PC 79-47RESOLUTION N0. PL79-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE A'aAllf.l!1 CITY PLANtIItlG COttMI5510N THAT PETITIO~~ FOR RELLASSIFI~ATION N0, 7A-7a-34 BE GRANTED. WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a vertfied petitlon for Reclassification fron TEXACO A4AHEIM HILLS, It~C., 38~ Anaheim Nilis Road, Anaheim, California 928~7, owner~ and A~JAtiEIM HILLS, INC., 3F0 Anaheim Hills Road, Anahrim, Lalifornia 92807, agent, of ccrtain real property situated in the Ctty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californta, descrlbed as follows: Commencing a[ [he southeasterly corncr of Trac[ No. 8533, also being the southerly terminus of the eas[erly linc of Imperlal Highway as shown on a r!ap of safd tract recorded in Boo~ 393,paoec 47 through hQ, inclusive of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County; thence along the southeriy prolongation of the eastcrly tine of said Impertal Highway South 10° 39' ~$" uest 516.14 feet; thence South 7pO 20' 12" Easr. 446.55 feet; thence South 3° 24' 21" 41est 378.67 fe:t to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIN~; thence East 473.9? feet to the northwesteriy corner of Lot 26 of Tract tlo, 9750, said corner also being the northwesterly terminus of that certafn course shown as North 32° 22' 00" 1Jest 1F4.03 feet in Che westerly boundary of said tract as shown on a map recorded ln Book 437, pages 28 through 31 of Miscellaneous Maps f~ the office of the Coun[y Recorderof said Orange County; thence along said westerly boundary and sald course South 32° 22' 00" East 154,03 feet to the southeasterly boundary of safd tract, also bcing a point on that certain course described as "North L~~ 05' 26" East 1209.96 feet" in the northwesterly line of Parcel 1 of the r(ght-of-way easement of Sou[hern Californla Edison Company as described in deed recorded December 23, 1968 in Book 8824, page 19 of offtcial records; thence along said northwesterly line South 6~Q OS' 46" West 665.69 feet to an angle point In sald northwesterly line; thencc le~ving s~id n~rthrrestPrly 11ne Norch 11° 3~' S~" East 3~1.21 feet morc or les~ to the true pofnt of beginnin9. 1JFIEREAS, thc Ctty Planning Lommission dld hold a public hearing at the Lity Hall in the C1[y of Anahelm on March 12, 197q, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing havin9 been duly given as requtred by law and in accordance with the prov(sions of the Anaheim Muntcipal Code, Chapter 15.~3, to hear and cons(der evidence for and against satd proposed reclassiflcatton and to investtgate and make ftndings and recommendations In connection therewtth; and NHEREAS. sald Commission, after due inspectlon, investtgatton and study made by ttself and in its behalf~ and after due consideraCion of all evtdence and reports offered a[ said hearfng, does find a~d detcrmine [he following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassiftcattan of subJect properCy from the RS-A-G3,OOC(SC) (Residential/Agriculturai - Scenic Corriclor Overlay) Zone to the RS-HS-G3,000(SC) (Residential~ Stngle-Family Hillside - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone. PC79-47 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject property for hillside low-density residential land uses. 3. That the proposed reclasstfication of subJcci property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of chc community. 4, That the proposed reclassification of subject propprty does properly relate to thc zones and their pcrmitted uses locally established in close proximity to subJect property and to the zones and Cheir permitted uses generally es[abl(shed throughout Lhe ccxnmunity. 5. Tha[ no one indicated thelr pre,ence at sald public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition [o the subJect petition. EtJV140NMENTAL iMPACT FI~IDIWG: Thai the Anahcim Lity Planning Commlssion has revtewed the proposa to rec assi y subJect propercy from the RS-A-43~000(SC) (Residential/Agricultural - Scenic Corrldor Overlay) Zone to Che P.S-HS-b3,000(SC) (Residential, Single-Famlly Hiliside - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 3.3 acres, being located approximately 2085 fee; sou[hwest of the intersection of Nohl Ranch Road and Imperial Highway, and approximately 62~ fect east of the centerline of the proposed southcrly exiension of Imperial Highway; and docs hereby approve the Negative Declaratfon from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that thare would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this liegative Declaratlon since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subJec[ propcrty for hiliside low-density residential land uses commensurate with the proposal; tha[ no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initlal Study submttted by the petittoner indicates no signiftcant Ind(vidual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and ihat the Negative Declaration substantlating [he foregoing flndings is on file in the Lity of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW~ TNEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planntng Lommtssion does hereby grant subJect Petition for Reclassification and. by so doinq, thai Title 13-Zoning of the Anaheln Munlcipal Code be amended Co exclude the above-descrtbed property from the RS-H-b3,00~(SC}(RESIUENTIAL/AG41CUlTJR~L - SCENtC CORRiDOR OVERLAY) ZONE and to incorporate sald described property into [he ?S-HS-~~3,000(SC} (RESIDEt~TIAL, SItiGLE-fAY,ILY NILLSIDE - SCENIL CORRIDOR OVERLAY) Z01~E upon the following conditions which are hereby found co be a necessary prerequisite to ihe proposed use of subJect propcrty in order to preserve the safecy and qeneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. Prior to the tssuance of a building permit. the owner(s) of subJect property shall eiā€¢tier (a) record an easement for ingress and e9ress purposes to the sub~ect propert, ran a public s[reet, sa(d easement to be submitted io and approved by the Ci[y of Anaheim prior to recordation; or (b) post a bond to guarantee the constructton of a pubitc street to sub)ect propercy in accordance with all applicable City standards and specifications~ the bond to be tn an amount and form sattsfactory to the Ctty of Anaheim, 2. That any spectmen tree removal shall be subJect to the regulations pertainin9 to tree preservatton in the Scenic Corridor Overtay Zone. -2- PC7q-47 BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED that the Anaheim CTty Planning Commission does hereby find and de[ermtne that adoptfon of this Res~lutlon is expressly predicated upon appltcant's compliance with each and all of the condittons hereinabove set forth. Should any such condttion, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgmen[ of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals hereln contained~ shall be dcemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sl9ned and approved by me this 12ch day of March, 197°. A, A AN i ITY ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLAIINING tOMMI5510y STATE OF CALIFOP,NIA ) COUtt7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE~M ) I, Edith L. Harrls, Secretary of the Anaheim City PlannTng Commission, do hereby certify that che foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopteA a[ a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hcld on March 12, 1979. by the following vote of [he members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSHORE, D.4VID, HERBST, JOfI~150N, KItIG NOES: LU~NISSIONERS: NONE ABSEfIT: COMMISSIONERS: TOLAR 197°. tt~ NITNE55 M~EREOF, I have hereunto se[ my hand [his 12th day of March, ~'~.d. .z:° Na.~,~,.:. SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLA4l:INC, COIiMISSlON -3- PC79'~+7