PC 77-58RESOLUTION N0. PC77-58 A RE50LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CC ~SSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2911 BE GRANTED, PART. W~i~REAS, the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Cemmisslon did recefve a verified Petition for VarEance from CALIFORNIA EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, ~NC., 121 W. Cypress Street, Anahefm, Californla 9z805 (Owner); BETHA4Y LHURCH, 121 W, Cypress Street, Anahelm, California 92805 (Agent) of certaln real propcrty situated (n the Clty of ,:f~ Anaheim, County of Orange, State oa Californla described as: Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 10, City of Anaheim, as shown on the map of the Lands of Anahelm, recorded ln book 4, pages 62? and 630 of Dceds, rtcords of Los Angeles County~ Caiifornia, and running thence Easterly along the Northeriy llne of sald LoC, 60 feet; thence at right angles Southerly 181 1/2 feet to the Southerly ilne of said Lot; thencc at right angles Westerly 50 feet to the SouthwesYerly corner of sald Lot; and thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said Lo[ 181 1/2 feet to [he polnt of beginning. WHEREAS, [he Clty Planning Cortmisslon dld schedute a public hearing at che City Hall in the Clty of Anahelm on Ftbruary 28, 1977, at 1:30 p.m,, notice of sald public hearing hav(ng been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance with the provislons cf the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposed varlanee and to lnvestlgate and make findings and recommenda[lons In connecClon therewi[h; sald public hearing having been continued to [he Planning Commisslon meeting of March 14, 1977; and WIiEREAS~ said Commission, afLer due Inspectlon, Investigatlon and study madc by itself and In Its Lehalf, and after ~ue consideratlon of all evidence and reports offered at said hcaring, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitlontr proposes the followln9 waivers from the Anahelm Municlpal f.ode [o construct an 11-unit, two-story apartment complex 4or the elderly: a. SECTION 18.04.043,050 - Permltted encroachments lnto requlred yards, b. SECTION 18.3~.061.010 - Minlmum bulldlna site area er dwellln untt. 12Q0 sq. t. requlred; i0 9 sq. t. proposed) c. SECTION - Minimum floor area. (~700 s ft. required; un ts w th 550 to 630 sq. -ft, proposed) d. SECTION - Mlnimum dlsta~ce between butldings. e. SECTION 18.34,066 - Mlnlmum number of arklna s aces. } spaces requ red; 10 proposed 2. That subJect verlance Is granted, In pmrt, to construct an 1i-dwelling unit plus one recreation raom apartment complex For the elderiy. 3. That '~alyer i-a, above-mentlnned, waa deleted by revl~ed plans and Is no longer nec•assary. 4. That uaivers 1-b and 1-c, above-mentioned, are hereby granted on the basis that the p~oposal ls specif~cally to provlde housing in ctose proxlmlty to the RESOLUTION N0. PC77-5a downta+n area for senior ci[izens; Lhat there is no other suitable Cfty of Anaheim residential zonc providing for the orderly devclapment of [hls speclfic Cype of housing; that surrounding parcels of a similar size in the same zone have been developed with slmilar denslttes; and that the Planning Commission has granted similar xalvers in ."..he past for [he development of senlor cltlzen housing. 5. That u~iver 1-d, above-mentioned, was deleted by revlsed plans and is no longer necessary. 6. That Walver 1-e, above-mentloned, is hernby granCed on the basis that the peCitioner stipulate~ that the resldents ~+ould be senlor cltizens (50 years of age of oidcr) who will not generate the same ratlo of automoblles per unit as typical apartment residents. 7, That thc petltloner stipulated that the proposed recrcatlon room will be retained for recreatlonal use by [he residents of the proposed apartment ccmplex, and H111 not be converced to r~sidentlal living quarters at any tfine In the future. 8. That there are exceptlonal or extraordinary ctrcumstances or conditions appllcable to the property Involved or to the in[ended use, as gran~ed, of the property that do no[ apply generally to the oropcrty or class of use in the same vlcinity and zonc. 9. That the requesCed varlance, as granted, is necessary for the preservation and enJoyment of a substantlal propcrty right possessed by other property In the same vlcinity and zone, and denied to the property ln questton. 10. That *.he requesced varlance, as granted, wlll not be maLer(ally detrimental to the publlc welfare or lnJurlous [o the propertY or improvements in such vlcinlty and zone In whlch the property is located. 11. That no one lndlcated their pr~sence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ti+as received In opposltion to the subJect pet(tlon. ENVIROMMENTAL 1MPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon has reviewed the subJect proJect, conslsting of an 11-u~(t. t~ro-story apartment development located on a 0.3 acre parcel of tand tronting o;~ Yhe south side of Adele Street, approxlmately 240 feet west of the centerlinc of Asiahelm Baulcvard, and does hereby recommend to the City Councll of the Ctty of Anaheim *.hst a Negative Declaration from the requlrtmen[ to prepare an cnvlrcnmental lmpact rcport be approved for the subJect proJect on the basls that th~:re would be no stgnificant lndivldual or cumufatlve adverse env(ro~mental impact due [o the approval of this Negative Declaration since Lhe Anahelm Generet Plan designates the subJect property for medium denslty resfdantlal land uses and the Ini;lal Study submltted by the applicant i~dicates no signlflcant fndlvfdual or cumulntive adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaretlon substantla~ttng Che foregoing findings ts on file In the Offfce ofi the Planning Department ae ~Ity Hall. NOU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahetm City Planning Commisslo~ does hereby grant, fn part, subJcct Petitlon fo~ Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necossar~i prerequlslce to the proposed use of the subJect propcrty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Cltlzens of ehe Clty of Anahelm: -2- RESOLUTION NQ. PC77-58 1. That the owner of subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim [hc appropriate park and recrcatlon in-lleu fees as determined to bc approprlate by the City Counctl, satd fees to be pald at the tlme the buliding permit is issued. 2. That the apartment units shsll not be rented by anyone under 50 ycars ~f age, as stipulated to by the pctitioner. 3. That subiect property shall be developed substantlally in accnrdance Hith plans and specificatlons on flle with the City of Anaheim marked Reviston No. 1 of Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ts signEd and appro d by me this 14th day of March, 1977. CHAIRMAN AN E!M CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION ATTEST: .~ / 5 C E7 R PRO TEM OftE ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Pamela H. Santala, Secretary Pro 7empore of thc Anahelrn Lity Planning Cortmisslon, do hereby certlfy that the foregotng resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meetfng of the Anahelm Ctty Planning Canmission. held on March 14, 1977, at 1:30 p.m.o by the following vote of thc membcrs thareof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DARNES, DAVID~ HER6ST. KING, MOkLEY~ TOLAR~ JOHNSON NOES: LOMMISSIONERS: t~4NE ABSENT: LOMM~SSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS b~HEfiEQf, i have hereunto set my hand this 14th day ofi March, 19~7 ~/its~ J~ ~ /~r1//~ ~~ZR` ft RO EM ORE ANAHEIM CETY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLU710N N0. PC77-5a