PC 77-69RESOLUTiOh N0. PC77°G9 A RFSOLUTiC~N GF THE ANAMEIM CITY P~ANNING CON!~11SSION RECOM11r.NDING 70 THE CITY C~•'~lNCII. OF TNE CITY OF ANANEIM 7HAT PETITfON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 76-77-22 6E APPROVED uHEREAS, Che Ar.aj~~~cm City Planning Comm'dssion di~ recelve a verified Petitlon for Reclassiflcaticn Fron~ NlNSTQN J. AND VELMA J. 6EfGER, 3t45 Locust Avenue. Long Beach, Cal'vforn~a °JB~i~ ~U~~+rvers) of certain real property sftuated in the City of Anahelm, County of Oranye, ~E;~:e oF Califnrnl~, d~scribed as: Lot 12 of Tract No. 743 as izcot"•{eci in E~• ~2. Pa9e 10 of Mlscellaneous Maps, records of U+-~n~e Lounty; am'~ WFIEREAS, :~i~ Lity Planniny ~;r;mmiysion dfd schedulA a publlc hearing a[ the CiCy Hall in the City a~ Anaheim t'n November i;, 1976, ac 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having bee~ duly yiven as required by law and ln accordance with the prov(sions of the Anaheim Munic~p~l tode, Chapter tB.o3, to hear and cor.sider evidence for and ayalnst sald prnposed reclassificatlon and to Irvestigate and ma::e findings and recormv~ndatfons In connectlon thcrewith; .,ald public hearing having been continued to the Planning Cortxnission mee[ing of March 28, 1977; and Wt1ER[AS, sald Commisslon, af[er due inspectlun, !nvestigation and study made by itself and in Its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sald hear(ng, does find and de[ermine the following facts: 1, That [he petl[toner proposes a reclassification nf .•oning on the above- descrit+ed propcrty from the RS-A-43,000 (RESICENTIAL/AGRICULTUf~AL) ZONE to ihe RM- 1206 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAHILY) ZONE. Z, That the Anahcim Genera) Pla.~ designates subject property for medium- density, residenCial la~d uses. 3. Tha[ the proposed reclassification of sub)ec[ proper[y ts necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the cortmunity. 4, That the proposed reciassification of subject property does properly relate to the zonts and thelr permltted uses locally established in close proxtmfty to subject property and [o [he zones and their permfited uses generally established throughout the commu~ity. 5, That the proposed reclassificatfon of subJect property requlres the dedication and improvement of abut[(ny streets {n accordance wl[h the Circ~la[lon Element of the General Plan, dur to the ~ntlcfpated (ncrease in [rafflc which will be generated by [he intensification of land use. G. That, altficuyh no one was presen[ at the public hearing In opposiclon, one person was prese~t cartier in thc mecting and left a llst of obJec[lons to the prooosal for consideration; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petltfor.. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-69 Ef~ViR0~7MEtJTAL IHPACT FINI)ING: That thc Anahcin City Planning Commission has reviewed t e su ect proTec[, cons ting of an lo-unit, two-story apartment compiex on approximately O.it acre on the north sidc of ~avanna Strcet aprroximately 1°0 feet west ef Knott Street, and does hereby recommcnJ to the City touncil of the City of Anaheim thaL a Negative peclaration from thc requlrernent to prepare an cnv(ro~menta) impact report be approved fer this project on the 6asis that there weuld be n~ slynlficant indiv(dual or cur~ulative ad•:~,r;~ im~ac[ on [he environment due [o the approvai of [his Negative Declarc~~i~~r. si~,~:~~ t~~e Anaheim General P!an deslgna[es subjecc property fur rnc~i~,~n d~~i,~s~ty, re~id::n~ial land uses cortmensi+r~te with the proposal, and the Initial 5tudy submitted by tl-~c petltloner indfcates no slgniFicant adverse environmental impact; an~1 [hat the Ne~tative Ueclaration substantiating the foregoln9 findings is on file in [hr Office of the Planning Departrnent at City tiall. NON, THEREFORE, BE I7 RESOL~IEU that [he Anaheir+ City Planning Commission does hereby recomnend to the City Council of the Gi[y of Anaheim that subject Petl[ion for Reclassifica[ion be approved un~1, by