PC 77-86RESOLUT1011 N0. PC77-3G A RESOLUTIOt! OF 7NE ANFNEIM CITY PLAt~tlING COMMISSIOH RECOh1HEtlD4~tG TO THE CITY CQUNCI! OF THE C17Y OF A"~AHEIi4 THAT PETITI017 FOR RECLIISSIFILATION N0. 76-77-~i5 E3E APPP.OVEC WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ci[y Plannin9 Comnission did receive a verified Petition for Reclassificatio~ from EASTRIDGE ESTATES 11, 8G4 Town 6 Country Drive, Orange, California 9z6GL (Ormer) anJ Af:/111EIM tiILLS, It~IC., 3~0 Anahein liills Road, Anaheim, California 92c,07 (A9ent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: That portion of thc land allotted to Paula Peralta de Dominguez, as described in the final decree of partition of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, which was entere:l Sep[ember 12, 18f,2 in Uook "l3", Page 410 of Judgments of the District Court of the 17th Judicial Dis[rict in and for Los Angelcs County, California, described as beginning at a point in that certain course of the centerlinc of therctrip of land (78.00 feet in widtn) described as "South 33 59 ~~ East, 908.05 feet" in Parcel ', of the Deed to the City of Anaheim, a municipal corporation, recorded in @ook 11270, Page 1734 of Official Records in thc Office of the County Recorder of said CounCy; saiJ poin: being distant thcreon I~orth 83° 59~ ~7" ~~cst, 33~.~~ feei from the easterly terminus of said course; thence leaving said course yorth G° 06' 05" East, 39.UU feet; tlience ~arallel witli said course Souch 23° 59' S5" East, 12.lii fect; thence North, 115.35 fcet to a point on a non- tangent curve concave nortfiwesterly and fiaving a radius of 3E~,00 feet; a radial line of said curve from said point 6cars North 5° 44' 5j" East; thence easterly and nortf~easterly along said curve 2t~0.47 feet through a central anyle of 3~° ~5~ 2S"; thence non-tangent to said curve tJortfi 1~3° 2~' 00" East, 12.3Z feet; thence tlorth 3$0 32' 00" East, 3~+.~2 feet; thence Nortli ;2° 25' 00" East, 5~•L9 feet; thence North ;9° 2k' 00" Ea~t, 99•z~ feet; thence North, 245.39 feet; thence East, 2if3.'JO feet; thence South 53° 23' QO" East, GGJ.10 fee[; thence North 19° 33' 00" East, 292•72 feet; thence South 82° 32' 00" East, 2~~1.10 fee[; tlience South 22° 50' 00" East, 719•14 feet; thence South 45° 0~~' 23" East, 37.59 feet; thence Soutfi 37° 45' 00" East, 3L7.33 feet to a poin[ in the southwesterly line of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern Lalifornia casement (5~•~~ fee[ wide) as descrlbed in a Deed recorded in Book 3179, Page 22 of Official Records of sa;d County; ttience along saiJ southvresterly line 5outh 25° 22' 20" East, 111.::6 feet to Che beyinning of a tangent curve concave southwesterly and having a radius of 275•~0 fee[; thence southeasterly along said curve 125•3~ feet through a central angle of 26° 07' 05" to that certain course in the centerline of said strip of land, (78.00 feet in width) described in Parcel 1 of the Deed to the City of pnah::im as "Soutfi II1° 3Z' 26" East, 7y3o~+1 feet"~~ thence alor+g the centerline of said strip of land, I~orth 81 32 26 West, 477.03 Feet [o the beginning of a tangent curve, concave northeasterly and having a radius of 800.00 feet; thence RFSOLUTIOH P~O. PC77-86 northwesterly along said curve 316.32 feet throuyh a centra: artgle of 22° 41' 27"; thencc tangent to said curve tdorth 53° 50' S9" west, 696.10 feet [~ the beginning of a tangen[ curve concave. sou[hwesterly and having a radius of 1000.00 feet; thence narthwesterly along said curve ~i38.9) feet through a central angle of 25° 08' SG"; thence tangent to said curvee, North 8j° 59' S~' West, 33~.~1 feet to the POIN7 OF BEGI~it~INGr and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a,.,o~ic hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on April il, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as required uy law and in accordance with the provisions of the A~aheim Municipal Cede, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investiyate and make findings and recommendations in connection iherewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, af[er due inspection, inves[igation a~d study rtiade by itself and in its behalf, and after due consicieration of all ~vidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fol1owing facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of zoning on the above- described property ftom the RS-A-43,OOD(SC) (RESIUENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL - SCENIL COR~IDOR OI~ERLAY) ZOlIE to the ftS-HS-10,000(SC) (RESIDEtiTiAL, SI!~GLE-FMIILY HILISIDE - SCEqIC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE. 2, That the Anaheim General Plan, as amendeJ, designates the subJect property for low-density, residentiai land use. 3, That tl~e proposed reclassification o` subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of [he community. 4. That Che proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their rermitted ~~ses locally established in close proximity to subjec[ property and to the zones anci their permitted uses 9enerally established throughout thc cor.munity. 5. That no one indica[ed their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence Nas received in opposition to the subject pe[ition. El~VIROtIMEt~T~L II"PACT STATUS: That Environmental Impact Report No. 1°5, in conjunction with the apnroval of Tentative Map of Tract No. j~6G on the subject property, was certified by the City Council of the Ci[y of Anaheim o~ Septernber 21, 1976, and no further action on the environmental status is deemed necessary. NOW, TNEREFOR~, BE 17 RESOLVEU that the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission does hereby recormend to tfie City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Pe;tition fcr Reclassification be approved and, by so doing, that Tiele 18-Zonin, of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property frcxn thc RS-A-4;,000(SC) (RESID[t~TIAL/AGRIG:lLTUP.AL - SCEt~IC CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE and to inco;porate satd described proper[y into the RS-HS-10,000(SC) (RESIDEt~TIAL, SINGLE- FAMILY F~ILLSIDE - SCEi~IL CORRIDOR OVERLAY) ZONE upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare or the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: -Z- RESOLU710N NQ. PC77-86 1. That a final tract map of subject property shall be submitted to and approve~ by the City Council and then be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recnrder. 2. In the event that subject property is [o be divided for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, a parcel map, to record the approved division of subject property, shall be subnitted to and approved by Yhe City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the Office of [he Orange County Recorder. 3. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Ana~2im the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the Gity Council, said fees to be paid at tne time ;he builJing permit is issued, 4, That subject property shall be served by underground utilities. 5, Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. i a~d 2, a6ove-mentioned, shall be comp)eted. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become nuil and void by action of [he City Council unless said conditions are complied witli within one year from the daCe hereof, or such furthr_r time as ttie City Council may grant. 6. That C~nJition Flo. 4, abovc-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. TIIE FOREGOI~~G RESOLUTIOIJ is sianed and annrnvP.l hv mp rhic 11rh ~~y of I, Patricla B, Scanlan, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission held on April 11, 1977, at 1;30 p,m,, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID, HEREIST, KIWG, TOLAR, JOHNSOta NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMHISSIOPIERS: NONE VACANCY: Ot~E SEAT IN WITtJESS Wt1ERE0F, ! have hereunto set my hand this llth day of April, 1977. ~~~.~,~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANtlItJG COHMI S ON -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC77-86 STATE OF CALIFORI~IA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANf1HEIF1 )