PC 80-124~;~ .. RESOLUTIOa! ~!~. PC8'1-17t~ A RESOLUTIOh! OF THE !1F!APE1~1 f.ITY PLA!II!III~ CO'1~+ISSIO~I THAT P[TITI~!! FOR C~~dDITIO~;F~L USF PFR'~IT ~!n, ?'?"; [?F S?A~ITF~ blNEREAS, the ,~naheim City Planning Commission did reccive a verified Petition for Conditiona) Use Permit from Ll1 Pl~L!1F BUSI"FSS PARK,, P. 0. Box ~31t3, Orange, Cal ifornta, °2667, o~•mFr, and RICIIARD A. EROAD~!AY, P. 0, Box ~3t~~, ~range, California °2~~~~7, agent, of certain real pr~pertY situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranc,e, State of California, descrihed as: Parcel 1, in tne City of Anaheim, County of Or~nge, State of California, as per map recorded in hook 123, p~ges !<<~, to f~7, inclusive of Parcel ~taps, in the office of the County Recorder of said Orange County. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissior, did hold a public h~aring at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 11, 1~3~, at 1:',~ n.r~., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as re~uired hy la~~~ and in accordance vrith the provisions of the f~naheim elunicipaT Code, Chapter i".!73, tn hear and consider evidence for and aqainst said oronosed conditionai use oermit and to investigate and mal:e findings and recommendations in connection there~.~itii; anci WfIEREAS, said Commission, after due insoectton, investi~ation and study macle by itself and in its hehalf, and a`ter due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fnlirn~ing facts: ~, That the ~roposed use is ~roperly one for ~•rhich a conditional use permit is authorized by Ananeim ~lunicipal Code Section lr.r,l,n5n,~n~ to t•rit: to permit a hank in thP ML (Industrial/Limited) 7one. Z, That the proposed use ~vill not adversely affect the adjoinina land uses and the growth and development of the area in rihich it is pro~osed to he located. 3, That the size and shape of the site proposed for the us~ is adequate to ~allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner net detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and 9eneral ~•~e!fare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. !}, That the granting of the Conditional Ilse Permtt under the conditi~ns imposed, if any, atill not he detrimental to the peace, healtl~, safety and genEral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5, That the traffic generated by tlie ~roposed use ~•iill not impose an undue burden upon tfie streets and high~::ays designed and improved tn carrv the traffic In the area. (,, That no one indicated their pr~sence at said puhiic hearing in apposition; and that no correspondence 4~as recFived in onnnsttio~ Y~ the sub_ject petition. PC~Q-12-'E r~ I M EIIVIROFJME~JTr1L Ir1PACT FIIJDI"!G: That the ,4nahein City Planning Commission has reviea~ed the prooosal to permtt a han~ in tLe '1L (Industrial, Limited) Z.one on an irregu?arly-shaped parcel of land consistiny of a~omr.i^~ately 1,? acres lor.ated at the southeast corner of La Palma llvenue and blhit~ Star Avenuc having a frontage of z75 feet on the south side of La Palna /lvenue and a frontaqe of 35n feet on the east side of 4lhite Star Avenue; and does herel~y a~,prove the Plegative Declaration from the requirement to ~repare an environmental im~act report ~n the basts that there would be no significant individual or ciimu~ative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this FJegative Declaration slnce the Anaheim feneral Plan designates the suhject property for general industrial land uses commensur~te aiith the proposal; that no sensitive environmentai imoar.ts are involved in the pronosal; that the Initial Study submitird hy th~ petitioner indicates no si~nificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental ir~pacts; ~nd th~t the tlec~attve ~eclaration substantiating the foregoing findlnns is on file in the Cit~~ of Anaheim Planning Depart^~ent. N01•!, THEREFORE, BE IT ~ES01_li[D t~:at the ~nihAlm City Plannina Commission d~es hereh, grant ,uhject Petition for Conditional l)se Pernit, upon the following conditions ~-ihich are herehy found to be •~ nece,sary pr~requisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to prrserve the ,~fPty ~nd gFneral ti•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, That su5ject property shall he serv~d hy underground utilities. 2, That sidet•falks shall be installed alonq La Palna Avenue and 1•lhite Star Avenue as required hy the City Engineer and in accnrdance ~•~ith standard plans and specifications on file in th~ Office of t5e City Engineer. 3, That drainaqe of suhject prc~perty shall hc disposed of in a manner satisfactory to tl~e City [nqineer. ~t. That the o~•~~rr(cl ~f ~,~ti~„~` ~~~,~~,.`„ ~,_~11 i,_~Y ~,pl;ropriate drainage assessment fees to the City of Anaheim as determined hy the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. That the o~~m er(s) of suhject property shall pay tl~e traffic sfa~al assessment fee (Oroinance ."~o. 3~9G) in an anount as determinc:d by the rity Council, for commercial huildings prior to the issuarice of a huildino permit. 5, That trash storage areas shall he provided in accordance ~•~ith approved plans un file v~ith the Office of the EXCCUt~VP Oirector of Public Wor4s. 7. That subject property shall hz devel~,pe~1 suhstar.tially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~:rith the City of Anaheim marke~' Exhibit Nos. 1 through ~!, 8, That Condition Plos. 1, 2, 3, ~ and ?, ah~~c-m~rttoned, shall be eomplied ~~ith prior ta final tiuilding and zoninn insoections. BE !T FU'tTl!FR RFSOLI~FD that the Anaheim City Flanninry f,on^~isstnn does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is exnrPssly predicated upon applieant~s compli~nee i•iith eich and all of the c~nditinns herPtn~h~ve sr_t forth. Should any such cendition, o~ ,~ny part thereof, he declared invalic! or unenforceable -1.- PC8n-121E by the final judgment of any court of com~etent jurisdiction, t?ien this Pesolution, and any approvals !ierein contained, shall he deemed null and vcid, THE FORE~~IFlG RESOLUTI~!I is signed and ap~~rove~l hy me this llth day of August, 19S0, ~%~~~~~~ r, NA I R~tAr•I, Ar'ANF I~1 C ITl' P~qpRl I Nf, COMM I SS I ON ATTEST: S~CRETARY, AtlAtIEIH CITY PLAN?IIiIG C0~1~11SSIQt1 STATE OF C/1L I FORtI I A) COUtITY OF ORAN~E ) ss. CITY OF AtlAliciM } I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tMe Anaheim City Plannino Commission, do hereby certlfy that the foregoing resolution ~•.as rassed and adonted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August 11, 1~P~, hy the follow~ng vote of the memhers thereof: AYES; CO!t.`±ISSIO.'dERS: fiAR"JES, fi0~!,hS, RUS!i~RE, FRY, IIE^,P.ST, Y,I~I~, T~L~R tlOES: COh1P11SSi0PIER5: !lO~IE ABSE"!T: C~!1HISSIONEP,S: t10~1E I!J 411T';ESS l/FIERFOF, I havr hereunto set ny hand this 11th ~fay nf August, 1 ~~i~, ~~-~.-~L .1 - C~ SEC4ETARY, At7~.HF I M C IT p~Ar!r! IriG Cnr~~~ ~ cS I ON -3- PC3~- t 2~~