PC 77-73RES~LUTIOIJ N0. Pc77-73 A RESDLUTION OF TNE AI~AHE6M CITY ~LANNING LGMMISSIOtI THAT PETITIOtI fOR VARIANCE N0. 2g22 ~E Gi~AtITED, IN PART 1d4EREA5, Nnc Anahelm Cicy Pianning Commissfon did receive a verified Pe:tition for Var'lance from EULLlD R4"1NEYA CONPA.NY, 5~5 North Tus[in Averuue, 6'21g, San[a Ana, Ca~iforn(a 92705 ~~~er) of certatn real proper[~r situated fn the i,ity oF ~Inaheim, County of Orange, Sta2e of Calfforn(a described as: Lor..s 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 qf Trac[ Yo, jj96, as shown on .a Map recorded in book 121, pac~es b and 9 ~f Miscellaneous Naps, in the office of the County RecDrder of sald County, Except t•:~at portion [hereof included NI[hi~ [he foliowing des~crdbed ia~d: Beginning at the 5outhwest corner of ~he NorYhwest quarter of Lhe Sout'hwesc quarter of Sectibn ~~, To~w~ship ~ SoLth, Ran.ge 10 West, as shown on said map of Tfact t~o. 339b; ther~c~c S~uth 89° 42'S~" East 203.GC feet along [he Southerly Ilne of said Nnrthwest q-.;arier; th~nce Mar[h 0~ 02' 23" East 580.00 feet parallel xith th~e ursterly line of ~ald Seciion; [henca North ~g° ~+2' S7" ~1~sh 243.D0 feet [o the ~lesterly 1lne of saicl Section; thence South 0° 02' 23" 41es2 160.00 feet [o the poin[ of be9lrnir•,g; artd IJNEREAS, the C~ty Pla;~ning Commission did hold a publfc hear(ng at th~e Ct[y Hall tn [he Li[y of AnsheJm c~ htarch 28N 1977, at 7:3~J p.m,, no~lcc of sald publlc hearing having been duly qiven as r~equlreci by iaw and in accorda~nce wi[h the provisi~ns of the Anaheim ~tvnicipai Code, Chapter tS.q3, to hear arad constder evidence for and agalnst sa.id proposed variance and to (nvesclyate a~d make flndings and recomnendations in connection therewith; an~d WHEREAS, SaJd ~Commisston~ after due in~s{~ectlon, (nvestigation and study made by ltself and in i~s b~ehalf, and after due conslderation ~f all evidence and reports offered at said h~eardng, does find and detcrmtne [he follc~wing facLS: Municlpal1Co~~.Thto cpnstruc~'fr~ure(4)Pfa~eesstan~ingf5igns,andWaanerauto otive Arepalr facilfty In a proposed shoppir.; cen~er: a. SECTIOJI 18.05.093.tJ21 - Maximum v~umber of _s~i~ ns. 1 ree-5:an ng sign permitted; 4 proposed) b. SECTION 'Ib.05.0y3.022 - Ma~imum s( n area. 0 sq. [. permtt[ed; 455 sq. ft, proposed) c. SFCTION 10.05.0~3.023 - Aermitced si n location. Z'30 ~. rom a utt n(-g parcel required; 1~~~roposcd) RESOLl3TV0t7 N~. FC77-73 d. SELTI~N J8,~5.093.~23i - Mlnimum distance between si ns. 300 fi. required; 110 [0 235 f2. proposedj e. SECTIdN 18.44.p20 -~ermitte~ u,~s. (Auto repa~r not ~ permfTted use in the LL Zone) 2. That Naiver 1-a, abcve-n~ h[(one4', is hereby granteti, fr~ p~rt, ~or three ~3) frec-star•.ding signs (sincv_ the petitioner s:ipulated co d~l~tfng or.e o'~ the thr~e proposed siyns adJacent to Euclid Street) on the basis that the proposed convenienc~ market faces on Aomneya ~rive and rNOUId not ben~fit fr-an the ma(n sign for Che property `acing Euclid Street, and [ha[ two fr~r-stancing signs adjacen[ [o Euciid S:reet are determined [o bc necessary duc t~ its Zengthy frontag~ and becausc tha pro~erty Is not vfsible to the sou[h~ound motartr:g