PC 77-93RESOLUTtON ;10. Pt77-J3 n i;F_SOLUT I 0;~ OF 7tiE AH11HE I 1" C I Tl' PLAN!I I~IG COtt~i I SS I 0!i Pi.i:U11ME;IDIi~G TO THC CITY COUtICIL OF THE LITY OF ANAHEIM Tiir~.; PETITI011 fOR RLCLASSIFILATIOt~ t~0. 7~-77-'~7 I3C ~.PPP.OVEQ WHF ~.45, [hc Anaheim City Planning Cocriissir,n did receivc a verified Petition fer :te:.lassifica~ion fro~~ V. I. HOTCL COrPORA710tl, ~0; North Euclid Street, Room ~05, Anahciui, California ~2001 (Owner) anJ TtiONJ+S CAR7CP,, 10i3"l Rivcrside Drive, tJorth Nollyv~ood, Lalifornia 91L02 (Agent) of ccrtain real property si[uated in Lhe City of Anaheim, County of Orangc, 5 W[e of California, described as: Lots 11 and 1~ of Smi[h anJ Dcan's Resubdivi;ion of thc South 40~~.~Ja fee~ of f31ocS. "A" of thc Hocel Uel Laeipo Tr~ct, as sliown on a Map recorded in Etoo4. 4, page 31 of Miscelianeous Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Oranqe Coun[y; and UNERCl1S, [hc City Planniny Cancnission diil ho1J a puolic hcarinq at the City Nall in the City of Anaheira on April "1~, 1!~77, at i:30 p.m., noticc of said public hearing having been duly 9iven as reyuireJ by law and in accordance with [he provision5 of th~ Anahciro 1lunicipa: Codc, GhaptAr 1G.0;, [o hcar and consider evidence for anJ against said proposed recl~ssification and [o investigate and make findings and recommenda[ions in connectian therewi[h; and WIIEGEAS, saie Commiss+on, ofter due inspection, investiqStion and study m~de by itself and in its bchalf, and ~ftcr duc Considcration of all evidencc and reports offered at sai~ hcaring, does find and detcrmine [iie following facts: 1, That tt~e petition~_r ~~roposes a reclassification of zanin~ on the above- described property from thc Ci (COhtlt[RC!AL, LIf117EU) 'L011~ [o the RM-12~0 (RESIDEt171l1L, HULTIPL[-FAHILY) 'LOiIL. 2. That Che Anahcii~~ Gencral Flan Jesiy~ates thc subiec[ propcr*_y for meJium-density, residential land uses. j. That the propo;;c~ reclassific~[ion of su.,jeet prop~rty is nceessary and/or desirable for the u*dcrly and propcr dcvcloprr~ent of the uxnmuni[y. ~~. ThaY the proposeu reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the tones and their permi[[ed uses locally establisheG in close proximity to subject propcrty anJ to the zones and thcir pernit_ed uses yenerally established throughout ihc coramunity. j. Tha[ the proposed reclassifi w ti~~n o` subjecC property requires the dcdica[ion anJ impro~rcr;icn[ of abu[tiny strcets in ~tcordancc wich thc CirculaCion Element of the Gencral Plan, due to [he anticipated increasr_ in traffic which wiil be generated by [he in[ensification of land use. G. Tha[ no one indicated their preserce at saia public hearing in oppositivn; and tha[ no corres~iondence was recr_Ived ir~ oppos~tion io subject petition. RESOLUiION t~0. PC77-93 EUVIR01J11EtJTAL 111PACT FItJDING: Tha[ the Anaheirt~ City Planning Ca-rur'~is.sion has revieoier the subject proposal to reclassify ttie zonin9 from commercial to !nultiple- family residenlial on approxinately 60y3 syuare feet of land locateci at tne northwest corner of Broadw~y and Melrose Street, an~i does hereby rer_ommend to the City Council of tfie City of .Anaheim tha: a Negative Declaration fror~ the requirement to prepare an environmental impact r~port be approved for said projec: on tlie basis that there would be no :>iqnificant indivieiual or cumulative adverse environmental inpact sir.ce the Anaheim Gereral Plan desiynates thc subject proper[y for resideniial iand uses commensurate with the proposal; that [he subject prope!'ty is surrounded on three sides by zonin_c,;development similar to the proposal; [hat no sensitive e~vironmental elements are involved in the proposal; and [hat [he Inizial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no siynificant adverse environmental impacts. The Neyative Declaration subst~ntiatin~ tfie fore9oing `indings is on file in the Office of the Pian~ing Department. NOW, TkiEREFORE, l3l IT RESULVEU that the Anahein City Planning Comr~ission does hereby recomrend to tha City Council of the Ci[y of Anaheim tha,*. subject Petition for Reclassification be approveci anJ, by so doing, [hat 7itie 13-Zoning of the Anaheiri Municipal Code be amended to exclueJe the above-described property from the CL (COHMERCIAL, !ItiiTEL} ZOi~c anJ to incorporate saicl dcscribed property into the RM-120Q (RESIilEI~TfAL, MULTIPLE-FAttiI1.Y) ZOi~E upon thc following conditions w5ich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite [o tiie proposed use of subject property in order to preserve thc safety and general ~~+elfare of the Citizcns of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the a•+ncr(s) of subject property shall de~d to the City of Anaheim a 15-foot radius property line return at thc northwest corncr of Melrose Street a~d E3roadway. 2. That subject propcrty sh~ll be ser~~e~i uy underyround utilities. 3, iliat drainage of subjcct property ;~~all be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Enginccr. 4, That Che owner of subjec[ prope~ty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fecs as detcrmined to bc appropriate by [he City Council, saiJ fees to be paid at the time the buildiny pcrmit is issued. 5, Prior to the introJuccion of ar~ ordinance rezoning subject property, f.onditior No. i, above-~nentioned, shali be completed. The provisions or righ[s yranteJ by this resolution sl~all become null and void by action of the City Council ~~nless said conditions are complied witli withii: one year from the date hereof, or such furtlier tirie aa the City Council may gran[. 6. That. Condition t~os. 2 and 3, above-rnentioned, shall be complied with ~rior to final building and zoning inspections. 711E FOREGOING RESOLUTIOt~ is siyned anJ approved by me this 25th day ot rlpril, 19%7. CHA I kt1AtJ, t~AN C I Y P Ai~tJ I IdG COMN I SS I ON uTTEST: ~s~~. Lc-GI/ /~ X~~~d:~C~CI,~~~ SFCRETARY, AtrAHE I M C I7Y PLAIJtI l NG COMM I SS I ON -2- RESOLUTIOtd ~IO. Pc77-93 STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. C I TY 0 F At~Atl [ I li ) I, Pat~icia 8. Scanlan, Secretary of tfie Anahein; City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foreyoing s•esolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Ar~aheim City Planning Commission held on April 2~, 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COt1MIS:tON~RS: BARNES, DAVID, HERBST, KihlG, TOLAR, JOHt~SOtd NOES: COMMISS'~ONERS: NOtdE ABSENT: CO?1M I S51 ~NERS : NOP~E VACANCY: ONE SEAT 1977. It~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I havc hereunto set my hand this 25th day of April, ~ ~ SE•CRETARY, AN1lifE1M CITY PLAPlIIING C011MISSION -j- RESOLUii0P1 I~O. PC77-g3