PC 77-90RESOLUTION N0. PC77'90 A RESOLU710tJ OF THE ANAHE111 CITY PLArIt~iNG LON,N,ISSIf1'i TfiAT PETITION FOR COt~DITIOtlAL USE PCRMIT N0. 1'101 3E GR11f~TED WHEREAS, the AnaFeim City Planninq Canmissien tiicl ~eceivr. a verificd Petitlon for Lond(tional Usc Perr~ic from ANAHEIt1 LINCOLtI CE~JTCR, c/o Roy 41. DeCeil, 49~1 Oran~e Avenue, C~;press, California qQf3~, (Owners) oi ccrtain rcal proper[y situated in Chc City r~f Anahcim, County of Orange, Stat~: of Cali`ornia, ~fescrii,cd as: PAitCE L Tha[ portion of thu tlortt; ,~alf c~ [he Northwes[ quartcr of Sectinn 1?., Towr~ship 4 South, Ranqc 1G West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as per niap recorded in pook jl Page 1Q of Miscellaneous M~aps, in Che office of the County Recordc•r of said county, described as beginniny at Che t~orthwcs[ c~rner of Lot 2.',, Tract Ho. 6u91, recorded in liook 2~0 Pages 2G and "11 0` Miscellaneous Maps, records of sai~l Orangt LounCy; bein~ also [he Southcast corncr of Parcei 1 as descril~ed in a Ueed to the City of Anaheim, recorded January ~0, 13(~9 ir~ boo~ Bf~GU Pay 223, Official P,ecords; thence along thc bounJary of said land of thc City of Anaheic~ thc followiny courses: Norch O1° O1' 11" Wes[ lf'.4,9] fee[ to the beyinning of a curvc cuncavc Southcastcrly, having a radi~.is o'" 25.00 fee[ Nor[hc;ly and Northcas[crly 3?.%6 fect through a central angle of ~^° 5'J' 11" to a lirie that Is parallcl with anJ Souther~y 66.Q~ fect fro;n thr. North line af s~id Northwest quar[er; thencr. along said parallel 1(ne North o8° 5<" 00" East 333•21 fee[ :o an inter~,ection wltti ttie Northerly prolonyation cf thc Edstcrly bounJ~ry of sald Tract No. G691; thencc South ~0° 11' 18" East 210.0~ fcet along said ~iortherly prolon9ation to [he Northeast corner of s:~id Tract tr'o. GG',~1; thence South e3° 5~~' OQ" West 35b.ty fect along the t~ortherly boundary of sald Trac[ Plo. 6691, to Che point of beginninq. Except tha[ por[ion describCd as follvws: Beginn(n!7 at a pnint on [he NorCh linc of said Norttiwes[ quarter South 88~ 5L" 0~" West 12L7.32 fee[ from the Northcast corner of saiJ horth+vest yu~rter; thencc Sou;h ~0° 11' 15" East G6.On fee[ to a palnt o~i ~+ line that is parallel with and distant Southerly 6G.Q0 fee[ from said North line, be(ng [he true poi~t of be~~inn{ny; thence continuing South 00~ il' 1~" East 109.00 fee[; thence P~ortfi 89° 02' 00" blest 44.00 fee[, thence North QO° 11' i~" Wesl 16.00 fee[; thence Sou[h $~° 02' 00" East 3~~.0!'i feet; thence Nor[h OQ~ 11' Q~" West );.OU feet to a poln[ fn saiJ parallel Ilne; thencc Norch di5° $~4' OQ" East 10.00 feet alony ,af~i parailel llne to [he true pol~it of beginniny. RESOLUTION IdO. PC77-90 PARCEL 2: That portion of thc North half of thc Northwest quar~ur of 5cction lif, Township ~~ Souch, Ran~e lf;'aest, ir~ the Rancho Los Coyotes, as per map recorded in E~ook jl Page 10 of Hiscellaneous Maps, in the Office of the Coun[y Necorder of said county, descriGCd as br_qinnina a[ a point on thc North line of said Northwes: quartcr South 8E 5t;' 00" Wes[ 1?.(>7.;2 fect from th~ Nor[he~st corner o` sald Northwesc quartcr; Chencc South QO° 11' 1~" East 66.~~i fert to a point on a line thaC is parallcl with and clistant 5ou[hrrly G~~.00 feet fro~n sai~l ~Jorth linc, beiny the truc point of beyinning; tht:nce continuinq South 00~ 11' 15" East 109.00 feet; [hence Nor[h L'y° 02' OQ" 41est 1+4.00 fert; Chence North 0'i° 17' l;" blest 16.00 fceC; ClienCe SUUtti u~~ 02' 00" EaSi 34.00 fcci; thenCc ~~orth 00° 11' ~)p" 1Jest 93.00 feet to a poini in sai~1 parailel line; thence North i;L'O y3` 00" East 10.00 fee[ alonr~ said parallel line Co the trur_ point of beginniny; and NHEREl15, thc Lity Planninq Commission clid hold a pub!ic hezring at the City Hail in thc Ci[y of Anaheim on April il, 1!?77, at 1:3Q p.m,, n~~tice of said public lieariny hav(ng been duly gfven as required by law and in accorJanc.r with [he prov(sions of the J~naheim Municipai Code, Chapter 1i;.03, to hear ~nd consider evldence for and agafnst said proposed conditional use anu [o investi~ate and makc findings anJ rec~mnenJatlons in connection thr_rewith; and WIIEREAS, sald CanmiSSlon, aftcr dur_ inspec[ion, invcstiyation and s[udy made by itself anJ in its behalf, an~ after Jue conslJeration of all evicience and reports offered ac sald heorln~, does find and determine the fallowinq facts: l. That the proposed usc is properly one for which a conditional use permi[ is au[horized by l~naneim Municipal Code Sections if3.o3.o3o.Ot0 and 1t3.44.05D.010, to wit: permit the cxpansion of an exlstiny restaurant to include a cocktall loun9e with dancin~~, with waivers of; a. 5[CTIUI~ 1~.