PC 79-123 RESOLUTIQN N0. PC79-123 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIH CITY PLA~I~tING COMNISSION ADOPTING AND RECOMHENDING TO THE CITY COU~ICIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPTIOP~ OF GENERAL PLAH AMENDMENT ~JO. 151 - CIRCUL/1TION ELENENT WNEREAS, [he Lliy Council of the Lity of Anahetm did adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolutlon No. 69R-644, shou~ina thc general description and extent of land uses within the City and indtcatfng the present bellef of [he Councii as to possible fu[ure development and redevelopment of land wTthin the City; and WtiEREAS, pursuant to requests from the City of Anaheim Engineering Division for General Plan study~ thc Anaheim City Planning Co~nission directed City staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment for the Circulatton Element to change the current designation of the following existtng and proposed highways: AREA I 'Jia Cortez betwcen Santa Ana Lanyon Road and the Riverside Freeway (locat street to secondary arterial highway). AREA 11 Freedman Uay between Harbor Boulevard and Nanchester Avenue (collector street [o secondary arterial highyay). AREA I11 Clemcniinc Street between ~cdnan Way and Katella Avenue (collector street to secondary arterial highway). WfiEREAS~ Lhe Planning Department decrned it approprlate, pursuant to the provlsions of the California Envirornnental Qua11[y Act, [o prcpare a Negattve Oeclaration in connection with the General P1an Amendment Circulatton Element for the foregoing areas under consideration; and WHEREAS~ the Anaheim Lity Planning Lorrnnission did hold a public hcaring at the Anaheim Lity Hall. Council Cham6er. 204 East Lincoin Avenue. Anaheim~ on June 18, t979, aL 1:30 p.m.~ no[ico of said public hearing having been duty 9iven as required by law and in accordante with the prov(sions of the Anahelm !tunictpal Code, to hear and consider evidence far and a9alnst said Amendner.t to the Anaheim General Plan Circulatton Element and to Tnves[igate and make findt~gs and recommendations in connection therewith; and NHEREAS~ sa(d Cor,mission. after due inspectTon. investTgatton and study made by ttself and in Its behalf and after due consideratlon of all evidence and r~ports offcred at sald public hearing, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. That evidence was presented whfch substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan Circulation Element, and it ts deemed apprapriate that "Er.hibft A" bc adopted. for ail three areas. PC79-123 ~ ~. ;, i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin9 Corrunisston has reviewed the proposal to amend the Anahelm General Plan Clrculatton Element. to change the current destgnation of Via Cortez betrreen Santa Ana Canyon Road and the Riverside Freeway from a local street to a eacondary arterial highway, and Freedman Way between Harbor Boutevard and Manchester Avenue from a collector street to a secondary arterTai highway, and Clementine Street between Freedman Way and Katella Avenue from a collector street to a secondary arteriat highway, and does hereby approve the Meyative Declara[fons from thc requirement to prepare environmental impact reports on the basis that there would be no sig~ificant Individual or cumulative adverse envtronmental impacts due [o the approval of these Negative Declarations; tha[ no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Inttial Study submitted by the pettitoner indicates no significant Tndividual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Deciaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on fite in the CTty of Anaheim Planning Department. BE IT FURTtIEP. RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the foregoing findings, [he Anaheim City Planning Commisston does hereby adopt and recornnend to [he City Council of the City of Anaheim adoption of General Plan Arr,endment No. 151 - CTrculation Elenent. as folioa~s: 1. Thac "Exhiblt A" be adopted for Arca 1- Vta Cortez betwcen Santa Ana Canyon Road and thc Riverside Frecway; Area !I - Freedman Way betr~een Harbor Boulevard and Manchesier Avenue; and Area ifl - Clemen[ine Street betr+een Frecdman Way and KaCella Ave~ue. TtfE FORECOING RESOLUTIOh is signed and approved by nc this 18th day of June, 1979. ~ N, I/t I~t IT P AtJNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ .1° ~.~.~.~, SECRE7ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COH!11SSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU~~TY Of ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AtlAHEIM ) t, Edith L. Harrfs, Secretary of the Anaheim CTty Planning Commisslon, do hereby certtfy that the foregoi~g resolution Nas passed and adopted at a meeting of the A~aheim Ctty Planning Commission held on June 18, 1979, by the foltowTng vote of ihe members thereof: AYES: [OMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ OUSHORE, DAVID, HERBST~ JONNSON, TOLAR NOES: LOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSTAIH: COHMISSlONERS: KING IN uiTNESS 4MEREOF~ 1 have hcreun[o set my hand this 18th day of June. 1979. ~~ ~ i~ld/1i1.~.~ SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM LITY PLANNING GOMMISSI6N -2- PC79-t23