PC 79-14RESOLUTION N0. PC79-14 A RESOI.UTION OF THE ANRHEIM LITY PLAHNING CO'1MISSIQN TI ;7 PETITION FOR COt7DITI0NAL USE PERHIT N0. 1A31 8E GRANTED WIfEREAS, the Anaheim Ci[y Planntng Commission did receive a verified Petitlon for Conditional Use Permit from JAMES A. AtID GRl~CE LIBERIO~ 1720 West La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anahefm, California ?2A~J1. owners of cr.rtain real property situated in the C(ty of Anaheim, Coun[y of Orange. Sta[e of Callfornla. described as: That portion of the East half of the Southwest quarter of Section 3, Township 4 South, Range 10 Nest, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shown on a Map recnrded in Book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneaus Maps, recorJs of Orange Lou~ty. California, descrtbed as follows: Parcel 1, as shown on a Map filed in Book 25, page 20 of Parcel Haps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange Coun[y. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cor,+mission did hold a public hearing at ihe Ci[y Hall tn the City of Anaheim on January 1>, 197~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of satd publtc heartng having been duly given as required by law and tn accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ghapter 1".03, to hear and consider evfdence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and reca~nmendations in connection therewf[h; and 1lt1EREA5, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and tn its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evide~ce and reports offereJ at said hearing, does find and determine the foilowtng facts: i. That the proposed use Is properly one for which a condttlonal use permtt is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18,Oj.030.010 to permit ca:u~ercial uses in [tie riL (tndus[ria1, Limi[ed) Zone. 2. That the proposed use is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's stipulation at the public hearing that the specific tenants in ihe complex shall typically consist of the foltorring industrial~ offlce and commercfal uses provided that xhc permitted combination of uses shall never generate an overalt parking requlrement which exceeds the number of available on-site parking spaces (56): Required Required Area Parktng Parking Use (sq.ft.) Ratio Spaces Manufacturing 1~~312 1/500 22 Ptrno repair 3,13~ 1/500 6 Warehousing 6.945 1/lOnq 7 General Co~tractor's Office 880 1/250 4 Auto Leasing 1.565 1/200 8 Automotive Radio and Alr Conditioning Installaclon 1.565 1/200 8 24.897 sq. ft. 55 parktng spaces Pt79-t4 3. That the proposed use wiil not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the grow[h and development of thc area In which It ls proposed to be located. 4. Tha[ the size and sha~e of the sitc proposed for thc use is adequate to allow Che full development of the proposed use tn a manncr not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Cttizens of the Clty of Anahelm. 5. That the gran[ing of the Conditiona) Use Permlt under the condttions imposed, if any, will no[ bc detrimentai to the peace, heaith, safety and general welfare of the Cittzens of thc City of Anaheim. f. That no one indlcated thelr presence at said publtc hearing in opposi[lon; and that no correspondence w~s received tn oppositlon to the subject petttion. EIIUIRONMENTAL IMPACT FI~IDING: That the Anahcim Lity Planning Cortmission has revfewed ihe proposal to permit commerctal uses in the ML (Industrtal, Lfmited) Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxtrt~ately 1.3 acres located at thc northeast corner of Anahefm Boulr_vard and Lemon Street. having approxima[e frontages of 330 feet on the north side of Anaheim Boulevard and 10~ feet on che east side of Lemon Street; and does hereby approvc [he Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an envirenmen[al impac[ report on thc basis that there would be no significan[ Individual or u:iula[ive adverse enviro~me~Lal impact due to the approval of this t~ega[ive Declara[io~ since the ~nahelm General Plan designates the subJect property for limi[ed industrial land uses commensurate with the proposal; [hat no sensitfve environmen[al fmpac[s are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submltted by the petitioner tndicates no significant indtvidual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substan[lating the fore9oing f(ndings is on file (n [he City of Anaheim Plannina Depar[ment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thc Anaheim Licy Pianning Lommtsslon does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditienal Usc PermTt, upon the fpllowing condttions which are here~y found to be a necessary prerequisite to [he proposed use of the subjeci property in order [o preserve the s~fe[y and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahetm: 1. That the owner(s) of subject property shali pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 38Q6) difference bet-reen tndustrial and commerctat use amounting to 5150.00 pcr 1000 square feet of building or fraction thereof prior to the Issuance of a butiding permtt. 2. That [he proposed commercial uses shall comply with all stgntng requirements of the ML (industrial. Limited) Zone. 3. That subJect proper[y shall be developed substanttally in accordance with plans and specifica[tons on file with the Ctty of Anaheim marked Exhiblt Ho. 1, 4. That Conditton Nos. 2 and 3, above-men[loned, shall be complied with prtor to final butiding and zontng tnspectlons. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does he~eby find and determi~e that adop[ion of thts Resolutlon is expressly predicated upon applicant's compllance with each and all of the conditlons herelnabove set forth. -2- PC79-14 Should any suct~ condition, or ~ny part thcreof, be declarcd invalid or unenforceable by the final Judgment of any court of competent Jurisdtctien, then this Resolution, and a~y approvals hercin conta(ned, shall be dcemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this i5th day of January, 1979. R. . . , NIN C MM N ATTEST: ,~ SECRETARY~ ANANEIM ClTY ~LANWING COM`IISSION STATE OF LALIFORNIA ) GOUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF A~IAHEIM ) I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of thc A~aheim City Plannina Commlssion, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim tTty Planning Commission held on January 15, 1~79, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the following vote of the membcrs thereof: AYES: COHNISSIOt1ER5: BARNES, BUSHORE~ DAVID, HERSST, JOIitI50N, K111G. TOLAR NOES: COHMISSIONERS: NONE ADSEt~T: COMHISSIOt~ERS: NOt~E It~ WITNESS WFiEREOF, I havc hereunto set my hand this i5th day of January~ 1979. ~~.c~. ,~.' -~,1 ~_ SECRETARY, AI~AHEIM CITY PLANNING LOMHISSION -3- PC79-14