PC 77-78RESOLUTION W0. PC77-7$ A RESOLUT I Otl ~.~F 711L AIU~NE I M C I TY PLANN i NG COMM I SS I ON TIIAT PETI7IU~~ FOR vARIAr~CE NO. 23z1 BE GRA~~7ED -JIiEREAS, thc Anahcin Ci;v Planniny Lommission dId receive a verified Petitlon for Varlance from LARRY G. A~!U PAULETTE E. JAMES, i319 North Loara Street, Anahelm, California 37.~01 (Owner) an:~ RICIIARU DONNER, 433 So~ch Pr(mrose, Anaheim, Californ(a 32b0-~ (A9ent) of ccrtain real ;+roper~; ;ituated in [he Clty of Anah~im, County of Orange, S:ate of Lalifornia, described as: The Nor[h 67.0~ feet of chc East 130.00 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Sou[hwest Guarter of the Northw~st quar[er of SecGion 9, Township q South, Ranqe 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Cajcn de 5an[a Ana, as the tforthwest qu~rter of said Section is indicated on a i~~p filed in book 1, page 56 of Record of Surveys in t:tie officc of the County Recordcr of sa(d Orangc Cuunty; and WIiEHf'A5, ihe City Planniny Commission did huld a public hearin~ at the City Hall in the Ci[y ;:f A~aheim on March 2t;, 1~+71, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heariny haviny been duly given as required by law and in accordance wi[h the provlsions uf the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chapter 18.n3, [o hear and consider evidence for and agalnst safd proposed variance and to investfgate and mak~ findings and recommendatlons ln connection cherewi[h; and WHtRE~S, said Commission, af[cr duc inspectlon, invcstl~a[!on and s[udy madc by itself and in its behalf, anJ after due consideration of all evidence and repor[s offered a[ Safd h~ear(ng, docs flnd a~d d~_[ermine Lhe following facts: 1. T4~at the petit(uner proposes thc following waiver from thc Anahetm Municfpal Code, to constru!:[ a six (6) uni[ apartmen[ complex: SECTION 1G,34.061.0':G - Hinimum buildinc si[e width. 70 eet requ(red; 7 ect proposed) 2. Tha[ [he above-rnen[ioned waiver is hereby gran[ed on the bas(s thaK the reQuest Is minimal and [he pc[itloner demonstrated that a hardshlp would be created if sald walver was not granteJ, since Ic per[ains to the exist~ng lot width and the surroundfny area to che north, south and west is developed w(th a similar use. 3. Tha[ ;here are exceptfonal or ex[raordin:.~y circumstances or conditions appl(cable [o the property Involved or to the in[ended u:~c of the property that do not apply yenerally to the property or class of use tn the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the preserva[(on and enJoyment af a substantial property riyh[ possessed by other property In the same vlc(nlty and cone, and denlcJ to thc propcrty in questlon. RESOLUTION N0. PC77-78 5. That the reyuested variance will not be materialiy detrimental to the public weJfare or (nJurious [o the property or im~rovements in such viclnity and zone in v~ich the property is located. G. That no ene indicated their presence at said publlc hearing in opposltlon; and that no corr~s~w ndence was reccived in opposition to the subject petitlon. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPALT FINDING: That the Anaheim Gity Planning Lommission has reviewed the proposal consisting o a six-unft apartment complex, wi[h a waiver of Lhe minimum ouildlny site width requirement, on property approxinately 99t6 square reet ln size Iccated on the west side of Loara Strcet and approxtmately 240 feet south of Catalpa Drive, and dQes hereby recortmend to the CI[y Council of the Clty of Anahclm tha[ a Neyative Declaratlon frora thc requirements t~ prepare an envlronment~l impact report be approved for the subject proJect on the basis that the Anaheim Gencral Plan desl~nates ttie subject proFerty for mcdlum-density, residential land uses cortmensura[e with :he proposal; tnat there would he no sign(ficant indiviciual or cumulative adverse impact on the environment du~ to the approval of this Hegative Declaratlan since the subject property (s adJacent to multiple-family res(dences to tlie nor[h, so~th and west, and a strect is ad;acent to ihe east property IirQ, arnd [he InTtial Study submltted by [he peticioner indicates no signlffcant adverse envlronmen[al (rnpact; and tha[ the !~egative Declara[ion substantiating the foregaing flndings is on file In the Office of the Planning Department at City Ilali. NOU, TNEREFORE, EiE IT RESOIVED tha[ the Anahcim City Planning Commission cfoes hereby gran[ subjecC Petitfon for Variance:, upon the following conditians which are hereby found ~o be a necessary prerequislte to ttie proposed use of [he subject propcrty in order to preserve [he safety and yencral welfare of [he Citizens of che City hf Anaheim: 1. That this Variance Is granted subjec[ to the completio~ of Reclassiflca[lon No. 76-71-43, now pendinq. 2, thac subJect propr.rty shall be developed substantlally in accordance with plans and speciflcations on fiie wi[h the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. I through 4. 3. That Ccndition No. 1, ab~ve-mcn[lo~ed, shall bc complfed with prior to the commencement of the actfvlty authorfzed under this resolu[lon, or prior to the timc that thc bulld(ny permit is issued, or within a perlod of one year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Canmission and/or CI[y Council may yrant. 4. That ConJit(on No. 2, abovc-mentioned, shal) bc complir_d xith prior to final building and zoninr~ lnspectluns. THE FO~EGOING RESOLUTION is slgned and approved by me ihls 28th day of March, 197J. ,~~,.~ ~ . 9.~ LHA MAN PRO 7EMPORE ANANEIM CITY PLANN~NG CQMMiSSION -2- RESOLUTION tJO. PC77-78 ATTE57: ~ • . S`R R, N IM L ~NIN' NM~~iON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUI~TY OF ORAf~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patrfcla B. Scanlan, Secretary of [he Anah~lm City Ptanning Cammission~ do hereby ccrtify tiia[ [he foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on March 28, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the foliowing vote of the members [hercof: AYES: COMMISSIO~IERS: HARNES, DAVID, HERDST, Y,ING, MORLEY, TOLAfi NOES: GOMMISSIOI~ERS: NOtIE ABSENT: COM~115510NERS: JOtitISON 1971. It~ WITt~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ~and [his 2~ith day of March, C~~~aJ~.B~ _ ~ SE~~RE ARY N HEIM CITY PLANNING COMt115510N -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-78