PC 79-159~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC7a-15~ A RESOLUT I bt~ OF THE At~AHE IM C ITY PLAN4117G CONM I SS~101~ THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERNIT Nd, 2Q01 BE GRANTED WHEREAS~ the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon dld receive a verified Petitton for Conditlonot Use Permit from E~1!CAY BUSINESS CEtaTRE/ANAt1E~M~ c/o EMYJIY Devetopment, P. 0. Box 23?0, pewport Beach. Califqrnia, ??.6F3, owner of cer[ain real property si[uated in ihe Ctty of Anahcim~ County of Orangc, Statc of Caltfornia~ described as: That portion nf Parcel 1~ In the City of A~aheim, County of Orange, 5[ate of California as per map filed tn Book 125, Pages 32 and 35 oF Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Racorder of said County, described as foilows: tieginntng at the nortM.res[erly corner of said Parcel 1~; thence along the northerly ltne of said parcel South 8~~ 52' h5" East 250.00 feei; thence leav(ng said northerly line South 0~ 01' 15" West 192.79 feet; thence Sou[h 40° 50' 00" East °0.00 fcet; Chencc South 49° 10' 00" West 5~.~~ feet [o a line parallel with and 297.50 fect southerly~ mcasured at right angles, fron the northerly line of said parcel; thence along satd parallel ltne North 8?0 58'45" kesc 158.?1 feet [o a point on the sou[hwesterty line of sa(d parcel, said point atso being on a non-tangeni curve concave northeasterly navtng a radius of 283~+.R3 fcet; a radtal frcxn said point bears ~torth 56° 5~' 0~" Easc; thence north~.esterly 3~~•53 fee[ atong sald curve [hrough a central angte of 6° 23~ Si" to the P•atnt Of Eeginning, WHEREAS, the City Planning Lommission did schedule a public hearing at the City Hal1 in thc City of Anahcim on July 30, 1?7?, at 1:3Q p.m., no[ice of said public hearing having been duly glven as required by law and in accordance wTth the provisions of the An»heim hiunicipal Codc, Chapter 12,03, to hcar and consider evidence `or and agairtst sald propased reclassiflca[ton end ta investtgate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; satd publlc hearing having been continued to the Plan~ing Cortmisston mee[ing of August 13, 1~37°; and WHEREAS, satd Commission~ after due inspection~ tnvestigation and study made by Ttself and In its behalf~ and after due consTderatio~ of all evidence and reports offcred at said hearing, does find and deternine the follo~~ing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properiy one for which a conditional use permi[ is author' =i by Anaheim Muntcipal Code Sectlon i8.03~.010 to wit: to permft an office building in the ML (~ndus[~tal, Limited) 2one, 2, 7hat the proposed use wlll not adversely affect the ad)oining land uses (which include commercial uses and zoning to the west) and the growth and development of the area In which it is proposed to be located, 3. Tha[ Che size and shape of thc site proposed for the use is ade.ouate to allow thc full development of the proposed use tn a manner not detrimental to the partfcular area nor to the peace~ health, safety. and general welfare of the Cltizens of the Ctty of Anahetm. PC7g-t55 "iA RESOLUTION N0. PC7q-159 A RESOLUTION OF THE At1AHEIH CITY PLANNItJG LOHMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0, 2001 BE GRANTED NHEREAS~ thr_ Anahetm City Planning Carmnission did receive a verifled Petition for Conditional Use Permlt from EriY,AY BUSINESS CENTRE/ANAIIEIM, c/o EMKAY Development, P. 0. Box 2390, tlewport Eeach, California, a26f3, owner of ccrtain real propertv situated in the C1ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, Statc of California, described as: That porLion of Parcci 1~ in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange~ State of Catiforn(a as per map filed in Bool; 125, Pages 32 and 35 of Parce) Maps, in the office of the Lounty Recorder of sai~ County, described as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of said Parcel 1~; thence along the northerly line of satd parcel South 3?° SE' 45" East 250.00 feet; chence leaving said northerly line South 0° 01' 15" West 192.79 feet; thence South 40~ 50' 00" East °0.00 fcet; thencc South 49° 10' 0p" West 56.Q~ feet to a line parallel wich and 2?7,50 fecc southerly, mcasured at right angles, from the northerly line of said parcel; thence along said parallel line North 8~~ 5~,'45" Idest 158.91 feec to a point on the southwestcrly llne of said parcel, said point also betng on a non-tangent curve concave northeasterly having a:adius of 2834,33 fcet; a radial from said point bears North 66° 55' 0?" East; thence nor[hwesterly 3~6.53 feet along sald curve through a central angte of 6° 23' S1" to the Point Of Beginning. uHEREAS, thc City Planning Commission did schedulc a public hearing at thc City Hall in the City of Anahcim on July 3~. 