PC 80-102RFSQLUTION t10, PC~~-1~"L A RESOLUTIOR OF Tf!F. ll!I/111E1?1 CITY PL~Pt'il~1r C~~t~~ISSI^N TIIAT PETITIOIJ F03 °[CLl1SSIFIC.qTlO~l No, 7~-^n_[,~ DE rRAr1TED, WHEREAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission d(d receive a verified petition for Reclassification fror~ E. J. CA4ATT1'Il A'JD P,IT~ r,pPaTTl~tl, ET AL, 9~~7~ Terry~•~oed Road, Santee, California ~32^71, o4mers, and 1~11E G. lIRiAS, ~~~ South San Gabriel E3oulevard, San ;ahriel, California ~177;~ aocnt, of ccrtain reai property sttue.ed in the C(ty of Anahetm, County of Orange, Statc of Cali`ornia, descrlbed as follo~,~s: Beginning at a point on the South Iine o` the ~lest one-haif of the Southeast quarter of thc Southeast quarter nf Sectton 1;, Toi.inship ~F South P,ange 11 West, S,B,B, ~! Southcast corner of said 4!est one-half {~~ Lr~~~n f~'~t'~+est of the along the South llne of said West ~nPnha~f~nnin~ thence 4lest North parallel to thc 4.~est line of said t:est one7half,fe~t; thence to a point on the Southerly linc of the right ofsway2offthe Pacific Electric Railre~d; thence Sou[heasterly along s~id ri~ht of way line 92.3^ feet; thence Soutfi parallcl to ttic .lest line of said 4!est one-half 535.72 feet to the point of he~innln~, in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranne, State c` California. WNERFAS, the City Planning Corr,iissinn dtd ho!:1 a pub)fc he~ring at the City t1a11 in tfie City o` Anaheim on June 3~~ 1~3~, at 1•3n p,~,,~ n~ticr of 5~(d public hearing having been duly given as required hy 1a~.; anr~ in accordance ~•iith the provisions of the Anahetm Municipal Code, Chapter 1?,~3, to heir an~i consider evidence for a~d against said proposed reclassification and to investi~ate and make findings and reeomMendations in connection tht~rr~•~i±ti• ~~.~ IJHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investia~tic+n and study made bY itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidencr and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deternine the fo1lo~.iin~ facts: the RS-q,lE3~~~~at ttie petitioner proposes reclassific~tion of subject prnperty from (Residential/Agricuitural) Zone to thc R~!-3~~~ (Residential, flultiple-Family} Zone. 2, That the /lnaheim General P)an designates suhject property for medium density residential land uses. 3. That tize proposed reclasslfication of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderiy and prnper development of thn communitv. k. That tfie proposed reclassification of suhject pronr_rty d~es properly relate to the zones and their pernitted uses locally est~hltshed tn close proximity to subject property and to the z~,nes and thetr pcrmitted uses generally established throughout the ~:or,munity. 5. That the proposed reclassification of subject pronertv requires tLe :ledieation of abutting streets in acc~rdance tyit:h thr_ Clrculation Element of the PC3~-1'l2 General Plan, due to the ~ntici~~-~tecl increas^ in trrif°ic ~:'~ic`~ ~:ill !;e. nenerated hy the intensification o` land use. 6. 7hat n~~ one indieatc:i t`~^_ir r,res^ncc ~t said public hcarinc in opposiLion; •~nd that no c~rrespon~encr ~~a~ r^ceived in nonnsition t~ the subjeet petition. EIIV1~20!1HEiJTAL 1;iPACT F1~171':G: That the ~lnahcim City Pianninc Cor~~nission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify su~icct nr~ocrtv `r~~ t~c FS-^-1i',~^~ (P.esidential/Agriculturai) 7.on~ to thc „'-3n^~(^esid~nt~~~, 'lultiole-Farily) Zone [o eonstruet a one lot. 1Z-uni[ residential condo^~iniun suhdivision ~;ith ~•~aivers of minimu^~ lot area per dwelling unit, naximun ~*_ructural !~ci~ht and minimum recreational-leisure area on an irrcyularly-sh~ped parr_el af lan~i consistinq of ap?roximately 0.' acrc having a frontaae o` a~pror.in~tely ?~~ feet on the north side of Ball Road, !~aving a maxtmum dept'~ of approxir~atcly 5~C1 `cet ~n~! F,eing loeated approximately 1120 feet o+est of t1~e centcrline of i'nott Strect; and do~s herehy approve the "7e~attve Declaration fron the renuirenent [o nrenarc~ an em~irnn~ent~l impact repor[ on the basis Lhzt the~e ti••oul~f be nr. si9nificant in~!ividual or cumulativc adv~rse enviro~nental inpact duc to the ioproval of t`+is '~eaative Declaration since the ~nahein ~eneral Pian desiqnates t~e suhject p mperLy fc,r nedi~nn Jensity residential land uses corri~nsurate^ ~~ith, the„frohns~lnitial~Stu~iv sub~nittede environnenEai inpdcES are irvclvc.. tn c.