestc~ vartancc kiil be materially detrimen;al tc the public welfare or inJurious to the property or Improvements in such vicinity ar~d zc~e ln whlch the property is located. 7, That two (2) persons appearc~, r~:presr_ntin~ ~pproximat^_lf clevcn ~11j persons presen[ at said public hearing in opposi:ion; and that threc i3' r,erlegrams, four (4} letters, and a peiition signed by ~ppror.imately thirty-sis, 1~6~ area resid: •s and propert/ orrners, ali in opposition *_o [he subJec: procos~+i, were received. Gt1VIRONHENTl;L IHPACT REPORT FINDII~G: That the P,nahcim City ~1a~ninq Commisslon does herehy recommend to che Cl:y Council of the City of Anahein tnat :nc request for a Negative Declaratlon be den(ed for the ~ubjecc proposal, on ihe basis that [he proposal potcntialiy has a defini[e and significart individua~ and eumulative adverse environnr_ntal impact on the subieci property and surroundirg area, most speciffcally wiCh respect to troffic and the intrusion of an extremely dense proJect adJacent to single-family residential zones end land uses. NOU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESt~LVED [t,a; thc Anaheim Lfty Plann(ng Comnission does here`,y de~y sub~ect Petltlon for Variance on [he basis of the aforea~ention~:d flndin_ys. TfiE FOREGOING RESOLU710N February, 1977. ATTES7: ~ ' , R, M NIN M IQN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Of ORANGE )ss, CITY OF A~IAHEIH ) is signcd And approved y me this l~+th day of ~~~3~ CHAIRMI:N,AilAHE1M ITY LANNING COMMISSIUN -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-39 1, Patricia B, Scanlan, Secretary of thc Anaheim C(ty Plannlnn Comnission, do hercby certffy that [he foregoing resolution was passed and adopted a: a me~ting of the Anaheim Lity Planning Commission held on February 14~ 1Q77, a; 1;;0 p,m., b~. the following vote of the members thercof: AYES: COMMI55lONERS: 4AWlE5, DAV(D, HER95T, KING, MORL[Y, TCLAR, JON'~SON NOES: COMMISStONERS: NO!:E ABSEt~T: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN NIT'~ESS WyEREOF, I have hereu+ito set rry hanti [his 14th day of i'r:bru~ry~ 1977. / ~c.-~~-~r.J.~• ~ , Sior~ -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-39