PC 79-199RESOLUTION N0. PC79-199 A RESOLlfTION OF THE ANAHEIH LITY PLANNING COMt115S10!~ ADOPTING AND RECOMHENDIIlG TO TNE CiTY LOUI~CIL Of THE CITY OF ANAHEIM ADOPT~OtI OF GE!JERAL PLAN AMENDHENT t10. ~54 - ~Ar~o USE ELEMENT 1dHEREAS, thc Ctty Council of the City of Anaheim did adopt the Anaheim Genera) Plart by Resolutton No. 69R-644, showing thc gencral description and extent of iand uses wtthtn the Lity and indicattng the presenc betief of [he Council as to possible future development and redevelopment of land within the Ci[y; and 'dNEREAS, pursuant to requcs[s from thc property ownar for General Plan study, the Anahelm City Planning Commission direcCed City siaff to prepare a General Plan Amendment for an irregularly-shaped parcel of land havin9 an area of approximately 277 acres, loca[ed immediately north of the Riverside Freeway on the east and west sides of Weir Canyon Road; and WFIEREAS, thc Planntng Department deemed It appropriaic, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, to prepare Environmental Impact Report No. 230, in connection with the General Plan Amendment for che area undcr consideration; and WlIEREAS, thc Anahcln Cfty Plartning Can-slssian did hold a publie hearing at [he City Hali in [hc Li[y of Anaheim on Sep[ember 24, 197~, at 1:3Q P.m., notice of said public hearfng havt~g been duly given as required by liw and in accordance with the provisians of the Anaheim Mvntcipa) Code. to hear and constder evidence for and against said pmendment to the Anaheim Gencral Plan and to inves[igate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and FMEREAS, said Lommisston, after due tnspection, investfgatton and study made by itself and in Its behalf and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offered a[ said public hearfng, DOES NEREBY FIND: 1. That evidence was presented which substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is deemed approprTatc that Exhibit B be adopted, MOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Environmental Impact Report ~lo. 230 havtng bee~ considered this date by thc Anahelm City Planning Cortmiisslon and evidence, both wrttCen and orat~ having been presented to supplement said EIR No. Z30, the Planning Lommfsslon finds that Draft E~R No. 23Q is in compliance wTth the Californla Envtronmental QualTty Act and with City and State EIR Guidelines; that Draft EIR No. 230 for the proposed development of the Santa Ana Valley Irrtgation (SAVI) Ranch tdentifles the folla~Tng potential significant Impacts which said proJect could have on the environment: (a) [here will be a dlsruption to the flora and fauna in [he proJect area; (b) there will be an increase fn the pollutant level in the downstream groundwater recharge basin; and (c) considerable amounts of vehicular traffic wtll generate congestion, noTse and atr pollution Tn the area; that che proJect ~olll cause [he converston of open space to urban development and wlll have a local and reglonal growth-inducing impact by stimulating residential and PC79-199 commercial development (n presently undeveloped areas; however, such environmental Impacts wl11 be reduced by compliance W~th Cfty codes, plans, policTes and procedures; the project w111 bring substant~el soclai and economic beneftts to the City and its res(~ents by provlding employment, lncreased tax revenues and providing and/or stimulating the development of attra~tive residential and perhaps recreational facilities; and sald economlc and sacial consideratlons make lnfeasible the mitTqation measures or proJect alternatives identified ln thc EIR; thercfore, the Planning Commlssion recommends that the City Council certify EIR No. 23~ and adopt a state of Overriding Considcratlans. BE IT fUaTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the foregoing findings, the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hereby adopt and recomme~d to the City Council of the City of Anaheim adoptton of General Plan Amendment No. 154, as follows: t, That Exhibit B be adopced for the approxlmate 277 acres located immediately north of the Riversidc Freeway on the east and west sides of Wetr Canyon Road. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is 519~ed a~d approved by me this 24th day of September, 1979. y~ !' < ~~.1'~_. ~ ~ /~~ U~!.~.-~~, % CHAIRMAN. AIIAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST; `~~2~ ,to ~.~. SEGRETAP,Y~ At111NEIM 41TY"PLANN!NG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY GF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIH ) 1, Edith L• Harrls, Secretary of [he Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon~ do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetTng of thc Anahelm City Planning Commission hcld on September 24, 1979, by the following vote of Lh~ mcr~bars thereof; AYES: COMHISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, DAVID, FRY, HERSST, Y,IItG~ TOLAR ~IOES: GOMMiSSIONERS: NO~IE ABSENT; COMMISStONERS: NONE 1979. IIl 1lITNE55 ~EREOF~ 1 have hereunto set my hand thts 24th day of September, ~aCt?r..L .C. i~ SECR ~AR ~ AN~AHEIM LITY PLAlINING COMMISSIQN -2- PC7Q-199