PC 77-72aESOLUTION N0. PC77-72 A RESOLUTION OF 7H= ANAHEIt1 CITY PL11Nt11t1G COMMISSION RECOMMENDI~~G TO TNE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY QF ANAHEIH THAT TNE RF.QUES7 FOr~ DELE710N OF CCNpIT10N N0. i PERTAINING TO LIMITATION OF TYPES OF USES BE APPROV£U fM CONHECTION WITH RECLASSIfICATION N0. ~8-59-j~ 41fIEREAS, the pc[itioner subrni[ted a reyuest for an amendment to the conditlons af approval contained in City Council Resolution No, 4939 and Ordinance yo• ~393 adopted in conneceion witti Reclassif(cation Na, ~0-59-31 on proFerty which conslsts of approxlmately 2.13 acres located north and east of the intersection af Ranneya Drive and Euclid Street, having approximate frontages of 75 feet on Romneya Drlve and 485 feet on the east side of EucliJ Street, and having a maximum depth of approximately 2Z4 fcet; and WfIEREAS, the petitioner requests ~eletion of the following condition (No, 1) of [he above-numbered rr..soiution and ordSnance: "1. 7hat Che owner of subject property place of record standard Lity ~f Arsaheim C-1 DecJ Restrictions covering the area being reclasslfled to C-1, a~proved by the Ci[y At[orney, which restrictlons shall limit chc C~] uses of thc property Co business and professional uses." and WHcREAS, ;`~e Anaheim ~ity Planning Carmission did hold a publ(c hearing a[ [he Ctty Hall in the Ctty of An~hefm on March L'o, i977, at 1:30 p,m., noCfce of sald public heari~g having been duly glven as requtred by law and 3n accordance w(th the previsions of the Anahe(m Huniclpal ~ode, to hear and constder evidence for and agal~st saSd proposal to amend the conditions of approval of Reclassificatlon No, 58- 59-3~, and to Investigate and make findings and recommendations (n connectian [herewlth; and b~HEREAS, said Commissfon, after due inspection, Inve.t(ga[lon and s[udy made try ic~elf and in its bcnalT, and after due ccnsideratfon of all evfdencc and rapor[s offcred at sa1J heartng, UOES HEREdY FIND: 1. That che Anahelm General Plan designates subJect prope~tty for general commercial and medlum denslty res.luential land uses. 2. That the subject proper[y is adJacent to cortmercial land uses tv :F~e south and west; and [ha[ ttiose uses wh(ch are pcrMltted by right In the CL Zone appear to be approprlatc for the subfect property. 3. That [he Clty Traffle Englneer (ndicated that because of exis[(ng traffic conditions elong Euclid Street south of the RiNerside Frceway, left-turn movements onto and from Euclid S[reet should 6e controlled and that such control wnu)d preferably corssist of a raised landscaped mr,~ian !n Euclid Street, prohibiti~g left-c~~rn movements ~nto and from Euclld Street, ur If desired by the developer of RESOLUTlON N0. PC77-72 subject property, such control may a?[ernacively consisr of [he instatlation of traff{c signals at Medical Center Drive and Euclid Street inierconnec[ing with tt:= exfsting signals at Romneya Drlve and Euclid S[reet and [he Riverstde Freeway and Euclid Street; and [haC the peti[foner has (ndica[ed a preference for traffic signa!)zation as Jiscussed herein; and, furtherrr~re, that the cost of the Installation af said signalization may be by recfprocal agreemen[ hetwzen thP subject pet(tlqn and the property ~wner(sj of the Anahelm ShQ-es pla~ned cormunl[y pro;ec[ [o [he northwest since the la[tcr projec[ also impacts left-turn [raffic movements onto and from Eucl(d Street at 1"edical Center Drive. ENVIRO!