PC 77-85RESOLU710N N0. PC77-65 A RES~LUT101~ OF TfiE ANAHE111 C17Y PLA~~NI!~G COM111SSION RECONMENDiNG TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A~lAHEIM Tt1AT PETITION FOR R[CLASSIFICATIO~~ N0. 76-]7-41 BE APPROVED NHEP.EAS, ihc Anaheim City Ptanning Commisslon did receive a verifled Pe[ition for Reclassificatfon from ANAHEIN HILLS, ~NC., 330 Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim, Lalifornla 97.$07 (Owner) of certain real property situated partly in unincorporated territory and partly in the City of Anaheim, all in che County of Orange, State of Ca~ifornia, bounded Westerly and Sou[hwesterly by the following described line: 6eginning at a p~int in the Easterly boundary of Trac[ No, 8533 as per map filed in Book 393, pages 47, 48 and 4g of 1lisceilaneous Naps of said Orange County, saicl pofnc be(ng in the curve concave 4lesterly having a radius of 120~).00 feet, a radial to saicl poin; bears South 8$~ 20' 34" East; thence Sou[herly along safd boundary and sald curve 1~8.62 feet througti a central angle of 9° 00' 22"; thence tangent to said curve and continuin9 alon9 said boundary and its Southerly prolongation Sou[h 10° 39' 4~" West 903.04 feet; [hence South 790 20' 12" East 41i6.55 fect; thence South 3° 24' 21" Wes[ 37~.67 feet; thence Easc 473,9^ feet; thence South 32° 22' 00" East 16~~.29 fee: to a poin[ In the Nor[hwesceriy line of the Southern California Ed(son Company right of way described as Parcel 1 in deed recorded in 8ook b824, page 19, Offlcial Records of sald Oran9e County, s~^Id point being hereinafter referred to as Poln[ "A"; and ~ounded ~~~rtherly, Easterly and Southerly by ~he feilowing described 1ine: Beglnntng at hereinbefore described pofnt of beginning in the curve in the Easierly line of said Tract No. 8533; thence radially to said curve South ~E° 20' 3~+" East 1F(1.$£~ fee[; thence South 4fi° 36' 07" East 150.Q0 fcet; thence North 41° 23' ;3" East 42.36 feet r.o a tangent curve concave Soutlieaster:y with a radius of 277,00 feet; thence Northeasterly along sald curve 47.03 feet through a cen[ral angle of 9° 43' 43" co a tangent rr.verse curve concave Westerly with a rad(us of 18.00 feet; thence Nor[herly along safci curve 25,79 feet through a central angie of u2~ 0~' 0~"; thence radially to sai~1 curve North 5~° 02' 31" East 5~+.00 feet to a polnt (n a non-tanyent curve concave Northeasterly with a radlus of 223.00 feet, a radfal to said point bears Soutli >~° 02' 31" Wes[; thence Sou[heasterly alonr~ said curve 155.50 fee; Chrough a cen[ral angle of 39° 57' ~9"; thence tan~ent to said curve Sou[h 70° 5~+' 3a" East 3i~:.~~ feet; chence NorCh 19° 0;' 22" Eas[ $3.~i4 feet; thence South E5° 56' 12" East 17G.l~5 fee[; thr_nce So~~th ~3° 31' 16" East 116090 feet; thence North 34° 45' ~5" East 2:7.07 fert to a poin[ in a non-[angent curve concave Northerly with a radius of 27Q.Q4 fee[, a radial to said point bears South 30° 45' 4~' Nes[; thence Eas[erly along said curve 177.t~4 feet throuyh ~ central an91e of 37° 44' 18"; thence tarsgent to said curve North a3° O1' 27" East 84,5~i feet to a tangent curve RESOLUTlON N0. PC77-85 concave Southwesterly with a radius of 18.00 feet; tnence Southeasteriy along said curve 22.27 feet through a central angle of y0~ 00' 00"; thence radiall~ to said curve Nor[h 6;~ 01' 27" East 54.00 fee[; thence North G 58' 33" West 1b.00 feet; thence '~orth G5o 24' O1" EaSt 167.&2 fect; thence South 38° 19` 30" East 133.84 feet; thence North 52° 06' S3" Eas[ ?33.~~+ feet; thence North 37° S3' 07" Nest 90.13 feet; thence ~~orth 52~ 06' S3" East 51{.0~ feet to a poinc in a non-tangent curve concave Southeasterly with a radius of 1a.00 feet; thence Northeast~:rly along said curve 31.t+9 feet [hrouyh a cen[ral anyle of 100° 13' 20"; thence tangent to said curvet~orth (~7.