publlc due to a group of large treas loca[ed on adjacent property near cfie north prop~rtq li+~t; subjetr to the s[Ipula[ion of the pe[i[loner thac said adJitional sign ad~acent to Euclid Strect w(19 be loCated In accordance with Cade s[andards~ and tntai slgn area for subject property Hil'I be a ma~;imum of 350 square feet, in accordance with Ccde standa~•ds. 3. Tha[ ualver 1-b, above-men[lo~ed, (s denfed because it (s no longer ~ecessary since the petltioner stfaulated to elfimina[(ng one of the S>roposed free- 5tanding signs adJ~~cent to Euclid Strect, and the resultant tutal revised sign arAa wauid be In conformar~ce wi;h Cude standard~. 4, 7hat Watver i~c, above-men[loned, is h~reby d~nled en the basls that the peti[ione; d(d not drnpnsCra[e [hat a hardsh(p ~ou1d be c'rc.ated Jf sa+d ~alvcr was not gran;cd. 5. That Uaiver 1-J, above-mentioned, ls hereby oranted for a distance no[ exceeding 245 feet bciHa~en siyrvs an the basis that tfia pe[itioner demonstra2ed thai a hardshtp would bc ereated if said wafver was not grant~d due to the length of ;hc frontage and [he lack vf vislbility to southbound [raff(c on Euclld Streerc d~e to a group of large tree: on adjacent proper[y near the north property i)ne. G. 7na*_ ~aiver 9-e, above-mentioned is hereby granted [U permlt an automo[Ive repalr facil(ty as an accessory use in conJunctlon with ttre sales on the subjecC property, subject [o ,he s[ipulatfon of Che p~cftioner ehat th~e automotive rep~ir will consist of tire ins[allatton or nbvnting only, •and will be conducYed entirely insiJe the builo!ng, 7. That there are exceptfonai or extraordlnary circumstances or condfxlons appllcable co the propcrty Involved or to tlic Intended use, as granted, of the property [hat do not apply generally to the property or ciass of use In [he same vicinfty and zone. H. That th~ requested varfancc~ as grant:e~, Is necessary far th~ prescrvatlon and enJoyment of a subst~n[.ial property rlPub possessed by other ~roprrty in [hc same vlcinety and zo~e, and denied to the proQerty tn question. 9. That the requesLed varian~.e, as yranted, will not be materlally detrimer,~al to the public welfare or In)urious [o the property or impruvements in such vlcinity and zane In which the prnperty Is loca:ed. '~' ~ESOLUTION i~0. PC77-73 iD. That the petiLione,r stipulatcd [o provlding additional t.rash storage arcas as required by the Sanitaci~n ~ivislon. 11, Tha[ no one indicdt~d their presence ,at said p~biic hearino In o~aositlany ar.d that no eorrespandence was received ir, opposit~ian ta [he subject petitJon, ENVIROtaMEt~TA1 iNPAC7 FI1~UIt7G: That the Anaheim Ci!y P~annirsg Crxnmiss~on has rewiewed tne sub~ject project, cr~nsisting of an automo[fve repalr faciTSty and four (k) free-standing slg~s in a proposed shopping cenLC:r on approxima[eiy 2.8 acres of land located north and east of the intersectlon of Romneya Dri~vr~ a~nd Eu.clid Street, and does hereby recortmend to [he City Council o` the Cdty of R,naFefm th~t a ilegative Gecl,aration from ihe requirement to prepare an env(ro~mentai impac.t report be approved for the subjeci project on the basis tt~at Chere wou'id be no