PC 80-136RESOLUTIO~! t10. PC80-13(., A RESOLUTION OF Tr.E A~IANEIM CITY PLAr~~~l~~r; cn~t~~~sst~r~ THAT PETITIOtI F~? RECLASSIFICATION Nn, ~n-~~_S g,c, ~qqp~TEn, WHERFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Corrnission ~?i;l recetve a ver(fied Californla~92705'aownercaandnLYN"JmLCf1M!ITLOCK,M1T11Cperby'Grive,~YSantaVAna,SCalifornTa 42705, agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Calffornia, descrlhed as follows: Parcel 1: The 'Jortherly 93 feet of the Northerly 5 acres of the followin~: The East half of the Plortheast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 1~~, in Toamship 1! South, Range it 41est, San Dernardino Base and Meridian; Exceptin~ therefrom S~ir1 East half of the Northerly 67~,4F feet thereof; Excep*in~ frcm said Norther)y 98 feet the Easter)y 4~ feet thereof as granted to the State of California by deed rec~rded .March 1, i~ci, in Book 2151, Page 448, Official F;ecords in the OfficP of the County Recorder of said Or~nge County; .Also excepting frnm said "Jortherly °8 feet the Westerly 270 feet thereof; and Parcel 2: Tfie Easterly 9,5 feet of the 4lesterly ?7~,5 feet of the ~lortheriy 5 acres of the fotla~ing: The Eaat on~-half of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of 5ection 14, To~.,nship ~E South, Range 11 West, S, f3. 8, b N, ExceptinG thcrefrom the ~~ortherly G7~,46 feet of said East one-half; Exce~ting from the Easterly 9,5 feet the ~Jortherly 95 feet; and Parcel 3: The Southerly 1Q feet of the Plortherly 1'15 feet of the Easterly 170 feet of the Plortherly 5 acres of the f~il~winq: The East one-halF of the Mortheast quarter of the Southeast qu~rter of Section 14, Tavnship 4 South, Ranqe 11 4lest, S, B. !3, F M. Excepting from said East one-half the Plortherly 67Q,~+f fPe,. thereof, Excepting from said Suutherly 1~ feet of the Easterly ~~ feet thereof as granted to the State of Calif~rnia by deed recorded March 1~ 1951, in Book 2151~ Pane 1i4•",~ Offictal Records, in the Office of the County Recorder ~f said Orange Countv; and Pa;cel <<: The b/esterly 270 feet of the Northerly 5 acres of the folloo-~ing: The East one-half of the Mort!~east quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 14, in Trn~unship ~~ Souih, Range 11 West, San Dernardino Base and Meridian; Exceptinq rherefrom the Northerly G7~,4~ feet of said [:ast one-half, WfiEREAS~ the City P~anntng Commiss(on d1d hold a puhlic hearin~ ~t the Civic Center in the City of Anah~im on August 25, 1~:,~~ at 1:3~ n,~ „ noticP of said public h~aring having been duly give~ as requt~ed hy 1a~•~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1P,03, to hear and consider evtdeace for and aaainst said proposed reclass?ftcation and to investigate and make findings and recortmendations in connection therearTth; and Pc3n-t36 WHEREAS~ said Commission, after due insoection, investigatlon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after d~e consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and dete mine the follo!,~ing facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from the RS-P,-43,000 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RM-3~n0 (Residential, Multiple-Fami)y) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subjr_ct property for general commercial and/or medtum density residential land uses. ?. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessa ry and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development nf the community. 4. That the proposed r~.classification of suh.ject property does properly relate to the zones and ttieir permitted uses locally estahlished in clos~ proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permttted uses ~enerally established throughout the community. 