PC 77-65RESOLUTION N0. PC77-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEfM CITY PLANNIMG COMMISSIGN 7NAT PETITION F~R VARIANCE N0, z9~5 BE DENIED. uHF_REAS, the ~nahcim Clty Planning Lommtssion dId recetve a verifted Petitic~ for Varlance from H£NRY I. AND BETTY LOU ESCHELL, 63o S. Euclid Street, Anaheim, California q2802 (ONncrs); RAY D. NICHOLS. 630 5. Eucltd Street, Anahelm, Callfornia 92802 (Agent) of certeln real property sltuated in the City of Anaheim, Couney of Orange~ State of Cat(fornia descrlbed as: Lot 1 of Tract No. 2381, In the City of Anaheln, County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in book 69 pages 15 :0 17 (nclusive of Mlscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of sald County. uHEREAS, thc Clty Plar.n(ng Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hail in the City of Anahelm on March 14, 1977, at 1:30 p.m,, notice of sald public hearing havin9 been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance wi[h [he provisians of the Anaheim Munic(pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidente for and agalnst ~ald proposed varlance and Yo investigate and make findings and recomm~nda[lons in connectlon therewith; and u11EREA5, sald Commission, af[er due inspcction, Inves[igaC(on and study made by ltself and In tts behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evldence and reports offered aY sa(d hearing, does fl~d and deternlne the following facts: 1. That the pe[ltloner proposes the folloNing walver, from the Anaheim Municipal Codc, to permit exfsting Ill~gal slgng in the CO (COMMERCIAL, OFFICE) ZONE: a. SECTION 18.05•~92 - Permlt[ed siqns. (freestandtng signs not perm(ttcd) b, SECTION 18.05.Oy2.030 - Maximum ~umber of sl ns. 1 roo s gn perm tted; 2 existing) c. SECTION - Minlmum distance between si ns. eet requ re ; 3 eet existing) d. SECTION - Permitted stgn location. (26 feet '~om abutting parcels requlred; approximately 10 feet extsting) e. SECTION - Prohibited roof si n illuminatlon. um nated s gns proh b ted w thin 300 fcet of a residentlal structure) 2. That the above-mentloned walvers are hereby denled on the basls thac [he petitloner dld not demonstrate that a hardshlp would be created ff satd waivers were not granted; and that approval of said walvers woutd set an undesirable preceden[ for future simllar requnsts In the subJec~ aree whtch !s adJacent to single-family resldentlal land uses. 3. That there are no exceptlonal or extraordlnary clrcumstances or canditions appliceble to the property Involved or to the intended use of tfie property RESOLUTION N0. PC77-65 t~at do 2at ~~~pl,y ge~.~rally .0 2hc property or class of use in the same vlcinfty and zoc.r. 4. That tii~ :~yisested varlance Is not necessary for the preservatlon and enJoyment of a SL'bY~,cih:tlal property right possessed by other property in the same viciniEy and z~oe, b~,nd ~_nied •CO the property In question. 5: T!•,,; the 'cquestcd variance vrlll be materlally detr1mental tn the puollc welf¢,re ::~ , Jurlous to the property or Improvements in such vlcinlty and zone in which thc proNrrty is located. b. That no one appeared at sald public hearing in opposltlon; and that no corres~o~~l..ire ~,as received In oppositlon to the subJect petition. EftiVlilflNk~NTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Dlrector of thc Planning Departme~it has Cater'r..,ne t at t e propose act vfty falls within the definitlon of Section 3,f)1. Class 11, of thc Clty of Anahetm Guldelines to the Requirements for an EnvlronmentaE Impact ReRort and Is, therefore, categorlcally exempt from [he requirement to file an EIR, NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOIVED that the Anahetm City Plnnning Cortmisston does hereby deny subJect Petitlon for Varlance on the basis of the aforementloned findings. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTION Is signed and epprov by me this 14th day of March, 19i7. ~ HAIRMAN N H I Y LANN N COMMI SION AYTEST: D ~a+ - FRO TEM ORE ANAHElM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN -2- RESOLUTION N9. PC77-65 S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF AKAtiE1M ) I, Pamela H. Santala, Secretary Pro Tempore of the Anahelm Clty Planning Cortmisslon, do hereby certlfy that thc foregcing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a m~eting of the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon~ held on M~rch 14, 1977, ae 1:30 p.m „ by the folla+ing vote of the membcrs thereot: AYES: LOMHISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, HERDST, KIN~~ MORLEY, TOLAR, JOHHSO~~ NOES: COHHISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNE55 w~iEkEOf~ I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of March~ 1977 ~~!,.~~~~ SECR AR ~EM ORE ANAHEIM CITY P~ANNING CONMISSION '3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-65