PC 79-212RESOLUTION t10. PC7?-212 A RF.SOLI-T I Ot~ OF TlIE AHAHE I M L ITY PLANN 1 t1G CONII I5510~! GP.ANT 1 NG TH£ REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT OF COtID I T 10!1 PERTA I N I NG BLOLK HALL HEIGIiTS ALONG THE SOUTH PROPERTY LI~IE IIt C01~NECTIOH uITH COTIDITIOf~AL USE PERMIT f~0. t834 wF1EREliS, thC pet(tioner submitted a rcaucst for an amendment Co the conditions of approval conialn~d In Anaheim CTty Planning Lomisston Resalution ~to. PC7E-124 granted in connec[lon with Londitional Use P~rmit No. iR31i of property cons(sting of approxima[ely 15.1 acres, having a frontage of approximately 1115 feet on the 50ULI1 side of Convention way, having a maximum depth of approximately G03 feei, and betng located approxTmately 500 feet west o` the centerilne of Harbor Boulevard; and 4RIEREAS, the petitToncr reo~ests amendment of the foltowing condTtion contained In ihe atwve-referred to resolu[ton: "11. That subject propcrty shall be develope~' substan[tally in accordancc riiih plans and specifica[tons on filc Nith thc C(ty of Anahcim mar~ed Exhibit Nos. 1 through 5; provided, howcvcr, that a six {6) foot high solid block Waii topped with four (4 ) feet ef perforated-type fencing shati be constructed along that portTon of the south preperty line located adJacent Co the restdenttal structure on Lot No. 2? of Tract fJO. 3n2Q. The specific plan for the fencing along the aforane~tloned prooerty lTne shall be submitted to and aporoved 6y the Pianning Department and [hc City Englncer." 11N:REAS; the Anahein Clty Plannfr.g conrnission d;d hold a public hearing at Chc C(ty Hall in thc C1ty of Fnahcim on Octobcr 22, 19?!~~ at 1:30 p.m., nocice of said pubiic hearTng having been duly given as required by IiN and in accordance wttn the Gravisions o( f'~e Anaiirim 'iunicipai GaSe. [o hcar and consider evidence for and a9aTnsc said proposal to amend thc co~dltlons of approval of Condttional Use Pcrml[ No. 1834~ and Co investigate and nake ftndings and recommrndations in connection therewith; and t1F1EREA5~ said Cam ission, aft~r due tnspectlon~ investigation and study made by iCSelf and ln T[s behalf~ and after due consideration of all evldence and reports offcreJ at sald hearing~ DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. That five (5) persons tippcared at sald publtc hearing, onc (1) person expressing oppositton to subjec[ amendr.,en[; and thnt no correspondence Yl~S received in opposttion to the subject pctition. 2. That [he pet(tioncr has repre~ented that all adjacent single-family propertY ormers :o the south (except the owner o` Lot. No, 2~ of Tract 3029) prefer a slx (G) foot hlgh solTd block wall racher than a nlne ~9) foot hl~• wall as orlglnally approved; an,, chat thc multlple-famtly property owners prefer a nine (9) foot hlgh solid block kall, rat!,cr than a ten (ln) foot hlgh wall as originally approved. PC79-212 ~ ~ ' 3. That the adJacent property ormer to the west has plans for conttnuatfon of the tirall and t~ orJer that thc hcights of the tvro walls match, the nlne (9) foot high wall shall be measured from the top of the footings. 4, That the Anahetm City Planning Commission does hereby grant tfie request to amend Condition No. il of Resotutton 1~0. PC. 78-124 to permlt a sir. (5) foot hlgh solid block wall adJacent to the single-famlly residences and a nine (9) foot htgh solid block wall adJacent to the multiple-family residences on the south property ilne, and that said ntne (9) foot high solid 51ock wall shall bc measured from the top of the footings. ENVIROHHEPIT<~L INPALT FIt:DING: Envtronmental Irpact Report No. 215 .ras previously approve or th s proJect by the Anahetn Ctty Plannina Cortnission on June 5, 1973. NON, THEREFORE, DE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Lortmission does hereby grant the request to amend the subject conditlon of approval of Conditionai Use Permit No. 183k on thc basis of and subJec[ to the foregotng findings and recommendatlons. TlIE FOREGOfNG RESOLUT10~1 is stgned and approved by me this 22nd day of October, 1979. . ~_~~'~.t.t,..,a~ HAIR.4AH, AtIAHE1M ITY LA4!JItJG LGMHISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY~ ANANEIM CITY PLAtIt11YG COMMISSIDN STATE OF LALIFORNIA } CDUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH[It1 ) I~ Edtth L. Harris~ Sr.cretary of th~ Anaheir+ CtLy Plannfng Commisst~~~ do hereby certffy tha[ the foregoing resoluilon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Li[y Planning Cavnissio~ held on October 22~ iQ79, by the f~llowing vote of ihe nembers thereof: AYES: COMM~' 'ONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE. DAVI[1, FRY, HERBST~ KING, TOLAR NOES: LONMi:.,IONERS: NO~~E ABSEifT: COMMISSIONERS: NOdE 1979. I~I WITNESS 41HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of October, ~~ ~ ~~ SECRE AP.Y~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIt~r, COMMISSION -2- PC7~-212