5. That one interested person indicated theTr nresence at said public hearing and no one indicated their pre.sence at said puhlic hr_arinq in opposTtton; and thnt no correspondence o-ias received in opposition to the suhjer_t petition. Ehl~JIRQ!!HENTAL tMPACT FINDI~IG: That the Anaheim City Flannin~ Commission has revtewed the proposal to reclassify subject property from the RS-A-1~3,'1~~ (Residential/Agricultural) 2one to the RM-3000 (4esidential, Muitiple-Family) Zone to permit a 1-lot. f0-unit affordahle condominium project on an irregularly-shaped parcel of Jand consisting of approximately ?,87 acres, havinn a frontage of approximately 105 feet on the west side of Beach Doulevard, havtng a maximum clepth of approximately ~13 feet and bein~ located approximately (7~ feet south of Orange Avenue; and daes herehy apnrrnP the Negat~v~ n~~)~f,tlon °ra^ L5c requiremen[ to prepare an environmental Tmpact report on the basis that there would be no s;gnificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approva! o~` this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property for generaT cortmercial and/or medium density residential land uses commensurate with the proposal; *_hat no sensttTve environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initfal Study suhmitted by the petitiorer indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Department. PlOYI~ TfIEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLIIED that the Anahei~ CFty Planning Commission does hereby grant suhject Petition for Reclassificatfon and, hy so doing, that Tttle 1£3-Zoning of the Anahelm Municipal Code he amended t~ exclu~ie the above-described property from the RS-A-~i3,000 (RESIDEPITfAL/AGRICL'LTURALI ZOPIF and to incorporate said descrihed nroperty into the ~tM-3oon (RESIDE"1TIAL~ NnLTIPLc-FA~41LY) Zf1ME upon the follovring conditions ~~hich are hereby found to he a necessary prerPquisite to the p~oposed use of suhject property in order to preserve the saf~ty an~l general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That an ordinance rezoning the subJect nr~nerty shall in no event ber.ome effective except uoon or folloi.inq the recordatton of Final Tract Map Pfo, -7- Pc3n-t36 11211 '.~ithin the time specified in Government Co~e Secr.ion I,(1~/~,c cr sueh further time as the advisory agencv or City Council ;~ay nrant. 2. Thit comp)r.tion of these reclassificatior, ~rocrerllnns ts contingent upon the gra~tinq of Conditional lise Permit Plo, 21~^, ElE IT FURTfIER RESOLVFD thaC the Anaheim Citv Ptanninq Commission does hereby find and deternine that the a~Joption of this Res~lution is exnressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ~•~ith each and all of the cnnditions herr.inabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, h2 declared invali~l or unenforceahle hy the final judgment of any court of cor~netent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals hercin contained, shall be dr.emerf null and void. THF FOREGOING RESOLUTI0~1 is sinned and anproved hy ne this 7.5th day of August, 1~S(7. ~ `,_ " -'~ ;~ - I~ „->-~ _,._~~ f.NAIR!+AN PRO TF~iP~RF ATT~~T• fl~•'~~'EIM CITY PLANF:IF14 Cnr~~,~S~~n~i ~, ~~ ~ ~~ SECRETARY, A~lAHEI~d CITY PLl1~lMI;Jr Cn!~~qlSSln~~ STATE OF CALIFORtJIA ) COUIITY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ArIAHEI!~ ) ~~ ~dtt:~ L. ~~arri~, Secretarv of the An~heim Citv Planninq Conmission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution i•ras passed and adonted at a meeting of the Anaheim C(ty Planninc~ Commission held on Auc7ust ?~, 1!~"!1, at 1:3~ p•m,,by the following vote of Che menhers thereof: AYES: CQH'11SSIO~JERS: C/1P.f1E5, DIISfiORF, [3011AS, FP,Y, HERPS?, KI?!^ ~JOF.S: CO.MMISSIOFlERS: tlODIE ABSENT: C~M!q~t5~0"JERS: TnLAR ~~! WIT!lESS 4JHEREOF, I have hereunto set my han~i this ?~th ~iay of August, 19'~0, -~-~ ,?° ~la.t•~ SECRFTA.°,Y ~ An~AN~ ~"1 C I TY PL~'~hl I"!~ C~M"1 I SS I ~^J -3- PC8~-136