PC 80-14RCSOL~ITIO'; ~!,~. PC3~~-14 /1 RFSOLUTI'.7~1 OF TF!E .4;!.4iIEI!1 CI'1'`! PLi'~Ii;III~ C^'P^,IS~I~,I RFSC IIID I ~I~ RESOLUT I OII ?!0. ?C79-27_7 ,1~lD GR ;I~T I~!!; P~T IT i!?~; F(?R Rt.-.CU~SSIFICl~TIO"! `:!~. ]~-`:~-1? ':!IiEREr1S, on Dece~ber s, 1979, thc Anahe?m City Planning ;:omraission adopted P,eso?ution ido. PC7~-727 grantin~ Reclassificatior !!o. 7.',-C~-13 for n~~operty eonsisting o` approxinatel;~ 7.5 acres lcca*_ed eas` o` t',F: norch~ast r~nrl sr~irthca~t eorners of Orehard Drive ~~u La4ceviee~~ Avenue; anJ WHERE~S, di,:. to omissions in several p~ra~rap'~s of P,esoiuliur I~o. PC7~-227 relating to the zoning desi,nation of subject oroperty and a typograohical error relating to thc date of the puhlic hearing, it ~~.as d~terrnined that Resolut~on Mo. PC79-227 sliould be rescinded and that the folio~•!ing rnsolutinn be adopt~d: llHEREAS, the Anahein City Planning Con~r~issien dir, receive a verified petition fer Reclassification from the CITY OF A!1/1HE1`t, 2^~+ [ast Lincoln 4vsnue, Anaheim, California 92°n;, agent of certain rr_al propert;~ situated in the City ef Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as foliot~s: Eecinninn at 4 point in t'i~ existinc Anaheim City lim~t line, saiu po~nt being the north~~est corner of the hlorthe~st Anr.c;ation iio. ;, boundary line to said City, said point also being located on the southerly line of Lot jt, dloc4: ?; o` the Yorba Linda Tract, as recorded in 3001; 5, pa9es 1? and 1~. Fiiscellaneous >1ap~, records of said Orange County; thenc~ leavinc? said City limit l~ne and follo~•aing alonq said south~riy line of Lot 4, Blocl: 33 of the saio Yarba Linda Tract S 75° i>' ~1~" 1:~, jC?7.~'4 feet to an intersection ~.,irt, rti~ _ ~r~rlin~ ~f I_,I.~~~~.~i., A.vFnn~; thenc~ `I ?3~ 4~' 1~" E. 334•50 feetralong t}ie centerl ine of said La!:evieH~ P,venue *_o an intersection wit!i the ~.~esterly prolongaCien of the northeriy line of the land dc=cribed i~ deFd recordcd in Book 25~L, oage 3;3, recor-!s of s~id Orange County; thence tJ 72° 2l' 11" E, °,'~.51 ~cet along s~id prolongation ar,d northerty line to a point ~n `he south~~~-_st~rly 1 i~e o* Lot One of thc n~ap of Surv~y u` the Ycrha Reservoir, as shok~n on a map recorded in Boe{; 1;, page 1G, Miscellaneous Diaps, records of said Orange County, said peint being Pl 7~° 22' S4" l•!, 21~.2'+ fcet frorn Station tJo. 1 of said Survey; the~ice 5 74° 27.' S4" c, 218.2~~ feet to said Station 1 of said Survey; thence along said southa~esterl;~ line S 3;° 12' 3~" E, 203.26 feet to a point of intersection ~:ith the southerly tine ~f Lot li in [~loclc 33 of said Yorba Linda Tract, said point of intersection being a point in the northe~ly line of the aforementioneci tlortheast Annexation tlo. 3 hounclary line to the C i ty of Anahe i n; thence S 7So •~ r, ~ r,1;~~ t•!, b2.~ ."~ feet a long a portion of said soul'herl~ linc of Lot i! alsc bcing a portion of s~i~J annexation `.~oundar~; line to the point of becinnin~. PC~30-14 ~;lfiERE~S, the City Planninq Corimissir.m did hold a pu!~lic nearing at the City Hall in the City of /1n~~heim on December 3, 197~, at i:_',^ ~;.m., notice of said public hearing havin~ been duly giv~n as r~~quirr_d hy 1ati~ anri in accorciince ~r'sth the nrovisions ef Li~e Ana,ieim i?unicip~? Cocie, Chapter 1''.~'„ to he~r a~d ccnsioer evideiice for ,nc! against said propose~~ reclassi`ication 3nd to investigat~. and mal;e findin,s and .~comn~endations ~n c~nnecCion l'here~•!ith; an~l UH[f;E/1S, said Comi*~iss~on, aft~r due inspection, investination and st~dy made by iLself and in it= befialf, and ~fter ~uc consideratior~ oF all evidenre anr~ r~ports offered at said hearing, cloes `in~ and deterciir.e the follo~iinq facts: '. That t5e ~etitioner pr.^.poses reclassification oF subject property from the County of Orange F,-1 (Generai Agrir.ultural) Zone to thc City of ~.naheir P,S-A- ~E3~p~p(n} ('tesidential, Aari~ultur~~l - Oil Production Overlay) 7one. 2, That the Anah~im General Plan d~sinnates suhject pro~erty for loo-i- medi~,n density resicientiai land uses. 3. Th~*_ th: propnsed reclassii'icaiion of suhject property is necessary and/or d~siiaule for the orderly ~nd proper dcvclopment of the conmunity. 