PC 79-164,g... y~. RESOLUTION N0. PC79-154 A RESOLUTION OF THE AHAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0;IMISSfON THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2008 BE GRA~ITED 41HEREAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Comm(ssion dtd receive a vcrlfled Petitio~ for Conditional Use Permit from KIRA~ICHA~~ORA TULSIBHAI BNAKTA A~~D TAP.A BHAI;TA, 1836 South Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim, California, ?2$05, owners of ccrtain real property s'stuated in the Clty of Anaheim, County of Oranae,s[ate of Californla, described as: That portion of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 4 South, Range 10 Nest, S. B. 0. 6 H., In the Rancho San Juan Cajon dc Santa Ana, dcscribed as follows: Commencing at the interseciion of the center line of the 60 foot Caiifornta State Highway with the Southwesterly extensicn of the Southeasterly line of the land conveyed to the Southern California Edison Company by deed recorded March 6, 1~12 in book ~07, page 51, of Deeds, said poi~t being South 40° 50' 15" Eas[ 301.Oh fee[ along satd center iine from the tJorth ilne of sald Section 26, and running thence North 48° 58' East along satd Southwesterly extension of said Southeas[erly line and along said Southeasterly line 50 feet to the most Westerly corner of [he tract of land conveyed to Southern CaitfornTa Edison Company by deed recorded July 26 1922 in book 412. Page 363 of Deeds; [hence I~orth 89° 5!t' East afong the South linc of che land conveyed to Southcrn Lalifornia Edison Company by deed recorded July 26, iQ22 in book 412, page 353 of Deeds, a distance of T31.98 feet a point distant 150 feet measured at right angles from the center line of [he 6~ foot California Sta[e Highway; thence South 40° 50' 15" East parallei with sald center line 79 feet to tha true polnt of beginning of the boundary of the land heretn described; thence continuing South 40° 50' 15" East aarallel wi[h said cencer llne 222.17 fect to the South line of the land conveyed to Leo A. Pyeatt and wtfe by deed recorded January 23, 1917 1n book 235, page 166 of Deeds; thence North 89° 57' ~+5" Nest along said South line 198.38 feet to said center line of the 50-foot Callfornta State Highway; thence Nerth 40° 50' 15" West along said center line 92.31 feet to the Southwesterly corner of the land cor.veyed to Louis Coldoff and others~ by deed recorded October 5, 1448 in book 1710, page 241, Official Records; thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly llne of said land conveyed to Coldoff to the true point of beginning, WHEREAS, the City Planning CortmTssion did hold a public hearing at the CTty Hall in the City of Anahelm on August 13. 1979, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provis(ons of the Anahelm Muntcipa) Code~ Chapter 18,03, to hear and consTder evidence for and agalnst saTd proposed conditional use permtt and to Investtgate and make findings and recortmendations ln connection therewith; and PC7°-l~4 NHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspcction, investlgation and study made by ttself and In its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and determinc the followinq facts: ~, 7hat the proposed use is properly one for which a conditfonal use pcrmit ts authortzed 6y Anaheim Municipa! Codc Ser.tion 18.61.~5~,27.n to wit: to permit expansion of an existing motel tn Che ML (industrial, Limited) Zone to 23 units M~ith waivers of: (a) SECTION 1t3.0~.050.0243 - Mirtmum number of parklnq spaces. ~3 soaces requ rc~ 17 soaces proposed) (b) SELTIOtI - Hinimum landscaped setback. (10 feet requfred; none proposed, 2, Thac the requested waiver (a) is hereby granted on the basis that the peticioner indTcated a certain percentage of the guests arrive by transportation modes oiher than orivate automobt~c and, therefore. fewer parking spaces per mo[el unit are nceded. 3, That the requr_sted waivcr (b) is hereby c~ranted on the basis that denlai would deprive subJect property of privileges hcing enJoyed by other property under ldenticai zontng classification in the vicinitv, said other prope~[ies having no landscaped setbacks etther. q, That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the 9rowth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 5, Tha[ thc size and shape of thc sitc proooscd for the use is adequa[e [o allow ifie full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of che Citizens of the City of Anaheim. (, That the graniing of che Condttional Use Permit undcr the conditions imposed. (f any, witl not be deCrimental to the peace, hcalth, safety and general welfare of the Citlzens of the Ctty of Anaheim. 