so doing, that 7itle 1$-Zoning of [he Anaheim Hunicipal Lode be amended to exclud~ the above-descrfbed ps~perty from the ~s-n-4j,0U0 (RCSIUE1171~.VAGf~ICULTUfIALj ZUI~L and to incorporate s~id ~escrlbed propcrty In[o the RH-1'100 (fiE~IUENTIAL, HUL~fPLE-FAMILY) ZONE upon [hc followin9 c~ndltions witich are here6y found [o be a!:ecessary prerequisi[e Co ~;:ie proposed use of subjec[ propcrty in ordcr to prescrve Lhe s~fcty and genera! tirelfare of the CI[fzens of the Clty of Anaheim: 1. That thc owncer(s) of subJect property shall deed [o the Clty of Anaheim a strip of land 32 fec[ in wi~th from che centcrline of [he street along Savanna Stree[ for street widening purposes. 2. That all enr~incering requiremtnts of [ht City of Anahelm along Savanna Street, fncluding preparation of improvement plans and installation of all improvemcnts such as w rbs anJ 9utters, sidewalks, stree[ grading and ~aving, drainage facilities ar ocher appurtenant wc~rk, shall be complled wi[h as requ(red by the City Engineer and in accordance w(th standard plans and specffications on file in the Office of the City Englneer; or that a bond, cer[ificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted Hlth the Ci[y to yuararitec the in,t~ilatlon of the above-mentloned requiremen[s. 3, Tfiat the owncr(s) of sub)ec[ property shall pay to the Cfty of Anaheim [he sum of sixty cents (bOt) pcr fron[ foat along Savanna Street for tree planting purposts. 4. That [he owncr(s) of subJect pro~,r.rty shall pay to thc City of Anahelm the sum of two dollars (~2.QQ) pcr front foot along Savanna Street for street ligliting purposes. 5. That trash storoye areas shall be provided in accordance wlth approved plans on flle with the Office of the Director of Public Works. i 6. That flrc hydran[s shall be Installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chlef of the Fire Department prlor to commencement of struc[ural framing. -2- RESOLUTION 40. PC77-69 7. That subJect property shall bc scrved py undergreund utllftles. 8, Tha[ drainage of subject property shali be disnosed of in a minnnr satisfactory xo the City Engineer, °. Tha[ [he owner(s) of subject prcperty shall pay [o the Ci;y of ilnaheim thr.e appropriate park and recrea[ion in-lieu fees, ~~ detcrmined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at thc [ime the buil~inq permit is issur_d. 10. Thac ap~ropriate water assessmenc fees, as determined by thc Direc[or of Publ(c Utilitfes, shall be pald to the City of Anahefm prior to [he issuance o` a bui)ding pernlt. 11. Prlor to [he ln,roduction of an ordinance rer.oning SubJec*_ property, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and ~~, abovc-men[foned, shall be completcd, The provisions or rights gronted by [f,is resolution shali bccorae nuil anc! volJ by ac[ion of the Ci[y Council unless sald condi[ions are corr~lied wi[h w!thin one year fr~ the date hereof, or such fur,.her tlrne as the Clty Council may gran[. 12. Tha[ Conditlon Nos. }, 7 an~ ~, above-mentiored, shall be complied wlth prior io final building anJ zoning inspec[ions. TIIE FOREGOItiG RE50LUT 10~~ i s 5 i yned and appruved by me [h i s 2tith day of Mar~h, 1977. CHA RHkN PRO EMPORE ~~r ANAIIEIM CITY PLANt~ING COMNIS510N AT7E5T: ~ ~~wy~-Cl.st~ SLCRETARY, ANAHEIM C,1'~Y PLANt~INf COMI1ISSIOt~ STl1TE OF GAIIFORNIA j COUNTY Of URAt~GE ) ss. CITY OF At~AflElh ) I, Patricia 8. Scanla~i, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci[y ('lann(ng Comm'ission, do hereby cer[ify thal• the foregoing resolutian was passed ~nd adc.pted at a meeting af [he Anahefm Llty Planning Commisslon helcl on March Z8, 1977, u[ 1:30 p,m., by the following votc of the memt,ers thereof: AY[S; LONMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVIU, HER[iST, KI~~G, MORLEY, TOLAR ~~OES: LONMISSIONERS: NOt1E Aki5Et1T; COMMISSIONERS: JOHNS01! IN WITNE55 WFiEREOF, I hiave hereunco set my hand [h(s 2$th day of March, ~977. ~~~ ~ECRLTltf~Y, ANAIIEIM CI7Y PLAN~~I~lG COMMISSION -3' RESOLUT~ON N0. PC77-6~