~MENTAL IHPALT FINDING: Tha[ the Anahelm C([y Planning Commfssfon has reviewad [ e su ect requesi to elete one of the cor~d(tions of a~proval of R~eclass)fication No. 58-53-3~ per[ain(ng to deed restrictions lim(ting the types of uses on property con5(scing of approximately 2.8 acres located norch and east of [he Intersect(on of Romneya Urive and Euclld Str~et, and does hereby recommend to [he City Council of the ~lty of Anahe(m [hat a t~egative Declarat(on f-om the req,uireme~t to prepare an envlronmental impact report be approved for the subject project un the basis that Chere wuuld be no signlf(cant adverse environmtntal impact since the s~bject property is adjacent [o corrmerclal development on the south and west and is separate;: from the adJacent residentfal IanJ uses by a dralnagr~ right-ot`-way; that there Hould be no i~d!vidual or cumulative adverse Impacts on [he envfronment due to the approval of this Ncga[ive Declorat(on since the Anahe(m General Pler, designates subject property for crxnmercial tand uses commensurate with [he ~roposal, and the Inltfal Study submft[ed by the peti[loner Indicates na signiflcant adverse !mpact; and [ha[ the Ne;ative, Declaration substantiating thr. foregoing f(ndings is on flle in the Office of the Planning Deparirtx nt at City Hall. NOW, T1IEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVE~ that [he Anahelm City Planning Commisslon does hereby recommend to the C~;y Council of [he City of Anaheim tha[ Condl[ton No. 1 of Cfty Council Resolu[(on No. 4939 and Ord!nance No, t393 be deleted, on [he basls of the fr.~regoing flndlnys, subJect :o the following conditions: 1. That [he owne°(s) of subJec[ property shall pay to the City of Anah~im the s~sm of sixty cents (60Cj per front foot along Euclid Street and Romneya Drive for tree p;anting purposes Frtor Lo the fssuar,ce of building permi[s. 2. That drainage of subfect prope~ty shall be disposed of in a manner saiisfactory ta the Lity Engineer, which shall include dralnage facill[les to protect subJect proQerty from a 10-year design siorm. 3. That the property owr,er(s) s~hall either (a) (nstall a rafsed landscaped median prohibiting left-turn movements onto and from [uclid Strtet pr(or to ftnal bu(ldiny and zuning inspect(ons, or (b} pay for the Inseallation of (nterconn~ecting troffic siynals et Medical Center Drlve and Euclid Street, [he exact aiowun[ of paymerot (estimatcd Co be $IOU,000) to be determined by the Cicy Traffle Engtneer at the tlmc of payment; or [Fiat a. bond shall be posted by Che property owncr(s) for ihe instailation of satd signalizatlon; and sald payment for installation of traffic slgnals or the posiing of a bond therefor ma be by rec(procai agreemers[ betrween ths subJect property owner(s) and the awner(s~ of the planned co.m;untty development to the northwes[, and whort~ever shall post a bond shbll be the responsfble party. Payment for the inscallation of tr~fffc stgnals or postfng of a bond to guarantee thfs aYternative shall Ee compiled with prlor [o the issuance of bulldirtg permits for dev~lapment of ti~e subJect proper;y, -Z' RISOLUTION N0. PCj7-72 TNE FOREGOING RESOL~~ION is slgned ~nd ap,~roved by me thls 26th day of Harch, 1977. ~liAT~RH~'~€~`n~~7K"G~- _ AI~AHEIM CI'fY PIANMINC COMMISSION ATTEST: C~ c..% SECRETAR , ANAHEIM CiTY lAlltllll'G C0~1M1SSIO~i STATE Of CALIFORNIA ) COUII7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF AIJAHEIN ) i~ Patric(a B. Scanlan, Secre~.ary of che k.nahelm Lity Plann.~ng Cnttmission, do hcreby certify Lhat thc foreguing resolu[(on was passed and adoptcd at ~ meeting of the \naheim Clty Planniny Commisston held on Harch 2f3, 197'',. at 1:3~ p.m., by ~he fa•~lowing vote of thc members thereof: AYES: C~MMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVIU, HERBST, KING, MOaLEY, TOLA~e N0:5: COMHISSIOIJERS; NONE ABSE~IT: COMHISSIONERS: JOHNSON t977. ~I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this 2f~tfi :iay of r~arch, ~a~s.,'~,~.J SECRETARY, ANAH lE M LI Y PLANNIh~~ COHMIS'SION -3- RESOLU7lON tJb. PL77-72