PC 77-83RESaLUTIOt! N0. Pt77-~3 A RESOLUTIO~~ OF TIiE AN~111EIri CITY PLANt11;~G COMMi5SI0N THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIOIIAL USE PERMIT 4U. 1695 B~ CRANTEO WHEREAS, the Anahefm Lity Plannin~i Corrnission did ~e.:elve a verificd Petition for Conditional Use Permlt from Ci1RIS7lNE R'DDNN€LL, 48Ef5 Abtait Road, L;nwood, Galifornia 90262 (Owncr) and CAr~L KARCNER EtiTERPRiSES, ~20G f9orth liarbor Boulevard, Anahelm, Celifornia 92Y,03 (Agent) of ce,rxain .real propeTty situateo in the City of Anaheirn, County of Orange, Sta[e of Gaaifornia, d~•scribed as: Tha[ portion of [he Nor[ticast Quarter Af the Noriheast Quartcr of the Southwr_s[ Quar[er of Section 27, Township 4 Sou[h, Range 10 West, as said Sect(on is shown on a Map recorded in Book 51, P~ge 10, Miscelianeous ~faps, records of said Orange County, described as beginning at a polnt in the East line of said Southwest Quarter of Sect(on 27, distant [hcreon 190 feet Sou2h~erly from tne Northeast carner of said Southwest Quarter, and running thence Southerly alony sald Eas[ line, f~0 feet; [hence West~rly parallel with the North line of said Southwest Quarter, 210 fret to a Ifne that is parallcl with and distan[ 210 feet, mcaSUreJ at right angles from the East lfne of said Southweslt Quartcr; thence Northerly along said parallel line 1~~ fee[ to t~ line extending Westerly, parallel with thc North Ilne of sald Southwest Quarter, from the polnt of beylnning; thencc Easterly alorn,g sald parallel line, 210 fcet to the polnt of beyinning; and WHEREAS. ehe City Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearln~ at the Ci2y kall in the Clty of Anahefm on March 28, 1977, at 1:30 p.m.~ notice of said publlc hearing havl~g been duly glven as requfred by law and in accordance wlth the provisions of the Anahelm Munici{~al Code, Chapter 10.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst faid proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recomnendat(ons in connect(on Lherewith; and WtiEREAS, sald Commiss(on, after due inspec[ion, fnvestigatlon and study made by Itself and fn Its behalf, and after due consfderation of all evidence and reports offered a~ sa(d hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. ThaL the proposed use is p~operly one for which a condi[tonal use permit is authortzed by Anahelm Nunicipal Code Sectton 18,44.050.300, to wit: construct a drive-up window at an e.xfs[ing restaurant, with waiver of: SECTION 16.06.OG0.0233 - Minimum number of arkin s~accs. 2 requlred; 32 propose 2. That [he above-mentloned walver is hereby granted o~ the basls [hat the pe[Itioner submltted an analysis of unused parking spaces at the sub}ect site during pcak operatlny t~~urs to suD~tantlate that [hc proposed parkircf .)s adequate for iha proposed use and site. R~E5~4LU710N N0. PC77-83 3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development af the area in which it is proposed to be located. 4, That the size and shape of the slte proposed for the u~c is adequate to aZlow the fuli developmen[ of ti~e proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general weifare of the C.Itizens of the Ci[y of Anahelm, 5. That the granting of thc Condicional Use Permic under the r_onditfons im~osed, If any, wtll not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general weifare of the Cltfzens of the Clty uf Anat~elm, 6. That no one indica[ed their presence at said publlc hearing in opposltlon; and no correspondence was received in oppositlon to the subJect petition, Et~VIRONMENTAL iMPACT FINDIt~G: That the Dlrector of the Planning Department has decermTne t at t e proposr.~ act vity falls withi~ the definition of Sectlon 3.01, Class 2, of the Lity of Anahelm Guldelines to the Requlrements for an Environmental Impact Report and Is, [herefore, categorically exempt from the requlrement [o filc an EIR, NOW, T~EREFO~E, OE IT RESOLVEU that the Anahelm City Planning Lommissfon d~es hereby g:ant subject Peti[lon for Londiclonal Use Perml[, upon the followtng condttions which are hereby found to be a necessery prerequisite [o the rroposed use of the subject proper[y in order to preserve tht safety and general welfare of the Cltizens of the City of Anahelm: 1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with appror^r~ plans o~ file with the Offlce of the D(rector of Public Works. 2, That street Ilyhting facil([ies along Harbor poulevar~. ~neil ba installed as requfred by Che DirecLOr of Public Utilitles ~nd in accor~ance wf,ih s[anJard specfflcatfons on ffle In [he offlce of the Director of Publlc Ut~ilties; or that a ho~~d~ cert(fica[e of deposit, ietter of credit, or cash, In an amaunt and form satisfactory to [hc C~ty o~ Anaheim, sltiall be posted with thc Clty to guarantee the installation of [he above-rnentioned requirements. This condiCi~n shall be complied with prior to the commencement of tl~e actlvity authorized under thfs resolutlon, or prlor to the tlme that the bullding permlt is issued, or within a period of one year from da[e hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further tlme as the Planni~g Commission ar,d/ar City Council ma~~ grant. 3. That sub)ect property shall be develaped substantially in accordance with plans and specificatlons on flle wlth the Ctty of Anahelm marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4. 4. That Condltfon Nos. 1 ancJ 3, above-mentloned, shall be complled wlth prlor [o final building and zonfng Inspec[ions. -2- RESOLUTOON N0. PC77-83 TtiC FOREGOING RESOLU710N is s(gned and approved by me thfs 28th day of March, 1977. ~~ .d~ !/ ~.~~ LHA I RMAt~ P 0 TEM~E ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNIHG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ • ~ SECRET~RY , AI~AfiE I M C I TY PLA1~tJ i NG COMN I SS I ON S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) LOUNTY OF OELINGE ) ss. C I TY OF AI~l1tIE I M ) I, Patricia Ei. Scanlan, Secre[ary of thc Anahcim City Planninq Commiss(on, do hereby ccrtify [hat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planniny Commlssian held on March 2f3, 1y77, at 1:30 p.m., by the followiny votc of [hc membcrs thereof: AYLS: COHMISSIOtJEP.S: Ei~RI~ES, DAVIU, HERDST, KI~~G, MORLEY, TOLAR NO£S: COMMISSIOHERS: NONC AfISENT: COWiiS510t~ER5: JOHt~50N IN NITNESS Wf1ERCUF, I havc ficrcunto set my hand this 2t3th day of Harch, 1977. ~ ~ Q~~.sL.~c~ ~ECRE RY, t F 15 NNI ~G MNISSIOt~ '3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-83