PC 77-51RESOlUTION N0. PC7%-51 A RE50LUT I Ot~ OF 7HE ANANE I M C I TY PLA~JN I Plr, CO!1H I SS I Ot~ TNAT PET1710~~ FOR VARIAtJCE N0. 291~ BE ~RANT~D, IN PART. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission "d1d poy~~~5treet,er?1~Sd Petition for ~lariance from SAVE•-N~)ST DEVELOPNEtlT, INC•~ N~ewpor: 8eacht California 92650 (Owner) and Y.E11 H111E5, 11° E. A1[on. Street. °D. Santa Ana, California 92747 ~AgenL) of certai~ real property situated in the City ~f Anaheim, Countv of Orange, State of California described as: Par'cel A in the City of Anaheim County of Orange. Statp of California, as sh~wn on a map filed in book l+4, page 15 ef parcet maps in t~ie office of che County fiecorder of ~aid County. b~HEREAS, the City Planniny CommiSSion did hold a pvhlic hearing at the City Hal? in the City of Anaheim on February 28, i°,77, at 1:3~ P•m~, no[ice o` said public hea~ring having been duly given as required by !aw and i~ atcordancc with the Chapter 13.~3, to !~r<ir and consider provisions of the Anahcim Municipal Lodc, evidencc for and against said proposed variancc and to investi~tat~ ~s~:d makc findings and recortunr_ndations in connec2lon therea+ith; and W~IEREAS, satd Lommission, after due inspection, investigatlc~n and study made offcred,atasalJnhcarinohadoesaflndfand deterr~ine thetfolla inglfactscn~~ and reports ~, That the petitioncr proposes the followinq ~•.~ivcrs from thc Aflahcim 'iun~cipnl Code. to construct a mini-warchousc: 3, SECTI01~ 13.OG,OG0.03° - Minimum numbcr of arkinq s aces. , qpen spaces requ rer ; 1. spaces proposed) b. SECTIQN 1?.6i.0~i3.~13 -~linimum landscaped~ k• c. S~CT101J 13.G1.053•011 - Minimun bu~ldin sc:back. - 50 eet required; 0 cst proposed) Z, That Waiver 1-a, above-mentioned, is hereby grantr.d ln part on the basis that :he petitioner stlpulaied [o pr~vtding a minimum of 477, of the requircd parking spaces, or 55 parking 5~aces, whichever Ys grr.ater and as based upi~n the gross floor area of the proposed bulldings; and that the Plan•nina Cc+mmissior> Ii~s previously granted .imilar walvcrs for the developmcnt pf mini-warehouse p~oJetts. 3, That Ualver 1-b, above-mertioned, was deleted by rcvised plans and is no lon9er necessary. 1~, That Walver 6-c. above-mentioned, is hereby grantcd bn Ch~ basis that Lhe proposed stru~tures within the ~0-foot minimum building s~thack, area are buffered from 8rookhvrst Street by a slope embankmen[ with(n thc public rlgh.t~cf-rray along Brookhurst Street, said embankment beng landscaped and the subiec¢ nroperty being below the grade of Brookhurst Street. 5, That the pe[itloner stipula[ed to p~oviding on-site si9ning fo prohibit left turn traffic movements out of [he property from Brookhurst Street. RESOLUTION N0. F4:77-SS b, That there are ~xcepiional or er.traordinary circumstances nr conditions applicable to th~ property involved or to the intended use, as grantr_d, o~ the property that d~ not apply generally to the property or class of usc in the same vicintty and zo,~e. 7. That th~e reyucsted varlance, as granted, Is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment o.` a subscantio~ property rig4~t possessed by other property in the same vicinicy and zone. and denied to the property in question. $. That the r,eques*_ed varlance, as granted, will not be materially detrimental to the p~~blic welfare or in~urious to the property or improvemcnts in such vicinily and zone in which the prrsperty is located. ~j, That no one indic~te~ their prese~ce at said public hearing tn opposition; and [hat n~ correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. Et~41RONNEUTAL IMPACi FItdDING: That [he Ananeim C'ty Planning Conmission has rc°!iewed thc subject project, consisYing of onc two-story and seven single~4tory min!-warehouse structures on aoproximately 4.5 acres of land loc~c°d on the e5st side of Brookhurst Street, appro:~inatcly 1,065 feet north of thc cen[erline of Crescent Avenue. and does ~~ereby reccxnmend to the Ctty Council of the City of Arahecm that a Negati~e Occlaration fr~m Chr requiremeni to prr_pare an environmental tmpatt report be approved for the subjec: proJect on the b~sis that therr_ wouid be ~o signific~n[ individual or cumula[ive aJversr enviro~mentai impact sincr_ the prope-ty is adjacent to ~ndustrial land uses and a freeway; tha[ [hcre will 'oc ~o individu.