PC 80-142RESOLlIT10~1 N0. PCB~-11~2 A RFSOLUTtOrI OF TNE A'lAHE1~1 CITY PLAtltJltlr Cc1t1NI5SI0t! THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIOtIAL USE PERH17 tln, ?~~~ pE DENIED WHER[l1S, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for i.onditional Use Permie from P.ICHAR'1 S. H4C~;E~ISF~1 A~l'3 FLSIE MACKE~15E~1~ 327 West Cincinnati, Apartment 4, Las Vegas, Nevada "~11'1?, owners, and DOtlALD MARSHALL, 314 East Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim, California ~2£'.n~~ aaent of certain real pruperty sttuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California~ described as: Lot !i of Block "C" of the "Center Tract", in the City of Anaheim as per map recorded in hook 14, pa~e 13, Miscellane~us Records, in the office of the county recorder of Los An~eles County. EXCEPTlNG THE"EFROM the ldesterly :.7^ feet therPOf. IJNEP,EAS~ the City Planning Commission did hold a(~uhlic hearin~ at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on July 28~ 1~~0~ at 1:3^• P.m.. notice of said public hearTng having been duly given as required hy lai•~ and in accordance ~aith the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 1°,03, to hear and consider evidence for and agai~st said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommenclations in connection therei•~tth; and t•lHERF/t5~ said Commission. after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behaif, and after due constderation of ali evide~ce ar.d reoorts offered at said hearin9, does find and determine the follo~~ing facts: 1, That the prop~:sed use is prooerly one for o~hich a conditional use permit is authorized by Nnaheim Municipaf Code Sectfon f".45.~~Sf~,Oj~O and 18.~39.030.~10 to wit: to retain an adult hookstore. 2, That the proposed use is hereby denfed on the basis that approval would be in violation of Anaheim Nunicipai Code Section lp.~~.~3~.~%~ in that subject property is located o~!thin 5~0 feet of residentially zoned l~ts, aiithin 10~^ feet of a church utilized by minors, and wtthin 1000 feet of another adul! entertainment business as defined in Section 1~.8A,02Q. 3. That the proposed use ~•rill adversely affect the adjotning land uses and the growth and devetopment of the area in alhich it is proposed to he located. 4. That the size and shape of the site proposed f~r the use is not adequate to allow the fult development of the proposed use in a nanner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, heilth, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim. 5. That the grantinq of the Conditional Use Permit a~ill he detrimental to the peace~ ~.calth, safety and gene.~al aielfarF of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, PC8~1-142 ~. That the traffie ne~erate~l hy the nrnposerl usr ~~i11 i^~oos~ ~n unduc burdvn upon the strr.ets and hiq'~~~iys design~d and ir^orovrr; tn earrv th^ traffie in the area. 7. That on~ person indicateri their nre,ence ~t ~ii,-! ~,ublie hearinn Pn opposttion; and that no corresp~nd~nce~:~as r~ceivecf in o~an5ltion t~ the subject petition. EtIVIROtIMEIJT~'~L IMPACT FI!l~I~l~: T'~c Pl~nnin~ ~iroctor ~r his authorized representattve has determinrd that the pro~o,e~1 nr~ject F~IIs ~•~ithin thc definition of Categorieal Exem~tions, Class 1, as defined in Paranra~ti ?. of t~e City of llnaheim Environnental Impact Report Guidelines and is, there`ore, catenorically exempt from the requirement to ~reparc~ an EIR. ~~O11~ THEREF~RE, f;E IT RESOLI'ED thit thc Anahc~im f.ity Planninn Commi,sion does ~ereby deny guhjnct Pr.titton for f.on~itional ~1se Perni; on ttiP bisis o~ the aforementiened fin~iin~s. TIIE fORE3^I'I; ?ESOLUTI~'7 is siqne~ ~n~f annr~ve~! '•Y ~^ t`~is 'Sth rfay of August, i~,~~~, ~ `'- -~ ~f~~ . t ; . _ l ~ C~~AIR'+AV P~n TF'srn~r ATTEST• n''9!iEl'! CITY PLn~~~~~r~r ~~y'~ISSif`t! <_ _ ~ ~ `~~~ SEC°,CTA.^,Y, A`lAHE I'~ C I TY PLANN I'! ; CON't I SS [^'t STATE OF CALIFORt11A ) COUtlTY OF 0'tANGE ) ss. C IT'f OF A~lAHE t!t ) I. Edith L. Harris~ Secretary of th~ Anaheim r,it„ p~,~~ino Cormistinn~ do hereby Certify Lhat the foregoing rPSOlution ~~as passed ~nd ad~otpd ~t a reettna of the AnaheTm City Planninn Cortriissian he1J o~ qua~isc ?r, 1~~~~ ~~ ~.,~ p.m..bY thc follaaing vote of t!te memhers thereof; AYES: CO~iNISSIOr1ERS: 9A^~if5, rus~~n~~. q^~,"~, F^,Y, Ffi.?~$T~ KI'~~ P~OES: C0.1115510'IEP,;: t!r?FIr ABSE~tT: Cbhl'~iS5f0~!E?S: T^L'~~ ~t1 WITi?FSS blNERE~F, ( havF 'icrcun[o set n han:{ ti' ~r ~ ~ Y t ~s ~t~ ~'iy ~f .huaucr, 1~^n, ~ ~~ 5E„RFTARY, A~;ANEIM ~ITy P~q~n~~•~~ C~`!'+ISS1~'! -2- PC~30-1h2 J