PC 77-46RESOLUTION t~U PC77-46 A RESOLUT I ON OF THE AFlAi~E I M C i TY PLAIJN I PJG COMH I SS I Qtl ADOPTIt~G AND r~ECOMMEH~Jil1G TO TNE CITY COUNCIL OF TH[ CITY OF NtlAHEIM ADOPTI~aI~ Of GEt1ERAL PLAiJ AhS~NDMENT t10. 142. 4Jt1EREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did adopt the Anaheim Gencral Plan by Resolution Na. b9R-64~~, showing the general description and ex[ent of land uses within the City and indicating the present belief of the Council as to possible future devclopment and redevelopment of land within the L:ty; and WHERLAS, pursuant ~o requests from property owners for General Plan study and direction from the City Council and Planning Commission, the Planning Department staff prepared a General Plan Amendment for the areas of Savan~a Strcet (NREA 1), Lincoln Avenue and Sunkist Stree[ (AREA 11), and [he Canyon Area (AP.EA 111); and 41HEREAS, the study areas for consi~!eration in the Gencral Plan Amendment are described as follows: AREA 1 Subject vicini[y is an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 29.4 acres bounded by the Larbon Creek Cfiannel [o tlie north and west, Pacific Eleciric Railway to the south and west, and Y,nott Street to the east. AREA 11 5ubject vicinity is an irreg~?arly-shaped parcel consisting of approxima[ely 6 acres located wes[ of Sunkist Street to dcp[hs of approximately 100 fe~[ north and 350 feet south of Lincoln Ave. AREA 111 Subject vicinity (also referred [o as Planning Area 0) consists of approximately 14,44o acres generally bounded by the Newport Freeway/Richfield Road to the west~ Orangethorpe Avenue/Esperanza Road, centerline of [he 'Santa Ana River to the nor[h, Orange-Riverside County line to the east, and the ridgeline to the south. (Ilote: the boundaries are coterminous with Anaheim's Sphere of Influence as established L~;+ LArCO). WHEREAS, the Planning Department deemed it appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmen[al ~uality Act, to prepare Environmental impact Report tlo. 195 in connection with the General Plan Amendment for the foregoing areas under consid- cration; and WtiEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at :he City I~all i~ [he Cit~ of Anaheim on February 14, 1977, at 7:00 p.m., notice of said pubiic hearing hav(ng been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anal~eim Flunicipal Code, to t~ear and consider evidence for and a9ainst said Amendmen[ to thc Analieim General Plan and to investigatc and make findings and recommenda[ions in connection therewith; and RESOLUTIOPd FIO. PC77-46 WHEREAS, said Commisslon, after due inspection, investiqatlon and study made by iCSelf and in it's behalr and after due consideration of a11 ev;dence and reports offered at said hearing, DO~S HER,~gY FIND: 1. That, in connection wi[h AREA I- Savanna Street, evidence was presented riliich substanttates ttie need for an arnendment to the Anahelm Generai Plan, and it is deemed a~propria[e that "Fr.hibit D" (a modification of ExhiSit ~) be adopted to reflect the actual land use ror tlie existin3 commercial dev~lopm~nt along Y.nott Street and for tlie tr~o (2) existinq medium density residential developments along Y.nott 5[reet, and to desianate lorf-mediu~ residential denstty for ttic remaining propertics in the study area, recognizing t!iat one nonconforming parcr_1 will be created, which parcel fron[s on Savanna Street and is developed oii[h mediun density residential land use, The swnmariza:ion of land uses reflected in Exhihit D are as follows: Land Use Uestqnation Sen~ral Cnmmercial Low-MeJium Density Residential Medium Density Residential Tr[~I Average Number of Acreaqe Dwelling Units 4.2 _ 14.d 126 10.4 2En z~,4 