~i or eumulativc adverse impact on the environnent due [o the approval oP this tlegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan design,~tes the subject property for neneral industrial lanci uses and the Initial Stu•iy subnitted by the applicant indicates no signiFitant individual or cumulative adverse environnental impacts; and tfiat the Negative Declar:~ticn substantiating the foregoing flnd?ngs is on file i~ the Office of thr_ F~anning DeFartmc~t at Clty Hall. t~01~, TH~REFaRE, OF IT RESOL`!ED that thc P.n~hcln City Plinning Comnission docs hereby grant, in part, subject Pe2ition for Varlance, upon the following conc3itions which are hereby found to be ~ nrcessary prerequisite [o the proposed use of thc subJect pr'eaerty (n order i~ prescrve thc safety and gcnr_ral welfare o.` thc Citiaens of the ~it~ of Anaheim: 7, That appro~riatc water a~!:essrr_•nt fecs as determined by the Jirector of Pubisc Ut111tics shall bc paid to the City of Anzheim prior to the issuance of a building pcrmlt. 2 That trash storage areas sh~)1 be ~+rovided in accordance with approved ~slans on ftle wlth [he Office of the Director of P;;.Iic Works. 3. That street lighting facilittes alon9 Vallcy Street and Brookhurst StTeet shall be fnstalled as required by the Director of Public Utilities, and in accordance: with standard specificatlons on file in the Office of the Olrector of Pubi-c Uti~itEes; and/or that a bond, certificate of ,deposit, letter of credit, or cash, tn an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anahe(m shall be posted with the C~ty to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requiremznts. -2- RLSOLUTIOt: NG. ?C77-51 4, That sia~~alks shail be installe~ alony ~alley Street as requtred hy the City Engineer and in accordan,e with standard plans and specifications on fite in thc Off~cc of thc Ci[y Enginecr. 5. That the owner(s) of subject property shall submit a letter req~iesttr~c~ termination of Variance No. 252~. 6, ?hat subject properLy shall be developed substantially in accordance witti plans and specifications on file with the City of Anahtim ma.-k~~ Exhioit Nos 1 though 5; provided, h~owever, that a minimum of 47t of the re~~,ired parying spaces ' 55 parking spa v.s, whichevcr is greatcr and as based on thc gross floor area of ,. proposed building shall be provideJ, as stiputated to by the tictitioner; and that or• 3itr signing [o prohibi[ left turr vchicular movemen[ out of chp propertY from Br~o~hurst 5treet shall be provided, as stipulated to by the netitionr.r. 7, That :'ondition Nos. 3 and 5, abovc-mentioned, shall he com~li^d wi[h prior Io the corrmencement of tfie activity authorized under this r~so~ution, or prior to the ~:ime that the building pcrmit is issuc::', or wi[hin a per~od of one year frrxn date hereof, whichever occurs first, or suc~ furthcr timr as the Planning CarRnission a~~ijor ~ity Louncil may granc. 3, 7hat Condition N~s. 2, !+, and ~;, abovr-nentioned, shall be cnnplied with prior to fino) building and zonin9 inspecl:ions. THE FORE~011~5 RESOLUTIOt~ is signcd and approv y~c this 23th day of February, 1977. / r- ~ CHAIR'1AH ANAH CITY PL~1NH1'~~ CO!1~1iS51Qt1 ATTEST: ~~ ~ 1~~~~:~~ J ~ ~' ,~,,. _ l ~~ J SECRETARY, At~AHEI~I CITY PLANI~ItI~ C~M!1155101~~ STATE QF C~1L 1 FOR~: I k ) COUI~TY OF ORA~ir,E )ss. LlTY nf nNnHE1H ) I, Patricia D. Scanlan, Secretary of [he Anaheim City Planning Cormission, Jo hereby ccrtify that the fc,regoin~ resolucfon was prsseo and adopted at a meetin~ of ~hc Anahcim City Plannirn3 Corm~iss~on, hcld on february 28~ 1977, it 1:3~ p.m., by tti~ followiny votc of the mt~mbcrs thcrcof: AYES: C0~1~115510NERS: ~AVID, NERI35T, KIN~, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOIiNSQ~~ t~0E5: COt1N I SS I ONERS: I~OI7E ABSE~~T: COM11155101lEn5: BARNES IN WITI~ESS NIiEREOF, i have ncreun[o se[ my h~nd this 23Gh day of February, ~911• ~ -~~ ~J ~-'• f`r~.~~I'~.1/ SEC4FTARY, ANAHEIM CI Y PLANf~IN~ COMMiSSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-51