PC 79-149RESOLUTION N0. PC 79'149 A RESOLUTIOH OF 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIt~G COMMISSION THAT PETITIOl1 FOP. V~RIANCE t70. 3~05 BE DENIED WNEREAS, the Anaheim City Plannino CommTssion did reccivc a verificd Petition for Varlance from TEXACO-ANAHEIN HILLS, INC.. 3~~ Anaheim Hllls Road, Anahcim. California 92807, owncr, and LIt~D G NILLERUD, INC.. 20~5 Huntinton Drive, San Marino. Californla 92714~ agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anahcim. County of Orange. State of Caltfornia described as: Jesus Peralta defCopas, anddHariatPeraltaJdenAlverezPeas'described in the Final Decree of Partition of the Rancho Santiago de Sania qna. Hhich was entered Sepicmber 12, 1868 in book "E", page 410 of Judgmer.ts of the Distric[ Court of the 17th Judlcial Dtstrict in and for Los Angcles County, CalTfornia, more particularly shown as Parcel 3 0~ a map filed in book 127, pages 9. ». ~1 and 12 of Parcel Maps. records of Orange County, California, being subdivided as 7raet No. 8117. WHER£A5. the Ci[y Planniny Lx.^tssien dTd schedule a Dublic hearing at the City Ha11 in the Clty of Anahei~ on July 15~ 1979. at 1:30 p.n.. notice of sald public hearing havin9 been duly given as required by law and in accardance with the provisions of thc Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 12.03, to hear and tonslder evidence for and ~gainst said proposed variance and to investigate a~d make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; said public hearing havin~ been continued co the Planning Casnission meeting of July 3~. ~°79~ ~nd NHER~AS, said Lonmission, after duc inspection~ invcstigation and study ma~le OfPCfGd,OLaSa~dnft~a~Ingha~GCSaEaR~fSRL~ ~eLerTln~dchetfollorl~a,facts~:nce and reports i, That the pecitioncr proposes waiver of the followin9 to establish a°9~ unit condanintum subdivision: SECTION - M~axs~nqletrami~ra~esldentialtzoni~n ~ feet one stor permitte ; two stor~s proposed) 2, That the proposed variance is hereby denled on the basis that the Corji-idoriVeOverlay~ifzonl~gn wasP~deniedM ando (thereforca,~the'tpPop sedilwaiverenis unnrccssary. 3, That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or condlttons appiicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property PC79-14g [hat do not apply generally to ths property or class of use in the same viclnity and zonc. 4. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservatTon and enJoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property Tn the sarne vici~lty ~nd zone, and denicd to thc property In questTon. 5. That che requested variance NI11 be materialiy detrtmentat to the public welfare or inJurlous Co the property or im~rovements in such viclnlty and zone (n which [he property is loca[ed. G. That one person indicated her presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subJect petition. E~~VIRO~J!1EriTAL tMPAtT FIHDIIIG: Tha[ the AnahcTn Ci:y PlanninG CamissTon has reviewed endum t~o. 2 to Env ronmcntal Inpact Report t~o. 203 for Tentative Hap of Tract No. 8115 (Revision ~lo. ~) and Tentative Map of Tract No. 9117 (Revision No. 4) and has considered this date the evidence, both +vritien and oral, having been presented to supplement Addendum No. 2 to Environmentai Inpac[ Report Ho. 203, f~nds that po[ential environmental Impacts of [he proJect may be reduced [o an insignificant level by coRformancc with City plans. policies and ordinances; and Addendum No. 2 to Env(ronmental lmpac[ Report t~o. 203 ts in cer!plfance Ntth [he Caltfornia Environmental Quality Act and wlth City and State EIR Gutdeltnes and the Anaheim City Planni~g Lormission dces, therefore, based upon the above infomation. certtfy Addendum No. 2 to EnvJronr+ental Impact No. 203. N011. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ci[y Planning GommTssion does hereby deny subjec[ Petition for Vartance on thc basis of the aforcmentioned flndings. 1479, THE FOREGOIt:G RESOLUT~Ot7 is signed and approved by me this 30th d~y of July, C~~-- /A .B aa..--...~/ CHAIRMAN, AlU1HEIH CITY PLANNING COHMISSION ATTEST: ~~ ~~ ~ SECRETARY~ ANAFiEIH CITY PLANNING COM`115510N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORF;NGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Edtth L. Harris, Secretary of che Anahetm City Planning Cammisston. do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meetTng of thc Anahcim City Planning Comnlsslon hcld on July 30, lg7g~ by the followl~y vote of the members thercof: -2- PC79-149 AYES: COMMI5510lIERS: BARNES, BUSHORE. HER85T. 70LAR NOES: COHMISSIONERS: DAVID, KING ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: FRY ifJ uITNESS 41HEREOF, 1 have hareunto set my hand this 30th day of July~ 1979. ~ECRE~AR~EIH CITY PLANNI'+G COMHlSSION -3- PC79-1~9