° 20' 13" East 11.G2 feec to a tangent curve concave Southwesterly with a radius of 2z9.on fee[; thence Southeasterly along said cur•re 363.9q feet through a central an~le of 91° 04' 16"; thence tangent to said curve Soutt~ 2G° 35' 31" East 85.28 feet to a[angent curve concave Nor[heasterly with a r~dlus of 271.Q0 fect; tPience Southeasterly alon~ sald curve 252.,2 feei through a central angle of 53° 24' 38"; thence tangent to sald curve Souch 30° 00' 09" East 111.05 feet; thence North 9° 59' :i" East 13G.OG feet to a tanyent curve concave Wes[erly with a radtus of 208.00 feet; [hence Northerly alonr said curve 27.02 feet through a ce~tral angle of 7~ 26' 35"; thence rad(ally to said curve South i37° 2F,' 44" East 167.(:2 feeL; thence South 15° 11' 39" 'dest is3.93 feet; then~e South 6~+° 27' 21_" East 125.24 feet; thence North 70° 41~' 27" East 175•89 fee[; thence South 24° 09' 10" East 7~.00 feet; thence Nor[h 58° 48' 43" East 319.43 fee[; thence Soutli 25° 08' O1" East 26f3,41 feet; thence So~th 33~ 47' 12" Ues[ 163.64 feet; thence South 19° 13' 15" Fast 115.43 feer.; thence South 39° 00' 24" West 1'l.~S.F>9 feet; thence Soueh 50° 16' 1~7" East 74.98 fect; thence Sou[h 22° 25' O1" West 17;,29 feet to a poin[ in a non-tanqen[ curve concave Nortfieasterly with a radfus of 277.00 feet, a radial to sald poin[ bears South 22° 25' Q1" West; thence Northwesterly along sa(d curve 83.49 feet throu~h a central angle of 17° 16' 12"; thence tangent to said curve t~or[h 50° 1~1' 47" West 30.31 fcet; thencc South 25° 39' Z`.3" Wes2 21t3.71 feet to the Northwesterly 1(ne of said Edison right of way; thence along sald Nor[hwesterly llne Sou[n 72° 24' 17" Nest 2014.02 feet and South 69° 05' 2G" West 52~.3G feet to sald Point "A"; and WHEREAS, Che City Pla.nning Corrunisslon did schedule a public hearing at the Lity Nall in [fie Lfty of Anaheim or•. htarch 14, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publlc hearing having been di~ly yiven as requfred by law and in accordance with the provtsions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Lhapter 18.n3, to hear and consider evldence for and against salci pro~ose~ reclass(fication and ro (nvestigate and make findinys and recom.mendations in connection therew(th; said public hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission mecting of April 11, 1977; and NIIEREAS, safJ Commission, after due inspec[fon, (nvestigation and s2udy made by itself and In its bchaif, and aftcr duc cons(deratfon of all evfdence and reports offered at sald hear(ng, docs ffnJ and determinc the Tollow(n., facts: -2- RESOLl1TI0N N0. PC77-85 ~, That the peti[toner proposes a reclassification o` zoning on the above- descrlbed property from the RS-R-43,OU0(SC) (RESIDEtJTiAL/AGRICULTURAL - SCENlC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE to :he P,S-H~-10,000(SC) (RESIDENTIAL, SIPIGLE-FAMILY HILLSIDE - SCENIC LORRIUOR OVERLAY) ZOtlE. 2, ThaC the Anahei~ General Plan, as amended, designates the subject property for low-densi[y, residential land uses. 3, That ehe propos~~d reclassification of subject rroperty is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper devetopment of the community. 4, Tha[ the propos~:d reclassification of subJect property does properly relate to che zones and their p~rmitCed uses iocally estabilshed i~ close proximity to subject property and to 'he zones and [heir permitted uses 9enerally established throughout thc community. 5, 7ha[ one (1) person appeared aC sald public hcarin~ in oppositlon; a~d that no correspondence was received In opposfY.lon to tf~e subJect petition. EtIVIROtIMF.U7AL IMPACT FItIDING: Tt .t Environmental Impact kepor[ No. 197 (supplement n~ Master EIR No. 0, dfs~•-.=~fz~; +:~: proposed ~rading, reclassification and development of 21fI residcntlal lot~ ~ ,t:~c 100-acre site ge.ncrally bounded by the :.outhern California Edison Easement, ~ 'ia1. Nighway and Plannin9 Unit XV, having been considered this date by :r~ ~~1r.5ein City Planni~g Lommission and evfdence, both wrltten ana oral, having be~.~ F:'escnted to suppl~mcnt said Draft EIR No. 197, the Planning Commission f~~..