1°7Q, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by ~aw and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code. Chapter 1p,03, to hear ~nd conslder evtdence for and againsc satd proposed reclassificatlon and to investtga[e and make findTnSs and recommendations in connection therewith; said pubifc hearing having been contTnued to the Planning Larmission meeting of August 13, 197~; and NHEREAS~ satd Comnission, after duc inspcctlon~ investigation and study made bY itself and Tn lts behalf~ and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offered at said hearfng, does fTnd and d~termine ihc followtng facis: 1. That the proposed use is praperly one for which a conditional use permtt ls authorized by Anaheim Munictpal Code Sectton 18.03~.010 to wit: to permit an office huliding in the ML (Indus[rial. ~imtted) Zone. 2. That the proposed use wTll not adversely affect the adJoinTng land uses (which include commercial uses and zoning to the west) ~nd the growth and development of the arPa In which i[ (s proposed to be located. 3. That the size a~d shape of the si[e proposed for the use is adequate to allow thc full development of thc proposed use in a manner not detrlmenCal to the particular area nor to the peace. hcaith~ safety, and genera) welfarc of the Cttizens of the C(ty of Anahelm, Pt7?-15Q 4. That the granttng of the Conditional Use Permit under the condittons imposed, if any~ will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safeiy and general welfare of the Citizens of [he City of Anaheim. 5. That the traffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and htghways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 6, That no one indtcated their presence at sald public hearTng fn opposition; and that no c~rrespo~dence was recetved in opposttion to the subJect petition. ENVIRONMENTAL 1HPACT FINDINf,: That the Anahelm Cfty Planning Comm(sslon has revieo+ed the proposa to perm t an o ftce building in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcet of land consisting of approxima[eiy 1.5 acres, having a fron[age of approximately 250 feet on the south side of Paci`ico Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximat~ly 317 fect and being located approximately 312 feet east of ihe centerline of Anaheim Boulevard; and does hereby approve the Hegative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an envlronmental impact report on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Deciaratlon since [he Anahetm General Plan designatcs the subJec[ prooerty for gencral industrial land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmental iinpacts arP involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitced by [he petiLloner indicates no significant individual or cumulatlve adverse environmental impacts; and that the Nega[ive Declaration substantiating thc foregoing findtngs is on file in the Ctty of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW~ TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEQ that the Anahcim City Planning Commisston does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the `ollowing conditions whlch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of [he City of Anahcim: 1, That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance wtth approved plans on file wi[h the Offlce of tl,e Director of Public Norks, 2. That fire hydrants shail be installed and charged as required and determtn~d to be necessary hy the Chief of [he Fire Departmen; prlor [o commencement of structural framing. 3. That the owner(s) of subJect proper[y shall pay the traffic s~gnal assessment fee (OrdTnance No. 3896) In an amount as determined by Lhe City Councii, for office buildings prlor to the lssuance of a buflding permit. 4. That subJect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the Ctty of Anahetmzmarked Exhibit Nas. 1, 2 and 3, 5. That Condition Nos. 1 and ~~~ abovc-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zo~Ing inspections. BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clty PlannTng Commtssion does hereby find and determine that the adoption of this Resolutlon is expressly predtcated upon applicant's compliance with each and atl of the conditions hereinabove sPt forth. -2- PC79-i59 ~ i Should any conditlon ar any part thereof, be declared tnvalid or unenforceable by the final Judgment of any court of competcnt Jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contalned~ shall be deesned null anJ vold. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOhI 15 slgned and approved hy me this 13th day of August, t979• C IRMAN PRO TEMPORE ANAHE 1`1 C I TY PLA!!N I I~G COMM I SS I ON ATTEST: ~ac .,C ,~ • %L~a.t,t.:, ~ELRETAP,Y. ANANEIM CITY PLANItItdG CONMISS10~1 STATE OF CALIFORIIIA ) COU~iTY OF ORANr,E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi[h L. Harrls, Secrctary of thc Anahcirn Clty Planning Commission, do hereby ccrtlfy that the foreg~~ng resolution was passerf and adopted at a meatinq of the Anahctm City Planntng Comnission held on August 13, 1979, nt 1:30 p,m.,by the fotlowing vote of thc members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DAVID, FRY, HERSST~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMN I SS I OtiERS: NC~IE ABSENT: COMh!SSIONERS: DARNES, EUSHORE ~lITNESS WHEREOF~ ! have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of August. t979. ~~ x' xl~,~..~. SELREfiAR ~ ANAHEIM CI LANNIN, COHMISSIQN -3- PC79-159