PC 80-125~:" RESqLUT10~. ~10. PC?^-12, ~ RESOl.UT10'; OF T(IF A~iAiIE I'1 C ITY PLA~I~II'JG C~M`"ISS I'~P! T!IAT PETITION FnR ~p;~~~T~~~~~L UcE PER'11T h1Q, ?~l~a yF DFhIIFD WFIER[AS, the l4naheim City Plannin~ Comriissi~n di~l receive a verified Pet i t i on for Co~~ i t iona 1 Use Pern i t from fRA~tCFS ~1, E3ARTLETT, 71 1 Morth Harbor 8oulevard, Anahein, California, 92•".~5, o~mer, and CHERI.FNE J. 4/111le~.±c n~;~ MAY,ItaE 11. S4.iFll~l, 9~f0 Nantucl;et Str~et, La ~labra, i;al i fornia ~OF31 ~ agents, of c~r~dj~~ reai oroperty situated in the City of Anaheiro, Countv of Orange, St~te of California, described as; Lots 3 and 4 of Tract PJo. 7p1, in thc City of Flnaliein, as shoo-m on a map recorded in book 10, page %;?. of !liscellaneous 'iap;, records of Orange County, California. b/HEREl;S, the City Planning Comnission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on liugust il, 1;3~, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public hearin9 having been duly given as required by la~~ and in accordance wlth the provisions of the Anaheir:i ~lunicipal Code, Chapter i".03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use pernit and to investigate and nake findings and recommendations in connection there~•~ith; a~d WNEREAS, said Conmission, after clue inspection, investigation and study rade bY itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evtdence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deternir.e the follo~-ring facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~•~htch a conditional us~ Permit is authoriYecalre centermin"the'RS? or+~c ~cctio~, i',2t;,%)~~,~?n to wit: to permit a child da 7..,, (Residential, Single-Fam~~y) 7one. 2. That t)ie proposed use is hereby denie~! on the hasts that vehicul<~r access is solelythrough a residential alley and the prooosed commercial use would, thereforc, have a detrimental effect on the surrnundinq residential area; and on the basis that Harbor Bouievard is a high traffic volume street ~-ihich is potentially dangerous to child day-care activities. 3, That t,ie proposed use ~~ill adverscly affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in a~hich it is pronose~l to be located. 4. That the size and shape of rhe site pronoserl for the use is not a~e9~~te to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the part.cular area nor to the neacr, health, Safety, and general welfare of rhe Citizens of the City of Anahetm, 5, That the grantin~ of the Conrliti~nil Use Permit will b~ detrimental ~o the peace, health~ safety and general i~ielfare of thc Citizens ~f thc City of .4naheim, 5 That the Lraffic burden u on the stre 9enerated hy thP pr~~osP~ use will imoos~ an undue P ets and hig!i~iays deslgned a~~d 'mproved t~ carr the area. Y the traffic in PC80-~~a 7. That approximaCely ilF persons indicated ~heir presence at said publjc hearing in opposition; and that petitions r_ontaining approxinately 10~ signatures H~ere received in opposition to the suhject petition. E~VIRO~!~1ENTl1L IMPPtCi FI~lDltlr,; That the Anaheim City Planning Cor~mission has revieo-~ed the proposal to permit a chil~l day-care center in the I,;-72M r?, Single-Family) Zone on a rectan,ularl ~•esidential, 9 y-shaoeJ parcel ~f land eonsisting of approximately ~,23 acres fiaving a frontaoe of appror.imately 1'~3 feet on the rrest side of Harbor Boulevard, having a maximum depth of ap~roximately 9~ feet and being located approximately 150 feet north of the centerlinc of Whilhelmina StraAt and does hereby approve the Plegative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental tm~~act report on the basis that there t•~o~ld be no significant individual nr c~mulatiue adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anahetm ~eneral Plan desinnates the subject property for lot•rdensity land uses c«r.mensurate arlth the oroposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the prnposal; that the Initial Study su6mttted by the petitioner indicates ~o sionificant indivtdual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Decl~ration substantiatinq the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planntng [iep~rtment. PJO!~1, THEREFORE, QE I7 RESOL.VFD that the Anaheim City P)anning Commission does hereay deny subject Petition for ConditionaT Use Permit on the hasis of the aforementioned find9ngs. THE F~REGOING R[SQLUTIOH is signed and approvr.d by me this ilth day of August, 1~80, ATTEST: L/ ~~ CHAIRftAPt, AMAHEI~1 CITY PLP.t~M Nr ~qr.~~~ISSI~Pt ~LC-~-~G~ oC ~~ n . SECRCTARY, A~:qIIE M CITY PLqN~l~~Jr, C~~ISSIn~~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CqU~JTY OF ORAt•1GE ) ss. C ITY OF AtIAHE Ift ) I, Editf, L. Fiarris, Secretary of the AneSein City Planninq Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution ~•ias passed and a~lopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plan~ing Conmission held on F,ugust 11, 1^?n~ ~y rhe fo1l~w~ing vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: Cor4~~ss10~lERS: BARNES, QOUAS, BUSfIORE, FRY, HFRPST, Ki~~r, Tn~q~ NOES : COhf"1155 I OrIERS: PlOI~E ABSEFIT: C011HISSIOVERS: MON[ !N lllT~lESS 41NEREOF, I have hereunt~ set my hand this llth ~fay of ~unust, 19$0, n • "~ v`iar SECRETARY, AHANFf~t CITY PLA')~IIP1r C~~!~+ISSION PC30-125