`s that the poCential projcct-genera[ed lndfvidual and cumulative adverse environmental impacts with respect to the proposed land use will be adequatcly mltiyateJ by the planned excension of existing ut.ility facilitles and efficient traffic controls for circulation; and Chat the Dra`t EIR No. 197 conforms with the Gity anJ State Gu(delines and the State of California Environmental Quali[y Act, with the proviso that the Planning Commission does not find [hat the EtR adequately discusses the m~t(gating measures with respect to schools and [he Plannin~ Commission, furthermore, reserves their recommendation pertaininy to the gradinr~ ancf the specific development proposal pending the submission o` revised plans; and, therefore, based upon the foregoin~ information, the Anaheim Lity Pla~nin~~ Commission daes hereby recommend to the City Leu~cil that they certify safd EIR No. 197 is ln compliance with the Califorr~ia Environmental Quality Act as lt pertains to lancf use only. NpW, TfiEftEFORE, BC 17 RESOLVED that the Anahcim i.ity Planning Commission does hereby recommend to th~ Clty Gouncil of [he C1[y of Anzheim that subject Pe[ltion for Reclassiflca[iun be approveJ and, by so doing, that 7ftle 18-Zoniny of the Anaheim Munlcipa'. Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from [he Rs-n-43,OQp(SC) (RESIUC}I71AL/AGP,ICULTURAL - SCENiL COP.RIDOP, OVERLAY) Z6NE and to Incorporate sa1J descrl~ed ~~roper[y lnto the RS-HS-10,009(SC) (RESIGEt~TIAL, SINGLE- FAMILY IIILLSIDE - SCEIIIC CORRIUOR OVERLJIY) ZONE upon thc fellowin~ conditlons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequislte to che proposed use of the subject property in ordcr to preserve the safety and general welfare of Che Citlzens of the Lity of Anahcim: 1, That fire hydrants shall be Installed and charged as requlred and determined to be necessary by the Chitf of the fire Department prior to commencement of s[ructural framing. _3_ RESOLUTIf1N N0. Pc77-85 2. In [hc event that subject property is to bc divided for the purpose of sale, lease or financin~~, a parcei map, to record [tie approved divisio~i of subject property, shall be submitte~ to and approved by the City of Anaheim and ihen be recorded in the office of [he Orange Lounty Recorder. 3. Tha[ the owner(s) of subjccc property shali pay to [he City of Anahcim the appropria[e park and recreation in-iicu fees, as determined co be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at thc time thc huitdin~ rermit is issued. 4, That a final tract rnap of subjecC property shali be submitted to and approved by [he City Gouncil ard then be recorded in the officr of the Oran~e Coun[y Recorder. 5, 7hat [hese rr.r:iassification proceedin~s are granted subjec[ to completion of annexatlon cf subject property to the City of Anaheim. G. Tha[ appropriatc water ass~ssmcnt fees, as determined by the Dire~tor of Public Utilities, shall be palJ tu tf~e City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building permit. 7. Prlor to the fntroduction of an ordinancr rezoning subject proper[y, Conditlon Nos. 2, 4 and ~, above-mentioned, sh~ll be cornple[ed. The provisions or ri~hts gran[ed by this resolution shall beconw null an~ void by action of [he City Councfl uniess said ~onditions are complieJ wi[h within one year from [he date hereof, or such further time as [I,e City Council may grant. TII[. FOR[GOING P.E~OLUTION is signcJ an approved by me this 11th day of April, 1977. ~ ATTEST: ~% . ~ SECRETARY, AtIAIlEIM CITY PLAt1i~IIJG COt11115510N 57!'~TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUIJ7Y OF ORAt~GE ) ss. CITY Of A~2Af1El!1 ) I, Patricia b. Scan?an, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do liereby certify that the forc•yoing resolution was passed a~d aJopted at a meeting of the l+nalicirn Lity Planninc~ Lommission field on April il, 1~17, a; 1:30 p.m., by the following vo[e of the members thereof: A'fES: LOMHISSIONCRS: BARNES, DAVIU, HEP.BST, KING, TO~AR, JONNSON NOES: COMMISSIOI~EP.S: NOP1E AIl5CN7: COMMISSIOt~CRS: NQNC VACAHCY: ONC SCAT i(I WITIIESS WIIEHEOF, I have hercunto set my hand Chis ilth day of April, ~9'11. ~~i~-~ c~-/ StLft[TARY, ANANEIM CITY PLANNItaC, COMMT~TbF ~4- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-&5