PC 79-228~ RESOLUTION k0. PC79'228 A RESOLUTIOtJ OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLAtIlIING CONl11iSI0N THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2039 BE DE~~IED 11F1EREA5~ the Anaheim City Ptanning Commtssion did reccive a verified Petition for Condttional Use Permit from KENt~Y GOLF ENTERPRISES, Il~C., 1486 Enderby Way, Sunnyvale, California 94087, owners of certain real property situated ln the City of Anahetm, County of Orange~ State of CallfornTa, described as: That portion of Lot 10 of Orange Grove Acres, in the Ctty of Anaheim~ Loun[y of Orange. State of California, as shown on a map recorded in Book 6. Paqe 42 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County. being also a portion of Parcel 1 as shown on a map filcd tn Book 39, Page 42 of Parcei Maps, (n the offlce of said County Recorder more particularly described as follows: Beglnntng at the Southeasterly corner of sald Parcel 1; [hence along the Southeasterly boundary of sald Parcel 1~ the followin9 courses: South 73° 48~ 30" wcst 99.34 feet, South 77° 53' 3u" aest 117.38 feet, and North 3~ 46' 15" Nest 0.05 feet; thence con[inuing North 3° 46' 15" IJest 195.94 feet; thence North 85° 13' 45" East 178.44 feet to the Northeasterly line af said Parcel 1; [hence South 15° 11' 30" East 161.39 fcet along said Northeasterly llnc to the POINT OF BEGI~INIt1G. ~IHEREAS~ the City Planni~g Commisston dTd hold a public hearing at the City Hall Tn the City of Anaheim on Oecember 3. 1979, at 1:30 p.m.. nottce of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wTth the provisions of the A~aheim Municipal Code' Chapter 18.03. to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to tnvestigate and make findings and recomnendations in connection thereHith; and LIHEREAS, said Caimission, after due (nspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf. and after Eue cons(deration of all evldence and reports offered at sald hearing, does find and determine thc following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for MhTch a conditional use permit is authorized by Anahetm Municipal Code Sectlon to wit: to permit a watcrslide Tn [he RS-A-43~000 (Residenttal~ Aqrtcultural) Zone. 2. That [he proposed use is hereby denTed on the basis that sub)ect proper[y Is in the Canyon Industrtal Area and is a portion of a parcel pa~tiaTly zoned ML (industrial. Limtted) and developed as a mtniature golf course; that the proposed expansion af the recreational use within the ir.dustrlal area will create addittonat and undesirable trafffc and wl11 be a further encroachment into the industrlal area; that the industrtal traffic already in the area would be a hazard to thc safety of thc youth frequenti~g the proposed recreational establishment during regular industrTa) business hours; and~ furthermore~ that subJect property abuts a PC79-?.28 freeway and the proposed use would be an attractlve nutsance possibly creating a tr~ffTc hazard to passing freeway trafftc. 3. 7hat the proposed use N111 advcrsely affect the adJoining land uses and the growth and development of the ~rea in whtch lt Is eroposed to be located. 4, That the s(ze and shape of the site proposed for the use is not adequate to alla~ thc fulT devclopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrtnental to the particular area nor to the peace~ health, safety, and general welfare of the Cltizens of the City of Anahetm. 5. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit wlil be detrimental to the peace, health~ safety and generai welfare of the CTtlzens of the City of Anaheim, 6. That the traffic gencrated by thc proposed use will imposc an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and Improved to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That 2 persons indicated theTr presence at satd public hearing in opposftion; and that no carrespondence -+as received tn oppositlon to the subject pe[ition, ENVIROtIME~lTAL IMPACT FltlDItIG: That the Anaheim C(ty Planning Comission has rcviewed thc proposa to pern [ a Haterslide In thc RS-A-~i3.000 (Residen[iat~ Agrtcultural) Zo~e on an Trregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approxima[ely 1.0 acre located on the north side of the Riverside Freeway approxtmately 2q1 feet souch of che terminus of Carpenter Avenue~ and does hereby disapprove the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an envlrornnental impact repor[ on the basis that there would be significant individual or cumulatTve adverse environmental. N041~ THEREFO4E~ BE IT RESOLVED thac the Anaheim City PlannTng Lommission docs hereby deny subJec: PetltTon for ConditTonal Use PermTt on the basis of the aforementioned findlr.gs. THE POREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 3rd day of December, 1?79, ATTEST: L~~,•.~l~= ~ ~.. ~RhAN~ ApANE1H I LAt1N NG COMHISSIOq ~ CRE AR , N H M. AN~CONMI ION -2- PC19-228 ~ i STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIN ) I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commtsslon, do hereby certify Cha[ the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on December 3, 1y7g, by the followtng vote ort the members thereof: AYES: CO1fMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, DAVID~ FRY, HERBST, Y.ING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE kBSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE IN N~7NESS WHERF.~F, I havc hercunto set my hand thls 3rd day of December, is~9. ~ ~ x° ~ ~ 3ECRE~fA°Y,,~NANEIti CITY A`IlING COMMISSION -3- PC79-228