PC 77-94~i '~ RESOLUTIOt~ N0. PC77-?~ RESOLUTION OF THL AIIAHEIM CITY PLAt~NII~G COHI11S5101~ 1'~IAT PET I T 101! FOR VAR IAtICE N0. 2927 BE GRAF~?ED WHEREAS, the Anahein City Planning Commission did receive a vcrified Petitian for Variance from MIRA-~.Ot1~; ASSOLIAT[S, );U South Placentia Avenue, Sufte A, Placentia, Galifornia 92L70 (Owner) and E.U.I. REALTY, IIIL., 12900 Garden Grove Boulevard, r~116, Garden Grove, Lalifornia 92G43 (Agen[i of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of O~ange, State of Califernia, c~escribed as: Parcel 1 That portion of Lot 1 in EilucF: 1Q of the Golden Statc Tract as per ~1ap recorded i n Eiook h, Pages GG and G7 of M i scc 1 1 aneous Plaps , i n the office of tne County Recor~er cf said County, [ogether with that por[ion of Lo[ 11 , E31ocl; "f';' of the !;raerr_r Tract, as per tiap recorded in E3ooi: i2, Pages b7 and i;ti of Miscellaneous ftecords, in the office of the County Recorder af Los An~eles County, Californiz,, described as beginning at the Southerly Terminus of [he coursc haviny ~ lenath of 190.46 fcet anJ a bearing of North 65~ 00' 17" 41est as described in Parcel 1 or the deed to [he Statc of Lalifornia recorded June 11, 19G4 in Gook 70&3, Page 49, Official RccorJs, said poinC bcing also thc most Southcrly corner of Parcel 1 of Rclinquishiuer,[ No. 5~7 recorded Au~ust 29, 195ti in Uook o7UG, Page j of Q~fici3l Records, a radial to said point oeiny ?Jorth 21~ 19' 31" East; thence along the Southeas[erly linc of said parcel North 35° 2'L' ;2" Eas[, 280.3; feet; thence North t~l° 51' 27" East, 193.95 fee[ to the most Easterly corner of said parcel, safd point beiny on the Westerly line of Parcel 3 of Rclinquishment No. 693, recorued July 2, 1~69 in Cook 9010, Page tiyfS cf Official Records; thence along the boundary of said parcel the following courscs and distances: South )3° 54' 0~+" Eas*_, 36.11 fee[, South 520 37' 47" [ast, 163.67 fee[, North 49° 20' 47" East, (i0.00 fcet, North 2~° 40' 40" 41est, 168.67 fect, Ilorth 5° 02' 02" West, 38.ju feet, IJurtn 53° 25' 07" East, 11b.G2 feet, North G2~ 31' 32" East, ~5i~.2o feet to thc rr~st Easterly corner of said parcel and thc True Point of E3eginniny; thence South 5° 21' 31" West, 224.OS feeC [o the t~eyinning of a curve concave Westcrly, having a radius of ~~J.00 feet, a radial to sa:~d point bears South 34° 33' 29" East; thence Southcrly 90.07 feet along said turve throuyh a cen[ral angie of 9° 33' 39", a radial to 5aid point bears Soutti 7~° 5)' S0" East; thence North 55° 08' 23" Wes[, 90.5'L feet; thence S~u[h G9° Q7' 17" West, ~t1.25 feet to a non-tangen[ curve concave Soutnwes[erly having a radius of 60.00 fc~t, a radial to said point bears ~~orth E3° 07' 17" Eas[; thence Northw.esterly alony said curve through a central anyle of 34° 15 40" an arc distance of 3~.~;2 feet, a radial to said poink bears North 34° 51' 37" Easi; thence P~orth 34° 51' 37" East, 20~.51 feet; thence dorth 2%° 2t;' 2i5" Wes[, j+G,3Z feet [o a point on said bounJary af Parcel 3 which bears S~u[h 6.'O 31' 32" West, 35.96 feet from saiJ Tt~ue Point of Beginning; tt~cnce I~orth G2° 31' 32" East, 35.96 feet to the True Point of 6eginniny; and RESOLUTIOtJ N0. PC77-94 i WH[REAS, the City Ptanning Commission did ho)d a public hearin3 at the City Hall in the Cit~ of Anahein on April 2>, 1977, at 1:,~0 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by laar and in accordance with tfie provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, tv hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make finding~ and recommendaCions in connecti~n [herewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, i~vestigatiun and study made by itself and in i[s behalf, and after due consideraCion of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does