71R-110 I:'.LS OI.U,}~I O"l-I Lie). 71R- 110 .f\. RES OLUI):'I 0:: OF THE Clr:Lty COlJr.JCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHBIM LEVYI~G &~ ASSESS~illNT ON EACH LOT IU\jD PARCEL OF LAND CON':e1\II..iED IN STREE'll LIGHT- ING ASSESSivllil'J'I~f DIS'lRIC'I' 1970-1 POR THE FIRS'll CONT:r~.AClll YEAR I FlOP. ii.i:t-l}:; i~:.lOU~1:r: LS'IillvlATED TO BE l.il::CESSA11Y tj:O I[.iPROVI~ Thil.: S'IiP~ET LIGHTING SYS- r11E~':~ !1'0::? TEl: ErISUILJG COi.\!fl1RAC'I1 YEAR.. :JHEP-BAS I tile Ci ty Council of the Ci ty of Ana:i1eim has established a street lig:~ting assessment district designated ;; Street Lig-11ting .:'.':..sse~:-Jsrnen.t :;'~iis-trict 107U"~1 ii; and i.1T!-iETC:';.i\S, the report of "tile Su:':;)erintendent of Streets ana .en€:: proposed. assessment ,/li til regard t.o said street light- ing asseSSInc;nt district \'7aS conf:Lrra~~d by Resolution No. 71R-21 adopted January 19, 1971; and h~EREAS, the Superintendent of Streets has estimated the amount necessary to inl::;>rove the street lighting system for the ensuiilg contract year, fron1 July 1, 1':71 to June 30, 1972, to he ~:1,143.S9. l~'O~;J! f,I1LEREFORE, the Ci.'l:y Cour..cil of the City of l\i'iallSiTn docs hCr(~DY resolv~ and or<.ier as fo11o\Y's: 1. T~at th~ r~9ort of said Superintendent of streets as to tlle amount estinlated to be necessary to improve the str8et lig~.lting s~.7stera for ti1e .-.=nsuing contract year, he, and ti.1C Saine is r~ere~y" confirmed.. 2. ll'hat the CO~3t. to cac~';, lot ant 1~jarce1 of land as set forth iTl sai0. report of t:l0 Su::;erintel1.dent of Streets is ascer- tained and deter~ine6 to ~e a correct cost and the assessrnant levied against aach lot and parcel of land for the first contract year is levieti against each suc~ lot and ~arcel of land as follo~V's ~ :Ilhe SUI':1 of ~.; 9 . \)1 for .:;ach of 'tile fol1o\ving parcel nUJ.lWers ~ P.... P. NO. -."\ P. no. A. P. NO. ."1. . -----..- . ___ __......... _ "..._ao_ -......--..----..... -.-. 71--271-02 -18 -11 -03 -l~: 71-273-01 ..~O4 .-20 -02 -05 .- .., 1 -03 4.a .... --06 .-22 -04 -07 -23 -05 -08 71"-272-01 -06 -09 -02 -07 -10 ~-O3 -08 "-11 --04 -09 -12 -05 -10 -13 .-06 -11 ...14 .-07 -12 '-1':> -08 -13 -~I(-i -09 -14 ---17 -10 -15 -1- . --=--. .....M. .......-- . ..._~. . ............ ....--,. ..~. '.'. . ........... . ....~;.,.......". :.. .........IEr:....-ll;;O:'..w.-.,,_..~__._~:.._._~ ...........~.. A. P. l'~ 0 . A. P. i.IO. A. P. NO. ---....------ .."_. -.--. ..a_.__...,_ ---.-- -16 -22 -22 -17 '.0..23 -23 --1d --24 -24 71-274-01 7 1.- 2 7 5 .- 01 71-276-01 -02 -..02 -02 --03 --03 -03 r..04 .-04 -04 -- 0 !:) -05 -05 -O\i -OE -06 -07 -07 -07 --08 '-08 71-283-01 ..-09 -09 -02 -lJ ~-10 -03 -11 -11 -04 -12 -12 -05 .-13 -13 -06 -14 ~'.14 -07 -15 --15 -08 --lu ...lb -09 -17 -17 -10 -18 -~lS -11 -19 ,.,,19 -12 -.20 -20 71-286-13 ~.. 21 -21 3. That all sums for tne cost of maintenance or im~rovement of the street lighting system for the ensuing contract year, from July I, 1971 to June 30, 1972, are hereby declared to be a lien upon the property in nStreet Lighting Assessment District 197u-1, il and shall he collected with the taxes on tbe said property. 4. That the Director of Finance of the Citv of Anaheim be, and he is her{:~by authorized and directed to file '"Ii th the County Auditor of the County of Orange, on or before August 10, 1971, a certified copy of this resolution and a certified copy of the report of the Su~)erint~ndent of Streets hereby confirm2d; and t~1e Count~~.,. J':a.uditor is authorized and requested to enter eaci1 assessment in tile COUl1ty tax rolls opposi tc the parcel of land, and ado the amount of assessment to the next regular tax bill levied against eaci of said parcels, for municipal purposes. 'lllfF~ FOR:t~GOldG PES OL Ur:i."t I Ol':! is ap!.~"roved and signed by me tr:;,is 23rd aay of ~ :.arcll, 1971. ~( .' .---'? - /. . "./ ~ ~ - .(//. ~b11%~_ :"~~YOR OF THE CITY OF Al'J}~qE IT ProlTem [~~;'~,-~~-- CITY CLEP~ OF THE CI~Y OF ANAHEI~1 -2- .-.....-..................~..... ...._.... -......... ............. ...="!'"' -.... ..~..;........_-""&.__.....-.....-~....._~_....J...........-._..... .~.._-....__ STATE OF CALIFOR~lIA ) COmITY OF ORANGE ) S5. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, DENE !1. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do nereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 71R-I10 was ?assed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on t~le 23rd day of Ma...-ch ____-__, 19......2J.... by the follo'\\]ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COU.NCILI"iEr~ : Roth, Thom and Pebley NOES: CQUi\ICIL1'-iEN : None ABSENT: CQUi'JCILl'oiEN: Stephenson and Dutton Pro-Tem Al~D I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor'of the City of ima:neim approved and 5~gned said resolution on the ?3rrl _ day of IvIarch IJ2L-. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I nave hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the City of ~~aheim this ?3ro day of . .._ i"Iarch .' 19 --1.L.- · .j}~ OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM (SEAL) I, DENE M. DAOUST, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-110 duly passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on March 23, 1971. fJ,~~ # j;~ City Clerk .l_ ... ~"""'.""'r._,tI'-..... w_.......~...,. '1IIJl'...........:.>4'=--....-...ilIJC........ .~.....&o:.:..........................