PC 77-57RESOLUTION N0. PC77-S7 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHElM L~TY PLANNINC COMyIS510N THAT PE7ITION FOR CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 16yi BE uRANTED WNEREAS, the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon did retcivc a vcrlfl.d peti[ion for Condltlonal Use Permit No. t69t from PEARL J. ST. PtERRE, TRUSTEE u/w, HE~TOR J. ST. PIERRE, t616 5. Euclid St., Sp. 6, Anafieln, CA 92202 (Owncr); NALTER LF fORC[, 9304 Fleet~+ood, Cypress, CA y0630 and RANDY BOSCH/RONALD 9RIGG5, IOGQ W. La Palma Avenue, Anahelm, Caltfornla 92801 (Agents) o` certain real property situated in tho City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o! Callfornia descrlbed as: The S~u:hcrly ;40.00 fee[ of that portlon of the Sou[h half of the southeast quartcr oi the Southwest quarter of Section 11, Tokmshlp 4 South, Range 1t West, S.B.B. L H., descrlbed as follows: Beglnning at a point on the South line of sald Sectlon 11, 188 fee; East of the Sou[hwcst cor~er of said Sou;h half of the Southea5t quartcr of the Sou[hwcst quarter of sald Sec[lon 11; running [hence East aiong salA South llne, 167.42 feet; [hencc Horth parallel to ihe uest llne of said South I,aif, 520.33 fcet to a polnt in the South line of that certaln parcei of land conveyed by The flrst National d~nk of Santa Ana to Howard S. Strange end wife by deed recorded August 17, ~928~ thencc Hcst parellel [o [he North Ilne of snid South half of the Southeast querter of the Southwest quarter, 167.42 feet; thence 5outh parallel t~i the West Iine of sald South half, 520.45 feet to the polnt of oeginning. WIIEREAS, [he LiLy Planning Commisslon did schedule a publlc hearing at the Clty Mall 1~ [he Ci[y of Anahelm en February 28, 1?77, at i:3~ p.m „ notlce of satd public hearing having been duly given as requlred by laN and In accordance Nith thc provisions of the Arahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hcar a~d consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposed conCitlonal use and to investlgate and make flndings and recommendatlons ln connectlon thereNith; sald publfc hearing having been contfnued to the Planning Commisslon meet(ng of Merch 14, 1977; and NfiEREAS, sald Commisslon, eftcr due inspectlon, investlgatlon and study made by Itseif and In i[s behalf, end afier due coneideretlon of all evldence and reports offered at sa(d he~ring, does flnd end determine the foilor~ing fects: 1. Tha[ the proposad use ts properly one for which a conditfonal use permlt ls au[horized by Anehelm Munlcipal Cade Sectton 18.03.030.O1Q, to al[: construct a minl-warehouse In the LL (COMNERCIAL, LIHITED) ZONE, Nlth walver of: a. SECTION - Minimum number of arkln spaccs. 3 spaces requ red; 19 spaces proposed) b. SECTIQN - Maxlmum bulidin hel ht. 0 eet perm tte ; eet proposad) SECTION i8.44.063.040 - Minimum bulldtn ~etback. 10 eet requ ro ; 0 eet proposed) 2. Thet Halver 1-a~ ebove-mentloned, Is hereby granted on the bas(s that Planning Commisslon recognizes thet trafflc to the site es proposed to be developed will [yplcally bc Infrequent~ usually of s~ort duretlon, and would ofLen Invotve pick-ups anA deliverles trensactod ln front of the sterege units, end thercforc, RESOLUTION N0. PC77-57 detcrmines that the proposed number ef deslgnated parktng spaces is appropriate for tfe proposed use. 3. That ~alvers 1-b and 1-c, above-mentloned, are hereby granted on the basfs that a{though the adJacent property to the north and east ls zoned residentially, it Is developed Htth a school. 4. That the proposad use witl not adversely affect the adJofning land uses a~d the growth and development of the area in which it Is proposed to be located. 5. 7hat the size and shape of the sfte proposed for the use fs adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, heatth, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahelm. 6. That the grantfng of ihe Conditlonal Use Per•mit under the condltlans imposed, if any, will ~ot be deirimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Cltizens of the Llty of Anahelm. 7, Tha[ no one indlca[ed [helr presence at said publle hearing in o~position; and tha[ no correspondence was re~efved ln opposit(on to the subJect petitlon. ENVIR~NHENTAL IMPACT REPORT FiNDING: That the Anahelm City Planning Cortmission has rev ewed the subject proJect, conslsting of approxlma[ely 1.2 acres on tha nor[h slde of Ltncoln Avenue and befng located appreximately 963 feet west of the centerli~e of uestern Avenu~, and does hcreby recommend to the City Councll of the C(ty of Anahelm that a Negative Declaratlon from the requirements to prepare an envlronme~tal Impact repore be approvcd for the subJect project on the basis that there would be no slgnificant lndlvfdual or cumulative adverse environmental tmpact since surrounding land uses include an elemenYary school to the north and east (Residential/Agrfcultural), a medfcal bullding to the south across Lincoln Avenue, a medlcal building to the wes[, and the proper[y w(11 be enclosed by the prnapsed bulldings; that there will be no indlvldual or cumulative adverse impact on the environmen[ due to the approval of thls Negative Oeclaratlon since the Anahei,T General Plan deslgnates the subjec[ property for general commercial land uses corm:ensuratc with the proposal, dnd the Ini;lal Study submitted by the petitioner Indlcates no signiflcanc 2dverse envlronmental lmpact; and that the NeSative DeclaraCion substantia[Ing the foregoing findings is on file In the 0.`flca of the Planning Department at Clty Hali. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED chat the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon does hereby grant subJect Petltion for Conditlonal Use Permit, upon the foliowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisi[e to the proposed use of the subJect properey ln order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Cl~izens of the Ci[y of Anaheim: 1. 7hat this Gondltlonai Use Permit Is granted subJect to ehe completlon of Reclassification No. 76-77-37, now pending. 2. That subJect property shall be developed subsiantialty in accordance with plans and speclficatlons on flle wlth thc City of Anahelm marked Exhfbit No. t (Revislon No. 1). -~- RESOlUTION k0. PC77-57 3. Thai Condttlon No. 2, abovc-mentioned, shall bc complied wlth prior to t'(nal buliding and zoning inspectfons. THE FUREGOIIJG RESOLUTION is signed and appr ed by me this 14th day of March, 1977, CHAIRMAN ANAH M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTE57: ,N~' ~ ,~1~ SE RE AR PRO TEMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLAMNING COMHISSION STATE OF LALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Pamela H. San[ala, Secrctary Pro Tempore of [he Anaheim CI[y Pianntng Comnission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meet{ng of the Anahelm Clty Planning Comnisslon, held on March 14, 1977, at 1:30 p.m,, by the follow(ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIC~NERS: BARNFS, DAVID, HERBST, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHNSON NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE hBSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNE55 4/HEREOF, I havc hereunto set my hand this 14[h day of March~ 19~7 ~.~~~~.~ ..~,.t_,,/.~ SECRETARY i'RO EM RE ` - ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION '3- RESOLUTIQN N0. PC77-57