PC 79-184{~ :. RESOLUTION N0. PC74-S84 A RESOLUTION Of TNE At~AHEIH CITY PLANNINr, CONMISSIOr! 7HAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2017 BE DENIED WNEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning CommissTon did receive a verlfTed Petition for Conditiona) Use Permft from SIDtiEY ALLAN CROSSLEY A!•ID CHARLIt1E LROSSLEY, 1055 Rose Avenue, Palm Springs, Catifornia, G2262, owners, and B0~ PARVIZ SAIDI~ 12508 t•foun[ Holly Drfve~ 1Jhittier, California 90601. agent, of certain real property situa[ed in the City of Anaheim, Coun[y of Orangc, S[ate of Californfa, descrtbed as: The East 200 feet (measured to thc centcr line of Magnolia Avenue) of the South 312 fect of the I~orth 502 feet (measured to the center line of Broadway Avenue) of the Northeast quarter of thc Southeast quarter of the Northcast quartcr of Section 13, T~shtp 4 South, Range 11 41est, in thc Rancho Los Coyotes. as per map recorded in Book 51, Page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the offTce of the County Recorder of said Lounty. WfIEREAS, ths City Plann(ng Commission did hold a public hcaring at the City Hall in the City of Anahelm on Septembcr i0, 1.974. at 1:30 p.m.~ notice of saTd public hearing having been duly 91ven as requirec+ by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ghapter 1°.Q3, [o hear and consider evidence for and against saTd proposed conditional usc pcrmit and t~ investigate and make findings and recommendations In connec[lon therewith; and WHEREAS, said Com ission, after duc in:~ectlon, invcstigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratton of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: T. Ti~at [he proposeJ use is prope~iy ane for ~:Lich a canditianal use permlt is authorized by A~ahein Hunicipal Gode Section 18.4~~.05~.010 to wit: to permtt on-sale alu~holic beverages in a bar with waiver of: SECTION - Minfmum number of arkTn s aces. 10? requ red; ,9~existing) 2. That the reGuestzd waiver and proposect use are hereby denied on the basis that adequate parking Is not available on-sTte and Lhat approval ~~rould result in a detrimental effect on the surrounding properties ahich include residential uses. 3. Tha[ the proposed use will adversely affect the adJoining land uses and the gra~th and development ofi the area in which it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shapc of the site proposed for the use is not adequatc to allow the full development of the proposed use tn a manncr not detrimental to the parttcular area nor to the peace, health~ safety, and general welfare of the LiLtzcns of the Gity of Anahelm. PC79-184 ' - 5. That the~y~anting of Che Conditional Use 1.lmit will be de[rimental to the peace, heatth, safety and gencral wclfare of the Cicizens of the City of Anahefm. 6. That thc traffic genera[ed by thc proposed use wlll impose an undue burden upon the streets and htghrrays designed and improved co carry the trafftc in thr_ area. 7. That nine (9) persons tndicated thelr presence at satd publlc hearing ln opposition; and that one lei:e~ was received In opposition to the subJect petitton. ENVIROtI!1EN7AL iHPACT FINDI~IG: That the Anahelm Cfty Planning Gamisslon has revierred the proposal to permit on-sale alcoholic beverages In a bar with a waTver of minTmum number of parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of Tand consisting of approximately 1.0 acre at the nor[hwest carner of Rowland Avenue and riagnolia Avenue, having a frontage of approximately 147 fcet on thc north sidc of Rrnriand Avenue and a frontage of 312 fcet on the west sTdc of Nagnolia Avenuc; and does hcreby approvc the t~cgative Declaration fron thc reguirer+ent to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there wauld be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental inpact due to the approval of this Negative Declaratton since the Anaheim Generat Plan destgnates the subject proper[y for general commercial land uses commensurate wtth che proposal; that no sensitTve envTronnental impacts are fnvolved tn the proposal; that the lnitTal Seudy subnittce; by the petitioner indicates no slgniEtcant individual or cunulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in thc CttY of Anahcim Planntn~ Deoartment. tIOtJ, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahc~n City Planning Corxnission doas hereby deny subject Petition for ConditPonal Use Pe mit on thc basis of thc aforementioned itndings. Tf1E FOREG0112G RESOLUTION is signed and approved by ne this tOth day of Septembcr, 1979. ~~.~ P ~~~ C HA I R1Mti ~ ANAH I H C 1 PLA!RI i tJG CO!1M S I 0~! RTTEST: ~.1~. ~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIH GI Y LA~~NiNG LOMNISS10~7 STATE OF LAIiFORHIA ) COUNTY OF ORAtIGE ) ss. CITY OF AHAHEIM ) I. Edtth L. Narrls. 5ecretary of the Anahetm City Planning CommissTon. do hereby certJfy thac the foregoing reso2utlon was passed and adopted at a mecting of the Anahelm Lity Planning Cammission held on September 10, 1979~ 6Y the follo~,'ng vote of the mdnbcrs tF.ereof: AYES: COMMI5510l~ERS: BARIIES, BUSHORE~ DAVID~ FRY~ HERBST. KItIG, TOLAA NOES: COMNI5510'iERS: NOtl: ABSENT: COHMISSIO!IERS: NONE IN SJITtlE55 ~h1ERE0F. 1 havc hercunto set my hand [his l0th day of Septemver~ 1?79. `~Q.~-~. z~ l-of~r.~.u:. SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM C17Y PLANt~ING COMMISSION -2- PC79-184