PC 79-34RESOLUTION N0. PC79-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1941 BE GRANTED 1dHEREAS~ the Anahetm Clty Planning Commisston did receive a verifted Petitlon for Conditional Use Permtt from LAZARE F. BERNHARD, 1800 Avenue of the Stars~ Suite 50~. Los Angeles, Callfornia, 90067, owner, and JOSEPH H. DOYLE. t432 Nest Beverly Drive, Anaheim, California 92801, agent, of certafn real property situated In the C([y of Anahelm~ County of Ora~ge, S[ate of Callfornia, described as: THE WESTERLY 170.00 FEET OF TME SOUTHERLY 195,00 FEET OF TNE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SELTION 16, TOt~M SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST. IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOR~IIA. AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51 PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OfFICE OF THE COUNTY RELORDER OF SAID COUNTY. SAID LAND IS A PORTION OF LOT 7 Of THE HELEN 6 IYNCH SUBDIVISION, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 442 PAGE 158 OF DEEDS. IN THE OFFILE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALlfQRNIA, PORTtON OF SAID LAk~ IS SHOWR. AS PARCEL 1 0~1 A PARCEL MAP FILED IN BOOK 22, PAGE 10 OF PARCEL WAPS. IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WNEREAS~ the City Planning Commisston dId hold a publtc hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on February 12~ 1979~ at 1:30 p,m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and ir accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Muntcipa) Code. Chapter 18.J3, to hear and constder evtdence for and agaTnst said proposed condltional use and to tnvestlgate and make findings and recortmendat(ons in connection thereHith; and WHEREAS~ said Commisslon~ after due Inspection~ tnvestlgatTon and study made by Itself and Tn its behalf~ and after due consideraeion of all evldence and reports offered ac said hearTng~ does find and decermine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly o~e for whTch a condlttonal use permft is authorized by Anaheim Muntc(pal Code Sectfon 18,61.050,502 to wit: to permTt a rooftng contractor's storage yard wi[h waTvers of: SECTtON 18.61,064.020 - Permttted encroachment into re uired setback. outdoor storage not perm tted SECTION 18.61.Ob8.030 - Maximum fence hei ht -1 2 eet perm tted; eet ex sttng) 2. That the proposed us~ (s hereby granted for the extsting tease pertod of approximately four (4) years to expire on January 31~ 1983, subject to [he following conditions stipulated to by the petitloner: PC79-34 a. ~na[ the hours of operatlon shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m,~ Monday through Saturday. b. That redwood slats shall be installed ln the existtng chalnlink gates Lo screen the use from Loara Strcet and Broadway. c. That a permanent trrlgatio~ systen and landscaping shall be provlded and maintatned In the 10-foot setbecks along Loara Street on the west and Broadway on the south. d. That no s[ored materials shall be stacked higher than the enclosing 6- foot high block Nalls. 3, That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adJoi~tng land uses and the growth and developmcnt of the area In which It is proposed to be lxated. 4. That [he size and shape of ihe sltc proposed for the use is adequate to atlow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the partlcular area nor to the peace. health, safety. and general rrelfare of the Citizens of the LiLy of Anaheim. 5. Tha[ the granting of thc Conditlonal Use Permit under the conditfons (mposed, lf any, wtll not be decrlmental [o the peace. health, safety and generai welfa~e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, 6. That no one IndTcated thetr presence at said publlc hearTng in opposttlon; end that no correspondznce was received in opposition to the subject petition, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDiNG: That [he Anahelm City Planning Commisston has revlewed the proposa to permit a roofing contractor's storage yard Mlth r+alvers of maximum fence height and permTtted encroachment Into requTred setback on a rectangufarly-shaped parcel of fand consfst(n9 of approxfmate(y b.5 acre focated at the northeasi corner oF BroadNay and Loara Street. havTng approximace frontages of 137 feet on the north side of Broadway. and 150 feet on the east stde of Loara Street; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requTrement to prepare an envfronmental tmpact report on •he ~asls that [here would be ~o significant individual or cumulative adverse envlronmentai Tmpact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration slnce the Anahelm Generai Plan deslgnates the subJecL property for general industrtal land uses camnensurate Nith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental tmpacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initlal Study submttted by the pe[itToner Tndicates no significant Indlvidual or cunulative adverse environmental Impacts; and that the Negatlve Declaration substan[iating the foregoing flndings is on fTle In the City of Anaheim Planning Depa~tment. NOF1~ THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Canmissio~ does heraby grant subJect Pecicion for tondTtfona) Use Permlt, upon the following condTtions Nhlch are hereby found to be a n~cessary prerequlsite to the proposed use of the subJect property in order co preserve the safety and gencra) welfare of the Citizens of the tlty of Anahelm: 1. That the proposed business shali comply with all sTgning requlrements of the ML (Industrial, Ltmited) l.o~e, -2- PC79-34 Z, That subject property shall be Eereloped suDstantlally ~^ accordsnce with plans and specifications or- file with the City of Anaheln marked Exhibit No, 1; provided, ho~+ever, that s permane~t irrigatlon system and lenAsc+~~~ sha11 be installed ln the 10-foot wide setbacks adJecent to Loar~ Street and Broad~ray; and also that redv+ood slsts shsll be Installed In the existinq chainlink 9a[es facing Loara Street and Broadway. 3. That ConditTon No. 2. abnve-menttoned, sha~) be canplleA N~th p~Tor to final bulldl~g and Zoning Inspe~tlons. 4. That no stored materlals sAall Ae stackeJ higher than the h-foot high btock walis cnclosina the yard. BE IT FURTHEP. RESOIYE~ that tAe Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does Aere~y find and determine that sdoptlon of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wTth each and ali of the co~ditlons hereinabv~~ set forth. Should any such condit(on. or any part thereof. be declared invalid or ~^e~forteable Dy the fTnal judgment of any court of coepetent jurisdictlon. then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained. shall be deemed nu11 snd void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIO!1 is signed and approved by me thls 12th day of February, 19~9. • , ~ _ Ms . . ..4 1 ~ M ATTEST: ~~ ,r_° ,t,t.: _ ~ECRETARY, NAMEIN 1 Y LANNIH. MM1$ T~N STATE OF CAL i FORIi IA ) LOUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAMEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris. Secretary of the AnaAeim Clty Plannin9 ~O"~+1ssTon. do hereby certify that the foregoing resofutfo~ *~s psssed and adopted st a^Keting of the Anaheim City Planning Comwisslon held on February 12. t979• at 1:3~ P•^~•. bY the follaving vote of the members chereof: AYES: COMMISSIONEFtS: BARNES, DAVID. JOHNSON. KING. TOLAR NOES: COM!11SSIONERS: BUSHORE. MERBST ABSENT: LOMMISSIONERS: NONE IN 1/1TNE55 WNEREOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of February. 1979. ~d~ ~ ~.~.~...:, 5€ZRE AR ~ ANAME~M I LANNIMG COMMISSION -3- PC79-3u