336 2. That, in connection wi[h AR[A il - Lincoln Avenue and Sunkist Stree[, evidence was presen[ed wliic;i substantiates [he need for an anendi~ent to the Anahcim General Plan, onJ i[ is deer,icd anpropriatc that "Exhibit A" be adopted Co reflect the actual developnen[ o` low den;it~ residential on the north side of Lincoln Avenue and of generai conmercial on the south side of Linceln ~venue, as ti~~ell as to desic~naCe general cortncrcial for the vacant land at the south~aesL corner uf Lincoln Avenue anC Sunkis[ Street. The summariza[ion of land uses rcflected in Exhibit A are as `ollows: Land Use Desi9natlon Acreage Low Density Residcntial ~,6 General Commerclal :~,y To[al (,,p 3. Tfiat, in connection ~aitli AREA III - Canyon Area, evidence was presented whlch substantiates thc need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is decmed aoproprlatc that "Exhibi[ 2-B", as modified, be adopted, said modific~[ion to reduce the amount of lo~a-medlum res~dentiai along the east side of Weir Canyon Ro~d and piace it on the arest side of said road near [he intcrsection of Weir Canyon Road and San[a Ana Canyon Road. The summariz~tion of land uses reflr_cted In Exhibit 2-B are as follows: '2" RESOLUTION N0. PC77-46 Land Use Designation A~rza9e Estate Density Residential 3,;7$ Low Density Residentlai 2,396 Hedium Density Residential r,4 Low-Medium Density Residentlal ~p5 Commercial ~o~ Commercial-Recreation ?g tndus[rlal 6i3 schools 326 Public iF.•0 Local Parks Z~~ Golf Course ~q~ Regional Park; ~~E?E ~griculture 420 Open Space 3~57q Tota l ~ 1~,l~n~ Dwelling Uni;s ?p~?pp F~~pulation 15,2°7 NOU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE() that Environmental Impact Report ~~o. 195, having been considered this datc by the P.nahein City Pianninn Conmission and evidence, both written ared oral, having ~ten presented to supplement said draft EIR No. t95, the Planniny Cocmission believ~s that sa(d draft EIR No. 1~5 does co~form to the City and State Guidcilnes and the Statc of La;(fornia Environmental Quality Act and, based upon such information, does hereby reccxnmend to the City Council that they certify sai~J EIR No. 195 is in compliance with said Cnvironmental Quali[y Act. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVEL that, pursua-.t to the foregoing findings, thc Anahcim Ci[y Planning Commissiun does hereby adopt ~~d recommend to tne City Council of the City of Anaheiro adoption of General Plan Amendment ~10. 142, as follows: 1. That "Exhfbit D" be adopted for AP,[A I- SAVAN!~l1 STREET; 2. ThaC "Exhibit A" be adopted for AREA II - LINCOLI~ AVEt~UE AND SUNY,IST STREET; and 3. That "Exhibit 2-B", as moJffied, be adopteJ for AREA III - CANYON AREA, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOt~ is signed and approved Pebruary, 1°77. ~ ATTEST: ~~~~ ~,~ SECRETARY, AI~AHEIM CITY PLANt~ItIG COMr~I5Sl0~~ me thls 1l~th dav of '3- RESOLU710t~ N0. PC77-46 STATE OF LALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. C ITY OF ANANE I11 ) I, Patr~cia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahein City Plannin_a Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolutlon was pas~,ed and adop:«~ at a meetinq of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, held on Febru;~ry 14, 197', at 1:3~ P•~•. 5Y the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: CONMISSION[RK; BARNcS, DAVIDT HER95T, KING, MORLEY, ?(:Lt~±:, JOHNSON NOES: CONMISSIONERS: NOIIE ABSE~~T: CO!1!iIS51flN[ft5: N011: ~977. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand tliis 14th day of February, ~ ' ~ .~a ,~ ~~~J '~i~u..r1 aJ ~ SECRETARY, n!1AHE Ir~ C ITY PLA!Jti I NG COMti I 5S ION _y_ RESOI.UTION N0. PC77-46