PC 77-89RESOLUTIO~ N0. PC77-29 A RESOL~TiOtt OF TNE ANAHEIM C17Y PLA~lNItJ~ COMMISSION THAT PET1710N FOR CO!~UiTI01~AL USE PERMIT N0. 16~5 BE GRA!JTED uH'tREAS, the Anahcim Li;y Plannin9 Commissi~>n d1~1 rcceive a verificd Petitlon for Condltional Usc Permi[ from LARRY R. AI~D JUU~TtI I, SNiTIi, i3na'. Evans Lircle, Wcstmins[er, Californi~ 9z6%33 (OwnerS) and ED CRONEt~UE~G, ~il~ S. Y,nott Strert, Anaheim, Californla 92~sOh and fIOBERT GERMAHO, 17GF2 Irvine Boulevard, ~ustin, Caiifornfa 926i30 (Agents} of certain real propcr[y situated in thc L!ty of Anahcim, County of Oran9e, Statc of Callfornia, described as: TiI~T PORTIOtI OF TIiE SOUTtiEAST QUARTEP. OF THE 50UTI1El~ST QUART[R OF SECTIOt~ ls, TOtJNSF~IP 4 SOUTti, RAtJGE 11 uEST, lu TfiC f~NCHO LOS COYOTES, A5 5110ut! ON A HAP Rf:GORUCD Itt 600Y, ;1, PAGE 11 OF MISL[LLANEOUS MAPS, IN TIiE OFFILE Of THE COUt~TY REC~R7ER OF SAID COUI~TY. BEGIIIIIIfJG AT TNE SOUTiiEAST CORNER OF SAIU SECTION; THENGE SOU7H 89° 3G' NEST 2~~2.~2 FEE7; TNEtICE NORTti ;3° 2~i' NEST ALOt~G TfiE P~LIFIC ELECTRIC RAILR(1l11) RIf,HT-OF-WAY ~11.G2 FEF.T; TIiENLE HORTIi 0° 13' 1JES7 72.95 FCET; TNEtlCE NORTH b9° 3f~' E<+57 227.3 FEET TO THE ItITERSECTiON WITN A LINE PARALLEI. 1JITH THE EAST LIt~E OF SAID SCCTION AND DISTAIJT WEST[RLY ~~~~3.~10 FCET FROM Sl~IU E1157ERLY LltiF. Of SAIll SECTION, SAIU It~TC.R5ECT10N E~Ei~lf, 7HE TRUE POIN7 OF DLGINNi1~G; TNEtJCF PARALLEL N17H SAID EAST LINE, SOUTIi 0° 15' 4~" EAST 17Q,00 FEET; 7HEI~CE NORTH 99° 3~~' EAST 240.Qn FEET; THEtJCE PARALLEL WITN Sl1IU EAST LII~E SOUTH 0° 1~' ~~5" EAST lE~;,74 FCET TO A LItIE PARALLEL NITH A17D DISTAt~T 53.Of) FEET NORTHF.RL', FROM THE COURSk: IIEREINBEFORE DESCRIBED AS "SOUTH 89° 36' uEST 14~.02 FEET"~ TfiCtlC[ PARALLEL WITIi SAID LOURSE, I~ORTtI 8'~° 3~' EAST 2~.00 r'E[T Td THC NESTERLY LIt~E OF THE EASTkRLY 133.0~ F~ET OF Sl11U SECTI01~; THENCE ALONG SAIU uCSTL(tLY LINE, NORTfI 0° 15' 4;" WEST 163.74 FEET TO A LINC PARALLEL NIT11 AND DISTAt1T SOU7HCRLY 170.Q~ FEE7 FROM 7HE EA5'irRLY PROLONCl~TIOt~ OF TI1A7 CERTAIH COURSE DESCRIdED ABOVE AS "~IORTH 89° 3G' EAST 222.; f'E[T"; THENLE ALOt~~ SAID PAP,ALLEL LIt~E NURTH ii9° 3G' EAST 13~).(10 FECT TO A LINE PARl~LLCL WI7H AND CISTl1NT WESTERLY 53.0~ FEE7 FfZOM SAIU EASTCRLY LINE OF SAID SECTION; THEtlCE ALONG SA1D LAST DESCP,IflED PARALLEL LINE 1lORTH ~~ 15' 45" 4IE5T 170.~0 FEET TO A LIItE 1lHICII UEARS NORT:+ L''j° 3G' CAST AND WIIICH Pl1;5[S TIIKOUGII THE TRUC POINT Of BCuIt~NING; TIiEt~LE ALONC, SAIU LAST MENTIOt1EU LI!IE, SOUTH ~y° 3G' NEST j9Q.QQ F[ET TO Ti1E TRUE POINT OF aEG1~11~It~G; an~l WfII:RCAS, thc City Pianning Corrrnis:lcn did hold a public hcaring at [he City liall i~ [Fic Ci[y of Anahcfrn on April 11, 1977, et 1:30 p.m., noticc oF s~id public he~rin~ havtny been duly yiver as requireJ by law ~nJ in accordance w(~h the provisiuns of thc Anahcim Nunicipal Codc, Chapter 1H,03, co hear and consider evlrjence for and agalns[ said proposed conJftfonel use and to investf~ate ~nd make flndin~~s and recommendatlons In connection thercwlth; ancl RESOLUTION N0. PCJ7-89 uHEREAS, said Commissio+~, aftr.r due inspection, investi9ation and study madc by itself and in its uehalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and r~ports offered at saiJ hearing, does flnd and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is prop~rly one for wfiich a conditi~nal use per,alt is au[horized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18,4l;.