PC 79-19RESOLUTION N0. PL79'19 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAliEIM CITY PLANNING COMHISSION TffAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 78-79-26 BE GRANTED. WHEREAS. the Anaheim Lity Planning Commisston did receive a verified petition for Reclassiffcation from SAND DOLLAR DEVELOPMENT, INC., 16371 Beach Boulevard~ ~'740, Huntington Beach, California 92647, a•~ner, and JAMES ASKINS~ ARC Development, 54~ North Golden C(rcle Orive~ Suite 114~ Santa Ana~ CaltfornTa 92705, agent~ of certaln real property sttua[ed (n the Ctty of Anaheim~ County of Orange~ State of California, described as follows: Parcel 4 as shown on a Map recorded in book 123, pages 44 and 45 of Parcel Maps, records of Orange County, California. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did schedule a public hea~ing at the City Hall tn the City of M ahefm on January 29, 1979, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said Public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wtth the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, Lo hear and consider evidence for and a9ainst said proposed reclassification and to inves[Igate and make findings and recommendations in cannectton therewith; said public hearing havtng been continued to the Planning Commtssion meeting of January 15, 1979; and WIiEREAS. said Commisston after due inspection, investtgatio~ and study made by itself and in iis behalf, and after due constdera[ton of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determfne the following facts: l. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subJect property from ~he CG (Commercial, Ge~eral) Zone to [he RM-k000 (Residentia~~ Multiple-Family) Zone. 2. That the Maheim General Plan deslgnates subJect property for medtum densi[y residential land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subJect proper[y is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the cortmunity. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subJect property does properiy relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to subject property a~d to the zones and their permttted uses generally establtshed throughout the community. S. That no one lndf w ted their presence ac said public hearing Tn opposition; and that no correspondence -+as received in opposi[ton to the subJect petttion, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINUING: That Environmentai Impact Report No. 223 for the proposed ve opme~t o entative ract No. 10476 (Reviston No. 1)~ having been Pt79-19 considered this date by the Anahelm Clty Planning Commisison and evidence, both written and oral, having been presented to supplement draft EIR No, 223, finds [hat potential environmental impacts of the proJect may be reduced to an insignificant level by conformance wTth City plens, polfcies and ordinances and that draft EIR No. 223 is in compliance with the Californla Environmental Quality Act and with City and State EIR Guidelines and therefore, based upon such informa[lon, the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon certlfles EIR No. 223• NpW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Conmission Joes hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doing. that Tttle 18-Zoning of [he Anahetm Muntcipal Code be amended to exclude [he above-descrfbed property from the CG (COMMERCIAL, GENERAL) and to incorporate said described property into the RM-4000 (RESIDE~ITIAL. MULTIPLE-FAMILY) ZOPlE upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerea,uisite to the proposed use of subject property In order to preserve Che safety ~nd generai welfarc of the Citizens of the ~~ty of Anaheim: 1, Tha[ suhJect property shall be srrvr_d by underground u[llities. 2, That drainage of subJect property shall bc disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the C[ty Engineer. 3, That [he owner of subject property shall pay to the Lity of Anahelm [he appropria[e park and recreatton in-lleu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be pald ac the time the building permit is issued. 4. That the owner(s) of subjec[ property shail pay [he traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) amounting to 53~.00 per each new dwelling unit prtor to thc tssuance of a buildiny permit. 6. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-menttoned, sh~ll be cemplied with prior to final bullding and zoni~g (nspec[io~s. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoptlon of thfs Resoiution is expressiy predtca[ed upo~ applican['s comPllance wi[h each and all of [he conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be deciared invalid or unenforceable by the final Judgment of any court of canpetent Jur(sdiction, Chen this Resolutton. and any approvals hereirt contained, shall be decmed null and void. THE fOREG0ING RESOLUTION is sig~ed and approved by me this 24[h day of January, 1Q79• ~ L!~ii^r~ ~ ~ AIRMAN~ ANATIE~TM CITY PLANNIN~ COMHISSION ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~ SECRETAR ~ ANANEIM ITY IANNING COHMISSION -2- Pt79-19 STATE dF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Edlth L• Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Cfty Planntng Commisslon~ do hereby certtfy that the foregofng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission held on January 29, 1979. at 1:30 p.m.~ by the followi~g vote of thc members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIONERS: BUSHORE~ HERBST. JOHNSON. KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMHISSIONERS: BARNES, DAVID ~979. IN WITNE55 1JHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand ihis 29th day of January, ~~ .r_' ~ _: 3~R~AR . AN kE H CIT LANNING COMHI55 ON _3_ PC79-19 ~' , . STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Edith L. Harris~ Secretary of the Anahetm CTty Planning Comm(ssion, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission held on January 29~ 1979, at 1:30 p.m.~ by the followTng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BUSHORE~ HERBST~ JOHNSON, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI5S10~lER5: BARNES~ DAVID ~979. IN NITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of January, ~~ETA ~A~N H-E I Y C I l~' ~LANN I NG COHM I S N -3- PC79-19