~1.?9~ - Hinimun kitchen arca. 25w o restaurant loor arca required; apnror.imately 21o proposed) b. S[CTION lfS,~i,.0(~).~.'.32 - Mi~imum numLcr of arkin s~aces. (10~ spaces require ; 9 spaces proposed) 2. That thc y~roposeJ usc is hcreby grantcd on the basis Chat it is an expanslon nf on cr.ls[fnq usc nt thc subject lo w tion, said usc not having been dctrimentil to thc arca. 3. ThaC Walver t-a, above-mcntloncd, Is hereby yr~nte~J on the basis that thc pe[ltloncr stlpulatcJ that res[auran[ scating will no[ he expandeJ beyond thac wh(eh ls so delinr_atcd ~~n tlic submit[e:d plans; [hat thc pctitioncr stlpula[ed that [hc storagc rooms d<asignace~! un the subini[teJ plans wauld b~ utilized as pantrY sCorage in connectlon with foou pre~~;~rotion; and, since pnr[ions of [he total floor area will be for Jancin~~ an~ c~cktail loun9e uses only, the reques[ed v~~iver of pcrcentage uf res[aur~nt fioor space clesiqnated for kitchen area is de[crmineJ Co be mininwi. -2- RESQLUTI0~1 N0. PC77-90 4. That Waiver 1-b, above-~entioned, is hcrehy granted on the basis that peak parking space nreds for thc proposed use will be ot diffcrenc times than the other uses in the subJect commercial ce~ter and, [herefore, the exiscing parkiny on thc site is detcrmined to be a~equate for the proposed exUansir~n. 5, That thr. proposc~ use will not advcrsely affect thu adjolning land uses and thc yrowth and Acvc?op~~cnt uf the area in .~hich it is proposed =o ~~ ~o~~t~~. ~. ThaC th~. ,ire anu shape of [he site propascJ for the usc is aclequatc co allow [hc full developincn[ of the proposcd use in a manner not detrir,ent~' tu T.lic particular area nor to the peacc•, health, safety, and genera) welfare o` the Cit(zens of the Cl ty of Anahc i~~. 7, That .hc grantiny of thc Londitional Use Fernit under the condicio~s imposed ~+ili no[ ~~c detrimr.ntal to the pencc, hcalth, safety and yc~~eral welfare of thc Cltizens of tt~c City of Anahclm. $. That rio onc irdicated thcir prescncc• a[ said publl~ hcarfng in opposition; and that no corre~,pundence was received ln opposition to [hc subjec[ petitlon. EHVIft~NMCi1TAL IMPAC7 FItIDIlIG: 'fhat the Director of ehc Plannin~~ Uepartmen[ has Jetermine t at tie propos~d ac[ivity falls within t`.e deTinition of Section 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Anahcim Guidclines to the Requirements for an Environmc:ntal Impact Report anJ is, [herefore, categorically exempt from the requlremen[ to fiic an Lli:. NOW, TftLf;EFORE, lsl IT RESOLVLD [hat thc Anaheim City Pfanniny Garmission does hereby 9rant subject PctitIan for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followinq condltion which I5 hereby found to be a necessary prerequisiie [o the proposed use of the subject prop•_rty in c~rder to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Cltizens of [hc Gity of Anah~.im: 1. That subject property st,all be deveioped su6stan[ially in accordance with p~ans ~nJ specifications on file with [he City of Anaheim marked Exhibic Nas. 1 Chrough 3, as stlpula[e~! to by Che peti[ioner. 711L FOREf,01tlG kESOLUTIO!I is siqned and April, 1977. A'fTCST: ~~~~ ~~~ SECRETAR , AN/1HE I t1 C i Y LANN I tZG LOMHi SS I Ut~ STATC OF CALIFOR171~ ) COUtJTY OF ORAIJGE ) ss. C ITY OF ANAIiEf N ) pproved by me this llth day of _3_ RESOLUTION t10. PC77-90 i, Patricia B. Scan~zn, Secretary of [he Anahcim City Planning Commission, do hcreby ccrtify that [he forc~~oiny resolution was passad and adopted at a mee'ing of the Anaheim City Planniny L~>rrwoission held on April 11, 1977, at 1:;0 p.m., by the followiny vute o` [he memb~rs tliereof: AYES: COMMISSIONCRS: BARIlES, DAVI~, NERBST, KI~~G, TOLI,;?, Ji:H;1S~1~i ~i0t5: COH111SSIONERS: NDr1C ABSENT: COMf115S I ONERS: NQtIE VACA4CY: ON[ SCAT 111 WITIJCSS WtiEREOF, I have hcrcunto sct my hand this ilth day of April, ~377. ~ +~ ECRE ARY, I~ HEIM C-I'P PL NNIN~ COMHI5510~I '~- RESOLUTIOY tJO. PC77-g0