PC 79-105;' r ~.; RESOLUTIOM PIO. PC79-105 A RESCLUTIOt! OF TNE A~IAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHHISSIOPI THAT PETITION FOP, CONDITIO!IAL U5E PERMIT N0. 19~~6 BE DENIE~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commissf~n did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Usc Permit from BRYAtI ItJDUSTR~AL PRQPERTIES, INC., 14b East Orangethorpe Avanuc, Anahcim, California g2801, owner, and INTP,AVISION, INC., 1h5 East Orangc[liorpe Avenuc, Anaheim, California °2801, ageni, of ccrtain rcal property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5[atc of Californta, described as: The Easterly 295.34 fect of the South iR.00 acres of the Soucheast quartcr of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 3 South, P,ange iQ West, in the Rancha San Juan CaJon de 5anta Ana, as shown on a nap record~d in book 51, page 7, Miscellineous Maps, records of said Orange County. 4IHEP,EAS, the City Planning Gumnission did schedule a public heartng at the City Hall in the Lity of Anahein on April 23, 1°79, at 1:3~ P.m., notice of safd public hearing having been duty given as required by law and in accordance w(th the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 13.03, to hear and consider evidence for and ~gainst saiJ proposed conditional use and to invescigate and make findings anJ recommenda[tons in connection therewith; said public hearing having been continucd Co the Planning Cornmission meeting of June 4~ 197?; ond WtlEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, (nvestigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1, That the proposed use is properly one for which a condttfonal use permit Is authorized by Anaheim Municipai Cocfe Section t?.Q3.~3~•O1Q and 1Q.61.05~.31{~ to ~ait: to ~etaln a bingo parlor with a watvcr of: SEC71017 1~3.~1~.060 - Minimum nur..bcr of oarkina Spaces. 1 5 spaces required; 123 spaces proposed) 3, That the requested waiver ts hereby denied on the basis that although the attached proposed off-site parking arrangement !s a partial solution, there is a possibility that the patrons of the proposed usc would not utitized the proposed valet parking and that the overflow of parking would infringe on surrounding industrial uses. 2, That the proposed use is hereby denied on the hasis that it would have an adverse impact on the surrounding industrlal uses and that parking overflow would be an infringelnent on surrounding properttes. 4, That [he proposed use riill adverseiy affect the adJoining tand uses and the growth and devetopment of the area in which it is proposed ta be located. 5. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is not adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anafieim. PC79-to5 : , G. Tha: the granting nf the Conditional Use Permit will be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general o~clfare of the Cttizens of the Ci[y of Anaheim. 7. That the traffic generated by [he proposed use wlll impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 3. That no one ir~dicateJ their presence at saiJ public heartng in oppasition; and [hat no correspondence o~as recetved in opposition to the subject petition. EFIVIRON11~i:TAL IMPACT FINDING: The Pianning Direc[or or h1s authorized represe~tattve has determ ned that thc proposeJ proJect falls within the definition of Categorfcal Exemptions, Class 1, as defined in Paragraph 2 of the Cit/ of Anaheim Environmen[al Impact Report Guidelines and is, therefore, categorFcally exemp[ fron the requirement to prepare an EIA. !i0~i, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannl~g Commission does hereby deny su6ject Peti[ion for Londitionai Use Permit on the basis of the aforenentioned findings. THE FOREGOING P.fSOLUT101! is slgned and ap ved y me this 4[h day of June, ~979. , I R.hAN, AtIAHE L C ITY PLAHtI I t1G LONH I SS IOt! ATTEST: `~~ ,t.° 7uli,~,,..~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY LAIIHItIG COM'SISSION STATE OF CALIFOR~IIA } COUNTY OF ORAIIGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahclm City Planning Lommission, do hereby certify Lhat the `oregatrtg resoluticn was passed and adoptcd at a r,sceting af the Analieim City Planning Commission held on June 4, 1~7?, by [he following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMISSfO!lERS: DARNES, ESUSHORE, t1ERDST, JOHt150~7, KIIlG IIOES: COMMISSIONEaS: DAVIO, TOLAR ABSENT: COMMISSIO!~ERS: NONE IN t11TNE55 WFiEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of June, t979. (o ~ ~C. f~.~ SECRETARY~ ANAHEIH C TY LANf~INr, COMMISSIOPI -2- PC79-105