~50.Q10, to wit: permlt a cocktatl lounge. 2, That thc requested use (s hcreby granted, sub,jec:C to [he stipulatlon of [he petltloner to rnafntalnin~ a dinner-dance permit at the premises; and, in [fie event that the dinne r dance permit is no[ in cffect a~ the p~emises at any Yime fn the future, this conditlo~al use pcrmit shall bc deemed null and voi<l, 3, Tha: the propused usc wlll n.~t adversely aff~t[ thc adjuining land uses and the grrn~th anJ development of thc ~rea in whlch {t is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of thc site proposed for the use is adequate to allorr thr_ full development of [he oropcsed use in a manncr not detrimental [o the particular area nor to thc peace, health, safety, and general ~ar.lfare of [he ~i[izens af the ~i[y of Anahefm. ~. 7hat the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under thc conditions Imposed, if any, will not be deYrinc~tal c~ tf~e peace, hcalth, safety and 9eneral welfart of [he Citizens of the Gicy of ~naheim. 6. 7hat no one i~,~icated iheir presence at s~i~ public hearing in opposltlon; and that no correspondente was received 1n oppasitlon to the subject pet:tlon. EIJV!RONMEt1TAL IMF`ACT FINGIt~G: 7ha[ the Cirec:or of the Plannin9 bepartment has determ n~d t at the propos~d activity fa~ls wirhfr: L5e definition of Section 3,01, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim Guidcllnes [o the Requirements for an E:ivironme~tai Impact Report ~nd fs, therefore, cate9oa-itally exert~p[ from the requirement to file an [IR. NOU, THEREFOR[, 13E IT RESOLVED tnat [he Anaheim Ci[y Planninc, Commi~slon does hereby gran[ subject Petltion for Ccndltional 'Jse Permit, u~en the foliowing condittons which are hereby f~~unJ to b~: a necessary prerequisiC~ t~ the prcposed use of the subjett property in ord~r to preserve tne safety anJ general we.i;are of [he Citizens ot' the C(ty of Anahci+n: 1. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance wi[h plans and specifications on file with the Ci[y of Anaheim rcarked Exhiblt Nos. 1 throuoh 3. 2, That this Condi[ional Usc Permit is granted suuject to a dinner-danct permit 'c~~~ing maintalne~ ~[ the premises, as stipulated to by tl~e peti[loner; and, in thc evcnt tliat a dinner-dan~.c pcrmi[ Is nat in ef'fect a[ any tlmc ln the future at the peemisc., this Condit!onal Use Permit shall be ~i~em=d n~~l and vofd. TIIE. FOR[GQING RL~OLUTIUN is si~~ned and a r ved by me [his lith day of April, 19/7. tiA 1 MA , NAt' 1 C ITY PI.A~lN I IJG COMMI55 f ON -2~ RE50LU710~ N0. PC77-89 A7TEST: 0~~,~ ~~ SECRETA~ ANAFiE!H I PLANNING COMMISSION 5T!1TE ~F CAL~FORNIA ) CO~~I~TY OF ORFlNGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAfIElt1 ) 1, Patrlcia 0, Scanian, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pianning Comr,iission, do hereby certlfy that [hc foregoing resolucion was passed and advpicd at a meet(ng of the Anaheim City Pidnnir,q Cornmission held on April 11, 197?, aC 1:30 p.m., by the followiny vote of the membcrs thereof: AYF$; COH111SSIOt7ER5: ~ARttES, DAVID, HERBST, KING, TOLAR, JOHt~SG~~ NOES: COMMISSIOfIERS: t~6;~E ABSEt7T: COMHISSI~t~ERS: t~0'IL VACAtiCY: OME: SEAT I1~ WITNESS Wt1[REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this llth day of April, ~977. ~ ~ R~~:~1.ocx-~.rc~ SECRET/1RY, At~AHEIH CITY PLAtINING COMMISSI01~ '3- RESOLUTION N0, PC7]-$9