~^ .re~_s~.l; t• i by the petitioner in~licate5 no sir,nificant individual or cunulitive idverse environnental impacts; and t'~aL the :Jegitive ~eclaration su~st~nt::+tir.n thP °oreaoing findings is ~n fil~ in t`~c Ci[y of Anahcin °lanninr ~enart~'er.t. tl0l:~ TI~EREFO°.E, CE IT °FS~L~'E~ that the 4n~h~~^+ ~~ty 'lanninn Cor+mission does herehy grant suh,jec; °etition for Reclassi`ic~tion and, 'v sn cloinp, thit Title 1R-Zoning of t!~e Anahein `lunicip~l Code be anended tn exclude the ahove-~eserihed property from the RS-A-1~3.0'J~ (R[SID['ITIAL/A~R~CULTUP,AL) Z^'1E ~nd t~ incorporate said ~~c~rjh..~1 n~~~rrr~ lnto [tie ~"~-~~~~ 12E51[1F'lTIAL. '1~.I~TIPLE-FA`11LY) 7.O~IF upon the follo~•~inq eonditions ~+•~~ie!i ar^ herehy found to '~e a necessary prer~quisice eu t1~G proposed use of su~.ject ~roperty in order to nres~rvr_ the safetv i'+~' ~Pn~ra1 4~clfare of the Citizens of the City of ~n~hei,•~: 1. That t'ic o~.~nnr(s) of su~ject nrnncrtv ~hall d~ari t~ thr City of Anahcin a strip of land 53 fcet in ~•+idt`~ fr«~ tf~e centerlinc of the strr~t alon~ 2a11 4oad for street ~rldening purposcs. 2. That an ordinance rezoninn t'~e subject prn~~rty shall in ^o evert becone effeetive excert upon or follo~.+ing the recordation of Final Tract Map No. ~~p7~3 witnin the time specified in Government Codc ~ect~on C~~r3.~ or such further tine as the advtsory agency or City Council nay ar.in[. 3. That subjcet proncrty shill t~c sr;vc~1 t,y unrfcrqro~ln~1 utillties. 4, That drain~~c of subj~~c[ prorerty shill b^ dis?osed of in a nanner satisfaetory to thc City En~incer, 5. Tha[ the owncr of suhject oropcrty shall piY [o t~e Ci*.y of P~nahct^ t~e appropriate park and reereatlon in-licu fec~ ~s <l~t~~rlned to ~c ~PP~~F~~~~e hY th" City Cou~cil~ said fecs to be n~id at thc tinc thc t,uil~tina perr~lt is lssued. -2- Pf3^-ln, G. That thc o~;!ncr(s) of sut:ject propcrty shall pay thc traffic signal assessncnt `~c (Orciinanr.c ;lo. 3~'?6) in an anount as detcrnined by thc City Council~. for each neri d~rellinca unit prior to the issuanc~ of a building permit. 7. That the o~~ner(s) of subject prooerty shall submit to Che Planning Comnission a Ir.ttcr rrqu~sLing thc termination of Conditional Use Pernit ~do. 133'. f~. That trash stora~r_ areas shall 'ne provided in aceordanee wlth a;.pru:ed plans on file oiith ihe Offiee of thc Exec~tive ~ireetor of Puhlic ~lorks. 9. That suhject aroperty shall be develeped suhstanttally in aecordance wlth plans and specifications nn file r~ith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Mos. 1 throug!~ 3. 1~. That vehicular turninq ar^_a ai the northerly terminus of the driveway be indicatcd as a'no parl:ing' area. 11. Prior to ttie in[rod~~ction of an ordinance rezonina subject property, Conditio~ ~los, i and ~, ahove-mr_ntioned~ shall hc conpleted, The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall becore niill and void by action of the Planning Com issSon unless said conditions are conplied iiit~ ~•rithin one year from the date here^f, or suc!~s fcsrther ti~e as t?;e Fianning Commission may arant. 12. That Condition 'Jos. 3, ~s, c~ ; and 1f1, ahove-mentioned, shall be conplicd aitt5 prior to final huil,ling and zoning inspections. BE IT FURTHE? RESOLVED that [he A~aheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and deterntne that adoption of this Resolution is exrressly predicated upon applicant's conpllance ~:,ith each and all of tl,e conditlons hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition~ or any part tt~ereof, he der_lared invalid or unenforceable by thc finai judqnent of any cnurf ~f c~^+..~r....r ~~..t~.±~`~i....~ ~,y~;~ ~~;I; ^,~sc~utlon, and any aprrovals herein contained, sna11 he cieemed nuli and void. THE FOP.EGOING RESOLUTIO~; is sioned and approved hy rne this 3~th day of June, 1Q3o. ATTEST• ~~~~~w CN l!0"!A~•; ~ F A~~ ~1~ ~ L!1yM N6 CO'1MrSSTOM E RE R~ tJ HEltt CIT L~!ti Nr, C~1MIS 10"t -Z- Pf,3,'1-1 f?7. STATE OF CAL i FORtJ I~~ ) COUNTY OF' OP,AhJGE 1 ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Fdtth L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisston, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~•ras passed and adopted at a meeting of the Rnaheim City Planning Commission held on June 30, 19Bn, by the follo~oing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMPIISSIOMERS: BARNES, BUSHOP,E, FRY, HERGST, t;ING, TOLAR NOES; COMMISSIOtJERS: MOPlE ABSEtlT: COf1MIS510NERS: NQPlE VACANCY: ONE SEAT it! 611T~JESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 3nth day of June, 1930. (~ 4~4~ ~ !`k~L~r~ SECRETAR , APIAHEIM CITY PL44RdIN!; C~1IMISSION -1E- PC"~-1~72