7, That the traffic gener~ted by the proposed use will ~ot Impose a~ undue burden upon [he streeis and highways desl9ned and Improved [o carry the traffic tn the area. $, Thac no one tnd(cated thelr presence at satd public hearTng Tn opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to tfie subJect petition. ENVIRONMENTAL 14PACT FINDI~IG: That the Anaheim City Planning Lommission has revlewed the proposal to permit expanslon of an exTsting motel ln the NL (Industrtal. Limited) Zonc to 23 un(ts with walvers of the minimum number of parking spaces a~d mTnimu:n landscaped setback on a~ irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximatelY 0.4 acrc, having a frontage of approximately 1GG fect on the East sTde of Anahelm Boulevard. having maxTmun depth of approximately 100 feet, and being -2_ Pt79-164 locaied approximately 1035 fect north of the centerline of Paciftco Avenue; and does hereby approve the Negatlve DeclaraClon fran the requlrement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that the~e rrould be no sTgnificant tndividual or cumula[ive adverse environmen[al impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anahelm General Plan designates the subject property for general industrial land uses cocamensurate with the proposal; [hat no sensltlve envircnmental tmpacts arc involved in the proposal; that the I~itlal Study submitted bY the petitloner tndicates no significant individual or cumutative adverse environmental Impacts; and that the Negative Declaratio~ subsean[iating the foregoing findt~gs is on file in the tity of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, THEREFORE~ 4E IT RESOLVED that the lnahcim City Pianning CommTssion does hereby grant subject Petitton for Conditional Use PermTt, upon the foltowing conditions which are hereby found to be a ~ecessary prerequtsite to the proposed use of the subJect property in order Lo preserve the safe[y and gencral welfare of the Citlzens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That the owner(s) of subjec[ ~roperty shall pay the traffic sTgnat assessmen[ fee (Ordinance t~o. 3896) i~ an amount as determined by the City Cauncil, for the new motel units prior to the issua~ce of a Euilding permit. Z, That trash storage areas shall be pravided in accordance wlth approved plans on file wtth the Office of the Olrector of Public Norks. 3, That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with p~ans and specificattons on filc with thc City of Artaheim marked Exhibit Nos, i and 2, 4. That Condttto~ Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be compiled wtth prior to final bullding and zonTng inspections. 8E 1T FURTHER RESOLVED tha[ the Anaheim City Pl~nning Commisston does hereby find and determine that the adoption of thTs Resolutien ts expressly predicated upon aPPlicant`s compiiance with eac~ and aii of [he corditions herelrtabove set `arth. Shoutd any condleion or any part thereof, be declared Tnvalid or unenforceabie by the ftnal judgment of any court of competent Jurisdictlon~ then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed nutl and void, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOq is signed and approved by me this 13th day of August. 1979. ~ CHA AN RO ORE AMAHEIti CITY PLANNING COHHISSION ATTEST: ~~ ,~ ~~.,.. SECRE A. ANA!{EIM CITY LANNIMG COMH15510N -3- PC79-164 t ' ~i STATE Of CALlFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I. Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission. do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolutton was passed and adopted at a meeting oP the Anaheim City Planning CommissTon held on August 13, 1979, at 1:30 p,m.~by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DAVID, FRY, HERBST, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: t10NE ABSENT: CONNISSIONERS: 9ARNE5, BUSHORE IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, I have hereuntu set my ha~d thts 13th day of August, 1979- ~G~.. ~ECRE ARY, NAHEIM I1~' LANNING COMM SS~ON -4- Pt79-164