PC 79-59RE50LUTION N0. PC79-59 A RESOLUTIOt~ OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COHMISSION THAT PETITIOtJ FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. t95~ BE GRANTE~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Ccmmission did receive a verified t Office Box No. 3222, P os Petition for Conditional Use Permit from CITY OF ANAHEIM, 3~~ Anahefm Hills INC. ANAHEIM HILLS Road, , , Anaheim, California, 92803, owner, and f certain reai property situated fn the Ci ty of Anaheim, California 92807, agent. o State of California, described as: e f Oran , g Anahefm, County o That portion of the land aliotted to Paula Peralta de Dominquez as f Partition of the Rancho Santiago described in the Final Decree o h was en[ered September 12, 1868 in Book "B", hi c de Santa Ana, w 410 of Judgments of the Dis[rict CourC i 7 page as described alifornia, District in and for Los Angeles County, line of terl E h f y as e t follows: Beginning at the intersection o of Anaheim recorded March Cit h d y e to t the land described in dee Official Records of Orange age 441 k 10596 , , p 15, 1973 in Boo ith the southwesterly line of Nohl Ranch Road as County, w described in deed recorded March 23. 1973 in Book 1060?, Page 674 of said Officia) Records, said Intersectlon being also the most shown northerly north~est corner of Lot 6~ of Tract No. 921', as 33 to 37 inclusive, on a map recorded in Book 3?0, pages Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; thence along the boundary of said land described ~^ ahand ic ed courses the followfng and the boundary of sald Lot 6~, 25~.45 S 03° 26' Q3" E f , eet; distances: S 21° 26' 38" W. 154•94 365•03 feet; and S 700 li+~ 32~~ E, 260.33 5 35° OS' ~5" E f . eet; feet; thence continuinq along said bc.;~ndary of the land described 44 feet; S 306 " W ' ° . 13 . 46 in the deed to the City of Anaheim S 0? 387 W 6 d N 07° 5~' 18 f o ;, ,~ w. 77° 45' 34" W. 726.65 fect an 311.30 4:0.71 feet; thence N 09 25 55 ° 26' 3~" E 0 , thence N 9 433.3a feet to sald southwesterly t~ 0° S°' 37" w , feet; thence line of Nohl Ranch Road; thence along said Southwesterly line 5 49° 25~ 1g~~ F~ i6g.30 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave utheasterly S o northeasterly having a radius of 837.00 feet; thence and along said curve through a li ne along said southwesterly central angle of 19° 08' 04" an arc distance of 279.52 feet; " ' ' E+ -'Z thence continuing along said Southwesterly i~ne S 68° 33 19.69 feet to the polnt of beginning. WHEREAS. the City Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing at aid f i the Cfty ublic s ce o Hall in the City of Anahelm on March 26, 1979. at 1:3~ P•m•. not law and in accordance d b i p wtth the y re hearing having been duly given as requ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03. to hear and f h consider e t provisions o r and against sald proposed conditional use and to lnvestigate f and make o evidence findings and recommendations in connectio~ therewi[h; and PC7'~-SQ WHEREAS~ said Commissfon~ after due Inspection, investigatlon and study made by itself and ln lts behalf, and after due conslderatlon of ail evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1, That the proposed use is properly one for which a condittonal use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipat Lode Section 18.21.05~.140 to wit: to permit a commercial equestrlan center. 2. That the proposed use will not adversely affec[ the adJolntng land uses and the 9rowth and development of the area In which It is proposed to be located. 3. That khe size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safe[y, and general welfare of the Cttizens of the Gity of Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Condttional Use Permit under the conditTons imposed. Tf any. w~ll not be detrtmental to the peace, healih, safety and general weliare of the Citizens of the Clty of Anaheim. 5. That no one indTcated thetr presence at said publlc hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the :ubJect petltion. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anahcim ~!ty Planning Commission has reviewed the proposa to reclass y property from the PR(SL) (Public Recreatlon- Scenic Corridor Overlay) to the RS-A-43,000(SC) (Residential/Agricultural-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone and to permit a commerclal equestrian center on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximatety 14.7 acres having a frontage of approxfmately 469 feet on [he south~est side of tlohl Ranch Road, having a maxim~m depth of approximately 1529 feet, bein9 loca[ed a~proximately 1920 fee[ southeast of the centerl(ne of Canyon Rim Road; and d~es hereby approve [he Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an env;ronmen[al ?mpact report on the basis that there would be no stgnificant indivldual or cumulatTve adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration stnce the knaheim General Plan designates the sub}ect property for general open space land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensitive environmentai impacts are tnvolved ln the proposal; tt~at the Initial Study submttted by the petftioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental lmpacts; and that the Negative Deciaration substanttati~g the foregoing findings is on ftle in the Ctty of Anaheim Planning Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisston does hereby grant subJect Petition for Conditlonal Use Permic, upon the following candittons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequistte to the proposed use of the subJect property ln order to preserve the safeiy and general welfare of the Cltizens of the Ctty of Anaheim: 1. That this Cond(tional Use Permf[ is granted subJect to the completton of Reclassificatlon No. 78-79-39, now pendin9. -2- PC7Q-59 2. That subJect propcrty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3. That prior to t~~ *imc that a building permit Is issued for any new constructton includtng any new signs. the owner(s) of subject property shall submtt specific plans of any proposed improvemenis for review and appraval by the Planntng Qepartment. 4. That the owner(s) of subJect property shall pay the iraffic signal assessment fee (Ordlnance No. 3896) in an amount as determined by the City Council, for caranercial buildings prior to the issuance of a building permit; however~ no such fee shall be required for any portion of any building devoted exclusively to the kecpfng or care of anTmals. 5. That appropriate water assessment fees for both the exiscing development and any new development as deternined by ihe Director of Public Utilities shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issua~ce of a bulid-ng permtL. 6. That Condition No. 2. above-men[ioned, shall be complied w(th prior [o ftnal buildtng and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED [hat the Anaheim City Planning Lommission does hereby flnd and determtne [hat adoptton o` this Resolucion (s expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judoment of any court of competent Jurtsdiction, then this Resolution. anJ any approvals herein contalned~ shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is stgned and approved by me this 26th day of March, 1979• / L , ANA CI LANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~. .~ ~.~.~:. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC79-5° STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUf~TY OF ORANGE ) 55. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ed1th L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do he~eby ccrtify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on March 26, i979~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARNES, BUSNQRE. DAVID, HERBST~ JOHNSON, KING~ TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COHMISSIONERS: NONE 1~7 IJI7NE55 bM EREOF~ I have hereun[o set nsy hand this 26th day of March, 1979. ~-EZRE ARY,~E M CITY LANNIN OMMIS ~ON -4- PC79-59