PC 79-31RESOLUTI0~1 N0. PC 79-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING LOMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 3074 BE OENIED wFiEREAS, tfie Anaheim '~y Planntng Commisslon did recelve a verlf(ed Petition for Varlance from JAMES r. MC MAHAN~ 2121 Wilshire Boulevard~ Santa Monica, California 90~~06. owner and GILBERT A. THOMAS, 1442 irvtne Boulevard, Suite 119. Tustin. Californla 92680, agent. of certain real property situated in the City of Anahelm~ County of Orange. Statc of California described as: All that certaln land sltuated I~ the County of Orangc, State of Callfornla~ descrtbed as- The East 357.78 feet of the $outheast quarter of the Nor[heast quarier of the Northeast quarter of Sectlon 8, Tormshlp 4 South. Range 10 West~ ln the city of Anahelm County of Orange, State of Lalifornia~ as per map recorded in Book 51 Page 10 of MlsceElaneous Haps. tn the offlce of the county recorder of said county. EXCEPT that portton thereof lying northerly of the South line of Tract No. 3008, as per map recorded tn Book 94 Page 1 of said Mlscella~eous Maps. ALSO EXCEPT that portlon thereof Included within the Souch two acres of sald Southeast quarter. Said land Included wtthln the area shorm on a map filed in Book 46 Page 13 of Record ~f Surveys. ln the office of the county recorder of safd county. NHEREAS, the City Planning Cammission did Hal) tn the City of Anaheim on February 12. 1979~ at hearing having been duly given as requi~ed by provislons of the Anahetm Municipal Code. Lhapter ev(dence for and against safd proposed variance and and recommendations in connectlon thereNith; and iold a public hearing at the City 1:30 p.m.~ notice of sald public laa and In accordance wTth the 1A.03. to hear and consfder to investigate and make findings WFIEREAS~ sald Commisston~ after due l~spection, investigatTon and study made by itself and in its behalf. and after due consideration of all evTdence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and determtne the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a watver of the following to construct a roof-mounted sign: SECTION - Maximum sl n het ht 25 eet permlited; ~eet proposed} 2. That the praposed Naiver is hereby dented on the basts that there are no structures whlch r+ould obstruct thc vtslb(ifty of the permitted on-site sfgning; that there are no unlque Gircumstances applicable to subJect property's size, shape. topography~ locatlon or surroundings; and that strlct applicatlon of the zoning code PC79-31 does not deprive thc property of privileges en)oyed hy otf~er propert(es In the sarae zone and vicTnTty. 3. That there are no exceptio~al or extraordinary circumscances or condttlons applicable to the property Involved or to the intended use of the property tha[ do not apply generally to the property or class of use in [he same vlcintty and zone, 4. That the requested variance is not necessary for the preservatlon and enJoyment of a substantfal property right possessed by other property Tn the same victnity and zone~ and denled to the property in questTon. 5. That no one indicated thelr presence at said publlc hearTng in opposition; and t,t no correspo~dence aas recefved (n oppositton to the subJect petition. ENVIRONMEI~TAL IMPACT FINDItIG: The Planning Director or his au[horized representat(ve has determ ned that the proposed proJect falls wlthin the definitton of Categorical Exempttons. Class 11. as deftned in Paragraph 2 of the City of Anahe(m Environmenta) Impact Repori Guldelines and Is~ therefore~ categorically exempt fran the requiremeni to prepare an EIR, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approve~;y me thls 12th day of February~ 1979. ~ A , E 1 LANN HG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ECRETAR , NAH IM I LANN ~IMM~~Tbt~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTI` OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Edtth L. Marris. Secretary of the Anahelm City Ptanntng Commission~ do hereby certify that the toregoing resolution was passed and ndopted nt a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Comm)ssion held on February 12, 1979~ at 1:30 p.m „ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES~ BUSHORE~ DAVID. HERBST. JOHNSON~ KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMM15510NER5: NONE I~1 WITNESS 1~HEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of Februa~y, 1979. ~i~ ,t° ~~. 3~FET ~ N NG CO"iM l5S lON -2- PC79-3~