PC 77-54RESOLUTIO~~ N0. PC77-54 A RESOL~IT I O~i OF THE AfJAHE I!1 C I TY PLANN I t~~ C~~n~ I~5 I n~i THAT PFTITIO!J FOR CONpIT10"~AL USF PER41T !!0. 169^~ BE DE~71ED. WHEP,EAS, [he Anaheim City Planning Lommission riid receiv~ a veri'ird Petition for Conditional Use Permit fron Eowlr~ J. A'1D D~RD?HY E. TYRE~tAN, 1512 w. Center S[reet, Anaheim, California Q2902 (Owners); anri SI~NEY DA~IIDLOVE/JE4RY E!ITI~~, 5312 'larietta Avenue, farden f,rove, California ~2~.45 ~Agen[s) of certain real property situated in the CitY of Anaheim, f,ounty of nrange, St~te o` California described as: Lots 27, 2?,, 29 and 30 in Rlock 3 ~f Summerfield ~nd Oppenheimer's Suhdivislon of the Spoerl Tract, in the City of Anahein, as ner nap thereof recorded in ho~~ 1^, page 44, Hiscr_ilaneous Rec~rds of Los Angeles Ceuntv, California, WHEREAS, [he City Planning Commission diA hold a nuhlic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Fehruary 23, 1477, a[ 1:3!1 p.m., notice of said p~~~blic hearing having heen duly given as required by lar, and in acr,ordance a~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chir[er 1R,03, to he~r and consider evidence for and ~gainst said prr~~osed c~nditlan~l use and to investtga[e and mal:e findings and recommenciations in connection thr.rewi[h; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aftrr dur_ inspection, investigation and study made L~y itself and in its behalf, and after due consi~ieration oF all evidence and renorts offered at said hearing, does find and determine [he `ollowing f~cts: 1. That the proposed use i5 pro~erly one for which a condi[ional use permi[ is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Cnde Section 1R.45,~5~,~i~, to wit: ~ermit on-sale beer and riinr_ in a billiard parl~r, a~(th waivr.r of; SECTION 13.!1~.,~Gq,021. - Hlnimun nunber of nar{:ino snacrs. 33 soaces renu red; 11 s~aces proposed) 7. That thr_ above-mc~tinned ~aaivcr is herebv denied on the basis that approval of same would be detrimenta1 [o the surroundina land uses; and, since there are not sufficient parking spaces fnr the proryo59A use, the use is not appropriate at this location and is hereby dn_nied. 3. That the proposc~i iase ~•+i 11 .ldvrr5r_Iy affect [he a~lioininn lar.~f uses ~nd the groa+th anA develnpment of the area in which it is prooosed to br_ located, 4. That thc size and shape of the ,f[e nroposed f~r thr use is not adequate to allow the full develohment of the prnnosed use in a manner not detrinental to thc partic~fl,~r arca nor to thc ~eace, health, safety, and general welf~re of the Citizens ~f tne City of Anihcim, 5. That the gr3nting of [he Conditlonal Use Per~it will be detrimental to the pcace, health, safety and general welf~rc of the Cit~zens of the f,ity of Anahcim. 6. That one (1) person appeared at said pubiic hearinq in rpp~,ition; anJ that no correspondence was received in opp~sition [o the subject petition, E~JVIRON~1ErJTItiL IHPICT FIi~DIN~; That the Director of the Plannin9 Dep~rtment has determined that the proposed activity falls wlthin the definittnn of Section RESOLi1TIO~J N0. PC77-5~+ 3.~1, Class i, of the Lity of A~aheim Guidelines t~ the Renuiremen[s `or an Ervironmental Impact R~port and is, thcrefore, categorically exempt fr~n the requirement to fiie an EIP,. t70W, TNEREf~~~, 8E IT RESOLV[D thaL the Anaheim City Planninn Commission doPs hereby deny subject Pr_[ition `or Conditional Ilse Permit on the basis of the aforementioned `indings. THE fOREG0IN, RESOUITION is signed and approved v me this 28th day of February, t977. ~ CHA I R'1A~1 ANANE C 17Y PLAN'1 I'! ~ C0~1'i I 55 I ~!! AT7EST: , V /Z~tic-a./~ .~ c'tL.~--~Q~*1~ SECRETARY, A1~AHF1~1 CITY PLANt~ItJG C~~1~11SSI~t~ STATE OF CAL I F~RIJ I A ) LOUtITY oF ORA~~.r,E )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM j I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of *_he Anaheim Ctty Plonning Commission, do hereby cerCify that the foregoing resalutinn was passed and ado~ted at a meeting of the Anahefm City Planning Conmission, }ield on February 28, 1~77, at 1:3~ p.m,, hy the following vote of the members thcrcof: AYES: f,0°~~115510taF.RS: DAVIO, NER95T, Y.lN~, ~!nqLEY, JONMS~~J tlOES: COH?115510t9EP,S: TOLAR AOSENT: CQ'4MISSIONERS: CARNES ~977. IN 4~~IT~~ESS WNEREOF, I havr_ hereunt,o set my hand this :°tfi day of Febru~ry, ~~~~ ~v~~u=~-~!t/ _ _ SECP,ETARY, ANANEI~1 CITY PI.ANNI~If, COM~I1SSInrt -2- RESOlI1TI0H H0. PC77-54