signlficant adverse environmental impz~tt sfnce ih~ subject property is adJacent to cortmercial devclopment on She south and west anti is separated fr+om th~ adjace~t residentlal land uses by a dralrnage rlght-of-way; that there woulu t;e no individu,ai or cumulacive adverse Impac[s on the environme~t due Co the aparo++al of this Negative Declara'c9on slnce fhe Anahel+n General Plan desiynates subject property fc~r commercia) land uses commensura[c wlth the proposal, and the Initial Study subr~ic[cd by the petJcioner Indfcates no slgnirlcant adver5~ ~r+vlronmental impact; a~~d thet the Negative Ueciaration subst~ant(ating the foregoing findings Ys Qn flle in the Office of iche Plannlr~~ Department at City Hall. t~QU, TMEREFORE, BE 1T RESGI.VED t~hat [he Anaheim Clty Planning Commission does hereby grant~ in part, subject Petitlan for Variance, upon the foliowing condltlons wh(ch are hereby found to b~e a necessary prerequisite to the prapos~ed use of [he subject property in order to prese,rve the safety and general Nc.lfure of the Gitizens of the City of Anahelm: 1. That this Variance is granted subject to ihe comple[lon of Reclassiflcat(o~ Mo. 56-59-3~ rcadvcr[ised, now pending. 2. That subject property shail be developed subs[antlally .in accordance Nith plans and speciffca[ions on filc wf[h the Gity of Anaheim marked Exhlbit Wos. J through 3; ~rovided, hawever~ that the proposed s(gn adjacent to Euclid Stree[ shall be eliminated, and the re~nainir~y two siyns adJacent to Euclid Street shall bz relocated as approved by tne J'tanning Dr,partment; that the maximum toLal sign area perm-tted on subJect prope~rty s~a~l be 35~ square fee[; that the praposed sign adjacent t~ Romneya Drive shafl be relocated in actiordance to Code standards; and ;hat addlt(onal trash s[ort,ge ar~tas as required by the 5anitation Division shall be provided (n ~ccordance with approved pians on flle wi,:h the OffJcc of the Public '~orks Dlrector, as s2lpulated to by the ;petttionc~r. 3. That the automotive repalr activicy shall consist of the fnstailatlon or mounting of tires only, l~ conJunctfon wlth tlre sales, and shall be conducted entlre~y insJde the building, as stipulated to by the petitloner. -3- RESOLU710N N0. PC7J-73 THE FDRI'_~Gm4~~ RESOLUTION fs sign~d an~ apPr~vr.d ;ry mc kh(s 2~th day of March, 197'7. C,~-ri`.--- G ! RMAN PRL~ 7EM_~ P1'NAHEIM Li'TY,' PLANNI"i'G C6NHlSSION AT7ES7: ~~~~G~~~~.~'t'SlP'/~~/ SE~CRETARY, AfiAHEIM CITY PLAtit~1NG C6MM15589~~ 5'G~ATE OF GAL(FQRNIA ) COUMTY Of ORAi11LE ) ss. CITY OF ~INAH~EIti ) t, Ra~rlcia B. S,c,~nia.n, Se-cretary of the Anaheim City Pianning Lom,olss~on~ do hercby ccr2lfy thas the fcvr~~ol~g res~olution was passed and adopted a[ a meetlnq of the Ana~h~i~n'Clty PJannin~; Commiss~r~n held on Hsrch ~8, 1977, at 1;;i0 p.m., by th~e fo11aM9ng v~ote of [he members therca€: Ah'IES; Lh~W,M15'~90NER5; 3A,ANES, aAVi~~ HERBST, KIT4G~ ?~ORLEY~ T6LAR NO'E;S: C6HI1tS51QNER5: ~jl~tdE A95FWIG: CpIMH15S1UNERS: JO(IMSOtt ~~JJ;I„ !td WITI~E55 MIHEREOF, I hAVe hereunto set my hand tfiis 28t'h day of March, ~.+'~l e~-,Gt.J /~ Q.r~.x~et~s.~.J , M ~ L ~ari N MM SS I ON -4- R'ESALUTION ti0. PC7)-73