4. Thar r.he ~rn~~sed r~ci~ssificalion of subject ~,ronerty does n~~perly relate to the zor.es and their permitt~d uses locally estahlished in close proximity to subject prooe~ty and to the zones and the:r permitt~d uses ~enerally e>tablished throuyhout the cornmunity. 5. l'hat no one indic~ted their prasrr,ce at said pubiic hearin9 in opposition, ~neJ that no correspondence ::as received in onposition to the subject p~tition. ENVIRONMEiJTkL IMPACT "IFlDIiJG: That the Anah~im City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject property firem C~unty of Orange A-1 lGaneral Flgricultural) District to RS-A-!~3,n00(0) (~~esidential, Agricultural - Qil Pruduction Overlay) Zone ~n an irre~ulariy-shapecl parcel of land censisting of approximately 7.5 acres located east of the northeast and southeast corners of Qrchard Drive and Lai<eviea~ Avenue and being locnted a~proxima*_ely 10~0 feet nerth of tha centerline of Oranqethorpe Avenue; and does hereby approve the Faegative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there a~ouid be ne sianificant individual or cur.~ulative adverse environmental impact due to the a~proval af this Id~gative Declaration since th~ Anaheim General Plan designaCes the suhject property for lo~~;-nedium density residential land uses commensurate r~ith t"~e proposal; that no sensitive ~nvironr~ental impacts are invoived in the oroposal; that Y.he Initial Study su6mitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individuai. or cumulative adverse env;ronmental impacts; and t':at the bieyative Declaratien suLstantiatin9 the foregoing Pindin9s is on `ile in the City of Anaheim Planninc DeparT.ment. f10',l, THEREF^RE, BE IT RF.SOLVED that the An~hei;r City Planninn Commission does hereby grant sut:iect Petition for neclassi`ic~tion anci, M~ so doin.^„ that Title 13-~ur i n~ oT th~- Analie im '~fun i c i pa 1 Code be a~~~endud *_o i ncorporate. the ahove-descr i bed _~_ PC3f?-1 t~ proper[y inte tha~ 2s--n-1~3,On!1(p) ('f-:,(nr~iTl/;L%P,^f',!C!1LT'!P.~:.~_ - OfL Pq00UCT10~1 GVE'?LAY) Z0~"~.` u~:~n the Folloo-iinn condition ~;:hich is hereh;~ founcf to he a neeessary prerequisite Cc th~ pronosed u~e n~ ,i~~ject property in ord~r t~ nrr_serve tl~e safety and rieneral irelfare o` Che Citizens of t~~e City of Anaheim: 1. Th~t these ruel,~s;ificalion ~rocecdirris are ~;r-~nted ;ubjeet to cornpletion of anner,ation of ,ubject prc~perty to the City of .4n~heim. ~E IT F~~i?TiiE{: RESGL'JED tliat thc Anahe i ~'~ C i ty P lann i n~ Conmi ss i on does hereby fin~ and determine that adoprion of this Re,oluL;~n is e;<pressly preJicated upon appliearit's compiiance ~~~ith cach and all of the condition: hereinaFove set forth. Shou;d any such condition, nr any p:~rt tiiereo(, he declared invalid or ~m enforceable by the final judqment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this 'esolutiony and any approvals herein contained, sha11 be deened null and voi~~ BE IT FUkiHER RESOLVED that Resolution IJo. PC7~-2%7 is ;ierehy repealed, Tf;E POR~GQIt~; RESOLUTIOi! is siyned an4 approved by me this 3rd day of December, 1^7g, ,~f .~ ' ~ ,.s. ~ f ~ir 1 i ATTE~T: CIfA I RF1Fltl, AN~~RC I.t C! Tl PLA~IFI I"!q Cpt•tr1 I SS I Oh! SECRE -~ ~ ~ _ ' TARY, /1~I.~HE I~t C I TY PLA^!M 1 r; ~ Cot•t;a I ss I ~~~ STATF OF CAL I FOR"! 1,1 ) COUPlTY OF OP,APiGE ) ss. C ITY OF AflA.I1E IPi ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretarv ~f *ti~ a.,,~.,.;._ ~.,.. ,.~. :~~~'~Ly c~rlii~y th.st the fo;en~ing resolution ~~as p~ssed and adopted'at a~nlmeeting~ of the AnaheiM City Pianniny Commission held on Decerber 3, 1~7~, bv che Followir.y vote of the members thereof: Al'ES: COhi1115S101~'[RS: DARtJES, QUSFIORE, D;\VID, FRY, !~E°BST, Kii;^, TOLAR IJOES: CQMHISSIOtdERS: ~~or~~ /'+BSEidT: COt1i~1155101~1E°S: P;O~d[ Ihi bJIT~~ESS 6lHEREOF, I iiave hereunto set my hand this ;rd day of December, 197~. .,~(,°~ A'.I/1~~E ~;~I C I i 1' P%~~p~r, ~~~.~n~ ri ,ISSIO„ '= PC`;~-~1~