PC 79-145RESOlUT10N '10. PC7?-145 A RESOLUTIOl1 OF THE A~IANEIM CITY PLANNINf, COMHISSION ANEf10111G RESOLUTION ~IO. PC79-102 ADOPTED I~i C04~lECTIQN WITH LOHDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1982 ilHEREAS. on May 21~ 147~, the Anahetm City Planning CammTssTon granted Conditiona) Use Permit No. 1982 ta pernit a 213-unTt mote{ atth retaced accessory uses and a waiver of the minimum nunber of parktng saaces o~ property consistTng of ePproxTmately 3•5 acres. having a frontage of 175 fcet on the rrest side of Harbor Boulevard and being located 435 feet north of che centerline of OrangeNOOd Avenue; and UNEftEAS~ Pla~ning Cartmission Resolu[ion No. PC74~1'~2 Mas adopted in connection with Conditional Use Permit No. 19fl2 and contains the folloNTng conditions: "Canditton t~o. 5. - That a perpetual easer.+ent agreement with the owner of thc property to the south shall provtde for adeQuatc circulation of trash trucks fram one parcel to the other; and that S~~d ~grcement shall be submitted to the City Attorrtey's Office for revtew and approvat, anJ then bc tlied .nd recorded in the Office of che Orange County Recorder. "Condi[fon No. 7. - That a pcrDetual r.+utuat parKing agreement wTth the owner of both properties to the south shall be submittcd to the City Attorncy's Office for revie.. and aporoval~ and tfien be filed and recorded Tn the Offlce of the Orange County Recorder," and; L-HEREAS. the ,~perty amnr submit[ed a request to amcnd Resolutlon No. PC79-102 by deleting the aforemrntione6 [ondition Kos. 5 and 7; snd HHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pianning Corrr+Tssion dtd hold a publTc hearing at [hc City Hall in the Ctty of Anafieim on July 16~ 1979. at 1:30 p.m.. notlcc of sald pubiic hearing having been duly yiven as required Dy lax and in accordance with the provtsions of the Anahetm llunicTpal Code. io hear a~d consider tvidence for and aqainst ssid propossi co amend the conditions of ~pprovat of Condttional Use Permit No, 19$2~ and to investigate and make fTndings and recam~endatlot~s In connection therewith; and WHEREAS, satd Larmission. aftor due inspectlon, invcsttgatlc~+ and study made bY itscif anJ in its bet~alf. and a~:e: dcsc t:r.:IdarsLIor. ef a!! e~!dt^t~ ~~d r.j+c+rtc offcrcd at sald heartng. QOES HEREBY FINO: ~, That no one lndlcated hls/her p~esence at sald public hearing in opppsi~ipn and that no correspendence ++as received in opposltlon to subJect petttton. y, That subsequcnt to publicatTon of the notice of publtc hearing. thc Petltioner amended hIs rcqucst to include the detetlon of Condttlon No. 7 only. PC79-145 1 .~ 3. That the petitloner stipulated at thc public heartng that there would be no storage of lease vehicles on the premises. 4. That [he granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditlons~ as amended~ will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citlze~s of the City of AnaheTm. ENVtRONMENTAI IHPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim CTty Planning Commissfon reaffirmed the r act on o May 21, 19 9. NOw~ THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLV~D that the Anaheim Cicy Planning Camnission does hereby grant the requcst to delete Conditlon No. 7 of Resoluti~n No. PC79-102 adopted In connection with Conditional Use ~ermtt Ho. 1982 on the basis of and subject to the foregoing findings and recommendations. THE FOREGO~NG RESOLUTIOt7 is si9ned and approved by me th(s 15th day of July, 1979. ~ t, ANA EI CITY NNING COMMISSION AT7E5T: ~~"~ ,~° ~-:. _ SECRETARYf ANAri"tIH CITF PLANfiipG CO`StSI5510t! STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AtJAHEIH ) 1, Edith L. Harris. Secretary of the Anahelm City Planni~g Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resol~utlon was passed and adopted at a meeti~g of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission held on July 16. 1979, by the following vo[e of the members [hereof: AYES: COMNISSIOP~ERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE, DAVID, FRY, NERBST, Y.ING, TOLAR NOES: LOMNtSSI0NER5: ~IONE ABSENT: COMM155i0NEk5: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of July, 1979• ~ec~..c~. ,t.' ~~s~..:~ ~SECRETAR , ANAHEIM CI LANNING COMMISSION _2_ PC?9-145