PC 80-121t;rso~urir,~, r;,~, r~c ~,~_„i 1 R~SOL!1T10'1 OF TI!E A'!!~I!EI~! CITY PL/1~1"II°I; C~'1"IS`I?"! TffFlT PETITIOt! F~~ VI+RIA~I~F t1n, 317'1t (;E ~CI!IE~ ldllE'tEAS, thc Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission rlid receive a vr_rified Petition for Variance from Jn.~+~5 ~, 6FlI:FR, III ^+'~~ Jn;l r~~,p~r ~~;p:FR, ~(? Paseo ~anado, Anah~I(il~ Califor~ia ^24'?7, o~.~ners of certai.i rnal pro~ert~~ situ~te~! ~n the City nf Anaheim, County of Orange, State ~f California descrihr_ri ac; Lot 7(, of Tract ~'~~ J~ i n thr. C i ty of ;.naheim, County ~f Orange, State of Calif~rnia as sho~•m an a nap `iled in Cook 332 Paqes 23- 27 inclusive of niscellaneous maps, rec~rds of said county; excent that portion lying south~•~esterly of the follo~•~ina descrihed line: Beginning at ti~e most Southerly corner of said lot 7(• as sho~•m on said map; thence tJorth 33° 2~'3:)" lJest 1'~2.00 feet more or less to the ~lortherly iine of said 1ot, bein9 a non t:~nqent curve concave Northaresterly having a raclius of l~~.'10 feet, to which a radial bears South ~3° 51'2l1" East. W1IEREAS, the City Planninq Comr~ission did hold a p~t!,1ic hearina at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheir on A~~gust 11, 10"0, at 1:3~ p.n., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as r~quired hy la~•~ anrf in accordance tJith the provisions of the .4naheim ~!unicipal Cade, Chapter 1".^?, to heir an~1 consider evidence for and against said pronosed reclassificatinn ancl to investiaate and mal:e findings and recommendations in cc,nnection there!iith; an~l WtIFRE~S, said Comnission, a`ter due insnectic+n, investination ancl study made by itself and in its be!ialf, and after due consi~feration of all 0V1(~~rCP and reports offered at said hearing, does find and det~rmine the folloti•:inn f~CtS: ~. T!:~~ `~'C .eLtLi~'1ttC~ ,^,CGr,C;~~.'. :. '.:•~1':Ci' ,~c L~C e0!~^l.!ir_r, ~t_~ GOR~~1'iSCL Z single-family da~elling: SECTl~PI 1~i.?F„ ~~5.~1~ - Permitte~l l~cati~n and orientation of structure. residential structure is required tn rear-on an artertal high~•~ay; side-on orientation to Canynn Rim Road is prooosed) 2. That the ahove-mentioned ~•iaiver is herehy ;innied ~n the basis that approval could set an undesirahle precedent in the Scenic Corridor Overlay 7one whPre many tract lots may exceed ninimun zonin~ stand~r~ls anci could ontentially be subdivid~~. 3. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary ctrcunstances or eonditions applicahle to the proper[y involved or tn the intenriPd use of the pronerty that do not apply generally to the nroperty ~r class of use in the same vicir,ity and zone. PC'0-121 4. That the r.r.questr_d varianc^. is not necessary f~r the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial pro~erty right possessed hy other preoerty in the same vicinity and zone. and denied to the prnperty in ~uestinn. 5. That thc requested variance a~til be m~terially detrimental to the public o~eifare or injurious to the pro~erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in ~~~hich the oroperty is located. 6. That one person indicated his presencP at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ;:~as received in opposition to the sub.ject petition. Ei1VIRQ~JME~ITAL 1~4PAC7 flN~i"!;: The Plannin~ Director or his authorized representative has determined that the proposed p miect falls a~it'~in the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 7., as defined in Paragrarh 7 of the City of Anaheim Environmental Impact Report Guidelin~s and is, ther~for~, c~teqorically exempt from the requlrement to prepare an EIR. ~lOF1, TNERFF~RF, GE IT RFSOL~1~7 that the Anahein City Planning Commission does liereby deny subject Petition ;.r Variance on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOIPI; RESOLUTI~tt is si~ned and aonroverl by me this 11th day of A~gust, 193~. /C~~L~L/jC~Y v ~~~- f.Nq i R"1 .P!, A~~AHE I H C I TY PLANN I hlf, C~'1M I55 I ON ATTEST: /~, ~/~.~7 , ~ ~`~~~ SECnETn,ny~ ~yn,url.~ rlTY otn,~u~~~ir ~~~~~~}Sc~n,~ STATE OF CALIFQR~IIA ) COUNTY OF ORAtdGE ) ss. C ITY OF AP:AHE It1 ) I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~~ras passed and adopted at a meetina of the Anaheim City Planning Conmission held on August 11, 1~~~. hv the following vote of the memhers thereof: AY[S: CO!1"11SS10`IERS: DAP.MES, BOUhS, BUSIICRF, FRY, HER!'ST, KI~!~~ TOLA°, tlOES: COMMISSIOPlERS: IJO~IE ABSEtJT: COM.'tISSI0t7ERS: MnplE 19A0 ~! WIT~IESS 41NEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand t!~is ilth day of llugust, ~ (o ~C~. ~ ~1LGCitit-c.~ SECRETARY, ANAtIE I h1 C I~TI-PL11MM I NG COH~11 SS I ON -2- PC3~-;21