PC 80-130RFSOI.UTI~t! ~d~. Pr,~3^-~;n A RFSOLUTION OF Tf!E AtiAliEl'" CITY PLl+JJPaI~I~ CO'1'11SSI~tl, ADOPTINf; A"ID RECOhiP1E~l~ IhiG T~ TIIE C ITY COU'!C I L OF TH[ C ITY OF AF!4HE I!? ADOPT I011 OF A~JAFIE I ~1 r,EtiER~L PLP.tI AMEr1~ME~lT N0. 1 ~~ - TRA, I LS ELE~1EPIT ~~HEREAS, the City Council of the City of Anaheim did adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolution No, 69P,-bl~l~, showina the general descriptlon and extent of land uses arithin the City and indicating the present helief of the Council as to possible ruture development and redevelopment of land !~~ithin the Ci~y; and 41H[REAS, on Septemher lt~, 197~, the City Council amended the General Plan by adopting and incoroorating a Riding and fliking Traiis ElPment; and IdHE°EAS, pursuant to requests from the property o~~mer fo; deletion of the Santiago Tratl, the Anaheim City Planning Commission direct~d staff to prepare a General Plan Amendment to consider deletion of the proposed traii which extends in a northeasterly directton from the Ridgeline Trail to the l~~eir Canyon Trail, ~ distance of approximaCe~y ~,4pp feet; and 4;HEREAS, the Planning Department deemed it appropriate, pursuant to the provistons of tt~e Calif~rnia Environmentai Quality Act, Co orepare a tJegative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmPntal impact report. L•lHLRFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did hold a pubitr_ hearing at the Civic Center, 200 South Anaheim Roulevard, Anaheim, California, on August 11, 19£3~, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said nuhllc hearing havtn~ heen duly qtven as required by law and in accordance ~aith the ~rovisions of th~ Analieim Hunicipal Code, to hear and cortsider evidence for and against said ~mendment to the Anaheim General Plan and to investigate and ma{:e findings and recorxnendations in connection thereaiith; ~nd :lhIERFAS, said Conttnission after due inspection and investieation and study made hy itsclf ~~;} in~, '~e;ialf and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, D~ES HFFERY FItJD• 1. That, evidence ~•~as presented a~hich indicated the Riding and Niking Trails Commtttee recommended delFtion of the suhjPCt trail; that the i;eeping of horses is not and ~aill not be permltted on ad.jacent tracts; that the trall ltnkage is effectively provided by the trail in the Edison Easement; anri therefore the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan is suhstantiated, to delete Santiago Trail (backbone tra(11 from the Trails Element of the llnaheim General Plan. PlCIJ, THER[FORE, BE IT RFSOLV[D that the Anaheim City Planning Commission has revievred the proposal to delete tlie Santiago Trail (bar.l~bone trail) a~hich is proposed to extend in a northeasterly directi~~n from the Rtdqeli~e Trail to the Pieir Canyon Trail, a distance of approximately ~,~i0~ feet; and does herehy recommend to the City Council that a PJegative Declaration he anproved from *_he re~uirement to prapare an environmental impact report on the `~asis that there would he no sipnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this tJegative Declaration; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved 1~ the proposal; that the Inltial Study suhmitted t~y the petitioner indicat~s no sinnificant individual or cumulativ~ adverse environr~enta] impicts; and that the Negative Pr,3o-130 Declaration suhstantiatin~ the foregoing findtngs is on file in the City of Anaheim Civic Center. BE I1' FURTIIER RESOLVED that, pursuant to the foregoinR findinns, the Anaheim City Planniny Commission does herehy adopt and ~ecommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim adoption oT C,eneral Plan Amendment Mo. 1S° - Trails Element as follrnrs: 1. That Tratls Elenent of "Exhih~t A" h~e the Anaf~elm General adopted to delete the Santiago Trail from the Plan. THE FORE August, 1930, Gn~y~ RESULUTIOId is signed and approved by me this 1]th day of `~ ~~ ATTEST: CHAIR'1At•i, AriqHEl~1 CITY PLANHIM~ Cf1~iMlSSION ~ . ~~/_ . ~ SECRETARY, AiJAHE il•t C PLAr'p, ~ Ir, ~ co!~~t isstora STf4TE OF CAL 1 fORt! tA ) COUPITY OF ORANGE ) ss. C ITY OF AtIAHE IP1 ) ~, Edith L, tlarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing r~solution aias passed and arlopted at a meeting of the Anahelm CTty Planning Commtssion held on August 11, 1~`?n~ by the foll~win4 vote of the members thereof: AYF.S; COM!11SS IONERS: 6AP,FIFS, Epl1A5, B115H^RE, F2Y, NE~RST, KI r~G, T~~„qa NOES: C~I•1MISS10'lERS: NOtiE ABSc'~JT: C~M?11SS10^!ERS: 610iJE ih! 4/1T~lESS l•1fIERFOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 11th day of August, Sn8~. 7n.~/~ ~ ',~1Lp.f~ . SEC2FTARY, AtIANE i!1 C 1?Y PI.Ar~ri ~ Nr, C011!1 I SS I 0~ -2- Pc~n-~3o