finu ar.d determine the following facts: 1. That thc petitioner proposes the following waivcr from the Anaheirn Municipal Code, tt~ establisli a real estate office in the F1L (I~lDUSTRIAL, L!MITED) ZOIIE: SEC710P~ 18.61.U20 - Permitted uses. (Office use not permitted) 2, That tfie proposed use is here6y grantecl on the basis of the following stipulations of the petitioner: a. That the office will bc limited to industrial and comnercial real estate sa~es only, with no residential re~l esta[e sales. b. That the rloor area will consi;t oP a maximum of 625 square feet, as proposed, with no provisions for future expansiun. c, fnat the number of employee~ at this site will consist of a maximum of three (3) salespersons and one (1) secretary. 3, That there arc excep[ional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally ta the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. Tliat the requested var•iance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial propc~'ty right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to [he property in question. 5, That the requested varianc.e will not be materially de[rimental to the public welfare or injurious [o [he propcrty or imFravements i~ such vicir.ity and zor.e in which the property is locateJ. 6, That no onc indicG~ted their presence at said public hearing i~ oppasition; and that no correspandence was received in opposition to the subject p..tl tion. Et~V I RONI"EI~TAL I h1P/1CT F I I~Q I tIG : Tha t the D i re~:tor of the P lann f ng D•epartment has determined that t e proposed act~vity falls within the definition of Sectl~n 3.01, Class 1, of the City of Analieim Guidelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report anJ is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EfR. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVEU that the Artaheim City Planning Commission does hPreby grant subiect Peiition for Variance, upon the Fol!awing conditions which are hereoy founJ to be a necessary prerequisite to thE proposed use of the subjeet prciperty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the Citv o` Anaheim: -2- R~SOLUTION IJO. Pc77-94 ~ i 1. That appropriate watcr assess,ment fces, as determined by th~e•Dire~tor of Public U[ilities, shall be paid [o the City of ~1nak~eirn prior to [he issuance ~f a building permit. 2. That subjec[ proper[~ ~tiall be developed subscantially in acc:ordance with plans and ,pecifications on fale with tF~c City o'F Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. t th rougfi 3. 3. 71iat the proposed bus~iness shall 6c limited to industrial and comanercial real estatc sales onty, as sti~ulatec! tn hy the petitioner. 4. Thai the office ~ross floar area shall consist of a maxinum of 625 square feet, as propuseJ, with no provisions for futurc expansion, as stipulated [o by [he petitioner. 5. That the number of empl~~yees ~t this site shall consi:,[ oi~ a maximum oi three (3) salespersons an~i onc (b) secre[ary, as stipulated Lo by tt~e ra[itioner. TH[ FOREG01~lG RE50LUT10"! is signcd and approved by r~e this 25th day of I, Patricia E3. Scanlan, Secretary of the Anahein City Pl~nning C~nrntssion, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutior was ~passed a~d adopYed at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Conunission lield on April 25~ 1977, at 1:30 p.m., by the folla•ring vote of [he members thereo`: AYES: COMI1ISSIQt1ER5: EiARtIES, DAVI~, IIERf35T, KItJG, TOLAR, JOHI~SON I~UES: C!?.MMISSIONERS: NOWE ABSEtlT: CUI1t11SS10!IERS: IIOtlE VACANCY: Ot1E SEAT 1977. ItJ WITN[S5 WIIEREUF~ I have hcreunto set my hand this 25th day of April, ~ ~~~li~Q~~~ ~ E , u n ~ ~~~~<, ~i siora -3- RESOLUTIOtv IJO. PC77-94 STATE OF CAIIFORtJIA ) COUNTY Of 0{tAt:GE ) ss. GITY OF A1~NIEt1•I }