PC 80-141RESOLUTIO~i rin. ~r,;n_~i,~ A RESOLUTI01: OF TF!E A~JAFIEIM CITY PLA~~4JI~Ir, Cnr~;~~SS~~~i TNAT PETITIO'I Fn^, ~n~I~ITIO~iAL U5F PERMIT Mn, ?1nt gF rRA"ITFO 1!fIERFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Conmissinn did receiv~ a verified Petition for Conditional !lse Pernit from !dIU_IA"1 R, t,/HITI_~ A~m BARqqRq L, l•!HITLA P. ~. tiox 1~!(•,, Ah~•iahnee, California'^2~•!~, oamers. and PF~R.!1 R~DRInI)E7, istj East La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California 92~,n5~ aoent, of c.ertatn real property situated in the City of Anahetm, County of Oran9e, State of California, rlescrihed as: Thr_ South ?_27..n feet of the ldest one-half of the Southorest ~uarter of thc South~•~est Ouarter of the Southeast Ouarter ~f Secti~n 2, 7o~•mship h South, Range 1~ llest, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana, as shorm on a Map recorderi in Dool: ~1, page 1~ of Miscellaneous ~iaps, records of Orange County, Califerr,ia, F`!CEPT therefrom thc interest in th^ West 1~.^ feet thereo` conv~yPd to the City ~f Anaheim by deeds recorded Julp 1~, 1~51~ in 6ook 2?7?, pages $82 and G03 of Official Records of said Orange County. WHfREAS, the City Planning Commtssion did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August 25, 1'1F;~, ~t ~•3n p,n., notic~ of said public hearing having been duly given as required hy )ao-~ anrl in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ^+untcipal Code, C!~aoter 14.~13, to hear and consider evidence for and aqainst said proposed conditional use permit anri tn irvestioate and make findings and recommendations in conn~ction ther~with; and 4~~NFncnc~ ;~;~~ Ccrris~i,~n, aFter dur. incpP~tion, invr.stiaation and study made hY itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repnrts offered at said hearing, does find and deterMine the foito~:~inn facts: 1. That the proposed use is prnperlv ~ne fc,r ~~~hich a conditional use permit is aut!iorized by Anaheim ~tunicipal Code Sectinn 1°,l~I~,nS~,n~n to wit: to permit on-sale beer and wine in an existinn restaurant in the CL (Commerclal, Limited) Zone. 2. That the proposed use ~•rill not adversely affect the a~iioining lanr~ uses and the growtb and developmen[ of the area in ~-rhich it is r.mposed to he located. 3. That the size and shape of fhe site preposed f~r the use~ is adequate to a11o~a the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, saf~ty, and gener~l o-~elFare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, ff . That the ~rant i ng of the Cond i t i ona 1 I)se Perni t ~.mrler t`~e cond i t i ons inposed, if any, ~•~i~~ not he dAtrimentai to the peace, health, safety and oeneral welfare of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim. PCBO-141 5. That the traffic generated 6y the proposed use ~•~ill no*_ impose an undue burden upon the streets and higho-rays dPsigned and impre,ved to carry the traffic in the arca. 6, That no one indicated their presence at said ~uhlic hearin~ in opposition; and that no correspondence ~~~as rec~ived in opposition to the subject petition. EtIVIP,O~!MENTAL INPACT Flid^I~l~: The Plannina Director or his authorized re~.resentative has determined that the proposed pra.ject fr~lls r~ithin the definition of Catego;ical Exem~tions, Class 1, as deFined in Para~raph 2 of the City of Anaheim Environmental Impact Report Guidelines and is, therefore, cate~orically exempt f rom the requiremPnt te ~repare an E~R. N041, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL!'ED that the Ana~~eim City Planning Comnission does here6y grant suhject Petition for Condition?' Use Permit, uoon thr. folloviing condttions U~hich are herehy found to t~e a necessary prereou!site to the proposed use of the subje~t praperty in order to ~reserve the safety and r~eneral o-ielf~re of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That subject property sh,311 tie f~P_VP~ODP[I suhstantially in accordance wtth plans and specifications on file ~~~iYh the City oF AnihPim marlced Exhihit Nos. 1 and 2. EE IT FURT!!ER FF.SOC.VFD that the Anahein City Planntna Commission does hereby find and determine that the adoption of ihi~ Resolution Is exnrPSSly pre~llcated upon applie.a~t~s com~iiance ~:~ith each and ali ~f the conditions hereinahove sPt forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceahle hy the final judgment of any court of c~mpetent jvrisdiction, then this ^esolution, anc! any aprrovals herein contained, shall be deemed null and vci~i. THE Ff1REG01HG RESOLL)TIOt! is signed and a~prove~i tiy me this 25th day of August, 198^. ~,~_~~..~.c,l ~' _l ~ ~~,~I,_>-._~ fItAIR'LA~d PRf? TF'iPq4E ~^.''•41!EIM CITY PLAPI~!I~lr, ~pMMISSI~N ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~z!~ SECRETAf;Y~ ANAIiEIM CITY PLAPJrlINr, (,0~1'115510"I -2- PC80-1 ~11 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPlTY OF ORAPIGE ) ss. CITY OF AtIAhEI"~ ) I, Edith L, tlarris, Secretary of the Anaheim Citv Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~•~as oassed and icionted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pl~nning Conmission helrl on August ?.s, 1'1"~, at 1•30 p,m „ hy the follot•~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COM!11SSIONER~: BhR~lES, BUSNOP,E, ROIMS, FRY, HF2!~ST, ~lN~ P~OES: COMt115S10"IERS: NOtdE tiBSEt•IT: CQMt11S510!dERS: T(1LRR IPJ WITNESS WFIE~EOF, I ~iave hereunto set my hanrl this ^5th day of qugust, 19,`~0. ~~.~:' ,~.° . SECRFT/1P,Y, A'IAHE IN C ITY PL~?I~! I`!G CO`!"' I ~S I OM -3- PCBu-141