PC 79-147RESOLUTION N0. 79~1~7 A RTERMINATINGFALLE°ROCEEDINGSTIt~P OHNECTIO!d"WITN'O" ;~ COND1710NAL USE PERNIT N0. 716 ~ WHEREAS, on June 21, 1965. Conditional Use Permit No. 716 was ~ranted by the Anahetm City Planning Corunission '~a Pe~oximatetyP10c5eacresandeloca[edPbetween consisting of three parcels totaling app Orangewood and Lliffwood Avenue to the north and south, and between Acama and Dana Streets to the west and east; and tiJIiEREAS, an May 7. 1979, the Planning Cortmtssion app9oveRyt120 e~condominium of Tract Nos. 10703~ 10704 and 10705 to permit a 60-buildin , subdivision or, said property; said tracts superseding the aROre-mentioned conditionai use permit; and WHEREAS, said tract approvals were subject to conditlons including the requirement that the property owner submit a lctter reques[ing termination of Conditional Use Permit No. 716; and 1JHEREAS, the applicant (Philip H. HcNamcc) has submitted a written request to terminate Londitional Use Permit Ho. 716; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that che Anaheim Gity Planning Lorrcnission does hereby terminate all proceedinys in connection with Conditfonat Use Permit Ho. 716 on the basis of the fore9oin9 findinas. THE FC4EGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thfs 16th day of July, t979. . N tJA 1 C L NN 1 NG COMt1 N . ATTEST: /^ i~d ~ ~ SECRETARY. A~IAHEIM CITY PLANNING COHMISSIOh STATE OF CALiFORNIR ) COU:~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF At1AHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris. Secretary of the Anaheim City PlannTng Commission, do theebAnaheimfCityaPlanningrC9ommTssian~held onWJulya16ed1979.abYPthe followingivote of the members thereof: AYES: COMNISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSNORE. DA~'ID, FRY. HERBST. KING. TOL11R NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: t~ONE IN W17NES5 WNEREOF, i havc hereunto set my hand this 16th day of July, 1979• io~L~, o[ ~~6..~_~ SECP,ETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIDn PC79-147