PC 79-134RESQLUTION N0. PC 7?-134 RESOLUTIOf~ OF TfiE AFIANEIM LITY PLAt~111NG CO`IHiS51~JN THAT PETITIO~J FOR VARIANCE P10. 30?6 BE GRAtITED WNEREAS, the Anaheim Ci[y Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Variance from LOR4ELIU5 iJ. DE RUYTER AND NARY ALICE DE RUYTER, 530 Colgate Avenue, Anaheim, California ?2801, owners, and SHIH-CHUitG YU, 2518 South Wh(tehead Lane, Hacienda Heights, California ~17~5, agent, of certaln real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Siate of California described as: PARCEL 2: THAT POP.TI011 OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTNEAST QUARTER OF 1HE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTIOh 18, TUilNSHIP 4 SOU7H, RAttCE 10 WEST, IN THE CITY OF ANAlIEIhS, COUNTY OF OP,ANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOY. 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN TfiE OFFICE OF TtiE COUtlTY RECORDER OF SAI~ COUNTY, DESCRIEED AS FOLLONS: FfEGft~t~I1JG AT TttE FlORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NESt HALF; TNEHCE SOUTN D° 07' 3h" EAST, 66.01 FEET; Tf;E~lCE SOUTfi fi8~ 58' 00" uEST 30.00 fE[T TO TtiE TRUE POI~IT OF BEGINNI~G; TIIENCE SOUTN 0° 07' 36" EAST, 278.~0 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 8$° 58' 00" WEST, 163.98 FEET; THEhCE t~ORTH 0° 07' S4" West, 272.0~ FEET; THENCE tJORTH 88° 59' 00" E~ST 16r~.00 FEET TO TfiE TRUE POI~IT OF BEGINr~l~l6. EXCEPTING TNEREFROM TkE t~ORTHERLY 173.00 FEET. 1JHEREAS, the City Planning Camission did hoid a public hearing at the Lity Hall in [he City of Anaheim on July 2, 1?7?, at 1:3n p.m., no[ice of said public hearin9 having been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.n3~ to hear and consider evidence for and againsL said proposed variance and [o investigate and make findings and recommendations in connec[lon thereriith; and 1JflEREAS, said Commission, aftcr due inspection, Investiyation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due constderation of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, docs find and de[ermine thc following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a waiver of [he following to construct an 8-unit apartmeni complex: SECTION 16.01.130 - Requlrement [hat all lots abut a public street. (,'rontage requ~ed; none proposed) 2. Thai the aforementioned watver is hereby granted on the basis that a 20-foot wide driveway easement will be recorded to provide adequate vehicular access to the property from Lincol~ Avenue. PC7°-t3~F 3. That the petiitoner stipulated that in ttie event the property is furiher subdivlded adequate access for [rash trucks shall be provided wtth a recorded perpetual easement across adJacent property. ~. That there are excepttonal or extraordinary circumstances ~r conditions applicable to the property involved or [o the Intended use of the property that do no[ apply generally to the praperty or class of use in [he same vicinity and zone. 5. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial proper[y r(ght possessed by o[her propcrty (n the same vicinity and zone, and denied [o ihe property in question. 6. That the reques[ed variancc «ill no[ be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious [o the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which che property Is located. 7. Tha[ no one indicated their presence at said pubiic hearing in opposition; and [hat no correspondence was received in opposltion to the subject petition. EtiVIRONMENTAL IHPACT FINDITIG: That the Anaheim City Planning Ccmmission has reviewed thr_ proposat to reclass fy subject properiy from the R5-A-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zonc to the RIt-1200 (Residenttal, 1lultiple-Family) Zone to cons[ruct an 3-unit apartment complex with wafver of requirenent that all lots abut a public street on a rectangularly-shaped a3rcel oF land consisttng of ap=,roxinateTy 0.4 acres, located sou[hwest of the (ntersection of Lincoln Avenue and arookhurst Street, being aoproximately 244 fee[ south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue and 400 feet ~lest of the centcrline of Erool;hurst Street, having a maximun depth of 100 fee[; anJ does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requlrenent to prepare an environmental impaci report on thc basis that there would be no significant lndividual or cumulative adverse envtronmental lnpact due to the aporoval of this Negative Declara[ion since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject properCy for medium density residential land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are tnvolved in thc proposal; that the Initial Study submit[ed by thc peLitioncr indfca;cs rto sigri`ieant indtviduai or cumulatfve adverse environmen[al impacts; and tha[ the Negattve Declaration substan[iating the foregoing findings is on filc in the City of Anaheim Plann(ng Department. NOW, THEREFOP,E, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clty Planntng Canmission does hereby grant subject Petttion for Varlance~ upon the fiollowing condtttons whTch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve che safety and genera) welfare of the Cittzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That thts Variance is gran[ed subJect to the completion of Reclassificatlon No. 7g-$0-1, nar pending. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance wlth approved plans on file with [he Office of thc Dtrector of Public Works. -2- PC79-13L .1 ~ . ~'~~ In the event that subject property is to be divided f~r the purpose of saie, lea~e, or financing; a parcel map, to record the approved divisfon of subJect property shall be submittedto and approved by the City of Anahelm a~d then be recorded in [he office of the Orange County Recorder. 4, That a perpetual 20-foot wlde easement for access purpases to and from Lincol~ Avenue to subJect property shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney's Office and then be fileJ and recorded in the offtce of the Oranae County Recorder. 5. That subject property shall be developed subs[antially in accordance wi[h plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. • 6. That Condition Nos. 3 and 4, above-mentioneJ, shall be co~plied vrith prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that a building permit is issucd, or wfttiin a period of one year from the date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 7. Tha[ Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be complted with prior to final building and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTN[R RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Planning Larnnisslon does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is erpressly predicated upo~ applTcant's compliance wtth each and all of the co~ditions herelnabove set forth. Should any such conditton, or any parY thereof. be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final ;udgm~nt of any couri of competent Jurisdiction, then this P.esolution, and any approvals heretn contllr.ed, shall be deemed null and void. ThE FOREGOIHG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by ne this 2nd day af July, ~979. A. ~, NANE ~ T PL. ~f, COt1M 1 SS I ON ATTEST: `~~ .~ o~~:, SECRETARY t ANANE I M C 17Y PIANN t NG CO~~"11 SS 10~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAHGE ) ss. CITY QF AHAHEIM ) 1, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopied at a r~eeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commisslan held on July 2. 1979, by the following vote of the menbers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE~ DAVID~ FRY~ HERBST, Y.IkG~ TOLAR NOES: CONMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOt1ER5: NOFiE IN NITNE55 WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hartd this 2nd day of July, 1979, ,~j ~ ~ /uclfil/I.c~ SECRETARY~ AtlAHE IM C ITY PLANN I~IG COMH 1 SS ION -3- PC79-t34