PC 77-70RESOLUTION N0. PC77-70 A RESOLUTION fic TtiE ANAHEIn C17Y PLANNIt~r, LOnMI5510r~ TNAT PETITI~Pi FOR VARIANCE N0. 2~G7 BE GRANTEL', IN PART WHEREAS, [ne A~~ahetm City Planniny Commission dId recelve a verified Petition for Variance from 11111STOf1 J. AtID VELMA J. GEIGER, 3i4; Locust Avenue, l.ong Be3ch, CA 90d07 (Q~~ners) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Lalifornia, descrihed as: Lot 12 af Trac[ No. J43, as recorded in Bk. 22, Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange Coun[y; and NIfEREAS, the City Planniny Comnissiun did scfiedule a public hearing at the City Mall in the City of Anaheir~ on November "d, 1377, at 1:30 p,m., n~t(ce of said pubiic hearfng having bcen duly given as required by law and in accordance with the Nr~~vision, of the Anaheim Municipal Lode, Chapter i8.n3, [o hear and consider evidenc~ for and agalnsc sa3d proposed variance and to investigate and make findl~gs and recommendations in connection therewi[h; safd publ(c hearing having been con;inued to 2he Planning Lommissfon meeting of March 28, 1977; and 4/HEREAS, sald Commission, af[er duc inspection, inves[fgatfon and study made by ttself and In its behalf, anJ after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sald hear(ng, does find and determinc the followir.~j `~cts: 1. That the peti[ioner proposcs the followin~ walvers from the Anahe(m Municipal Code~ to construc[ a 20-unit, twa-story apartmen[ complex: a. SECTiO~ 18.34.OG2.012 - Maximum hu(ld(ng height. 1 story permitted; 2 stories proposed) b. SECTI01~ 18.34,OG~.011 - Minimum distante between bullJings. 2. That Walver 1-a, above-mentloned, ls hereby ~ranted for an i(3-unit apartment cornplex on the basis that although the subJect property is located entfrely withln 150 feet of RS-A-li3,000 (Residentlal/Agricuitural) zoned property, i[ abu[s parcels zoned RM-120~ to the east an~ wea[ which had welvers of ineximum build(ng helght apprnved by the City Council, said parcels separa[(ng [he subJect property from RS-A-43,Oq0 parcels. 3• That Nafver 1-b, above-rtr_ntfoned, was deleted by revlsed plans and 1s no longer necessary. 4. That Lhere are exceptional or extraordinary cfrcumstances or condl[Ions applicabie to the property invoiveJ or to the intended use, as granted, of the proper~y that do not apply 9enerally to the property or class of use in the same vicinl[y and tone. RESOLUTION ~~0. PC77-70 5. That the requested variance, as gra~ted, is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment o` a subs[antial property right possessed by other ptoperty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to Lhe property in question. 6. That the requested variance, as granted, wili rot be ma[erially detrlmental to the publlc welfare or inji~r(o~s [o cfie property or improvements in such vlcinity anJ zone in which the property is located. 7. Tha[, althouyh no onc was presenc at the public hzaring in opposition, one person was prescnt earlicr (n the mee[ing and lcft a Ifst of objections [o the proposal for consideration; and [hat no correspondence was received in opposi[iun ~o Che subjec[ pet(tion, ENVIRONME~~TAL IMPACT FIt~~II~G: Thac thc Anaheim City Pianning Commission has reviewcd t e propose proje~t, cons sting of an lE-unit, [wo-s[ory apartment complex with a walver of [he maximum buildiny hcigh[, on approxlmateiy 0.8 acre on thc north side of Savanna Stre~t approximately 19G fcet west of Knot[ Street, and does hereby recommend to [he Lity Countil of tt~c Llty of Anaheim [ha[ a Negatfve Declara[ion from the requircmenc [o prepare a., environrnr_ntal (mpact report be approved for [his proJect on the basis th~t :here Woulel be no slynificant indivfdual or c~mulative adverse impac[ on the envirflnr,~nt due [o [he approval of this Nega[ive Declaratfon, since [he subject properiy is abutteel on the east and wes[ hy two-sCOry apartment buildinys, and the In)[ial S[udy submi[ted by the pe[itioner indicates no significant adverse environmental impac[; and that the Negative Declara[ion substaniia[ing the foregoing findings (s on filc tn tiie Officc of che Planniny Depar[menc a[ Ci[y tiall. NON, THEREFORE, DL IT RESOLVEU rhac tlic Anahcim Lity Planning Comnisslon does hereby grant, in part, subject Petl[ion for Variance, upon [he f~llowing condltlons which are hereby founJ to be a necessary prerequisite to [he proposed use of thc subject property in orJcr [o preserve thc safety and general welfare of the Litlzens of the Ci[y of Anah~irt,: i. Tha[ thls Variance is grantnd subJect to [he completion of Reclassification No. 7G-7%-22, now pending. 2. Tha: subjec[ property shall be developed subs[an[ially in accordance wlth plans and specif;catfons on file wi[h the City of Anahelm marked Revision No. 1 of Exh i b 1 c 1~os . i th rougfi y, TIiE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOt~ fs signed and approved by me this 28th day of March, 1977, , ~~v ~ CHAIR N R M 0 E ANAHtIM CITY PLANNINC COMHISSION '2' RESOLUTION N0. PC77-70 ATTE57: ~~~~~-~_~~-~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAkNING COMMISSION STATE Of CALIFOiiNlk ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) I, Patrlcia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim Lity P1annln9 Commisslon, do hcreby cer[Ify [hat [he foreyolny resolution was pessed and adopted a[ a mceting of the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commission held on M~rch 28, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thcreof: AYES: GOMMISSIONERS: BARt1E5, DAVIU, HEREiST, KItJG, MORLfY, TOLAR NOES: COHMISSIONEkS: NONE AfiSEt~T: COMHISSIONERS: JOtit~50N IP~ NITNE55 41t1ERE0F, I have hereunto set my hand this 28ch day of March, ~ 1977. . • r~r~ SECRETAR , t~ H IM I L~.NNING COMYISSION ~~ ~q f -j- RE50lUT4~'i" NC?. PC77-70 - _ ____-"~